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Everything posted by bd32322

  1. Mooneycaravan.com http://www.b2osh.org/Regionals/regional.htm for formation flight clinics
  2. I would be willing to fly past TBO given its current condition. However, I was saying in my original post, that I would like to move up to a rocket .. And I dont want to buy the rocket first and then sell the J .. The buyers will take me to the cleaners
  3. Yeah I also would like to buy a plane close to TBO so that I can overhaul it to my specs. And I do not like buying a freshly overhauled engine, no matter who did it because I am paying for the new engine but I am not getting to break it in the way I think it should be done.
  4. Haha .. I think there are electric experimental planes now .. Maybe their batteries can be charged similarly. That way you fly efficiently with a prop without a big honking jet engine needed to provide thrust. Btw .. Rx8 man myself (my first car in fact .. Couldnt resist its techno geekiness)
  5. My mooney is up there in engine age .. 1850 hours approx. I eventually want to get a rocket .. so I am wondering should I sell now or after hanging a factory reman engine with roller tappets? To me it makes sense to sell now and let the new owner overhaul the engine as they wish. More importantly the new owner gets to break it in using their preferred method. Its also less hassle for me. But I am hearing that an aeroplane with a nearly run out engine takes a nose dive in value - more than the 15$ per flight hour engine depreciation .. What do you guys think?
  6. Jaguar is building micro turbine range extender cars. The micro turbines spool up and run when you are low on battery and power the electric drive system. The turbines are not used to Power the wheels directly, because throttle response of turbines for cars is terrible. They like to run at a certain power level and stay there. And micro turbines are much lighter than any internal combustion engine .. so thats the advantage in the car instead of an internal combustion engine hybrid car. If this catches on, the price of these micr turbines will come down at least for cars.
  7. Yeah exactly ! The 60k will cover the price of all the rental cars or cabs hired in a lifetime because of landing at an alternate with ILS instead of being unable to shoot a non WAAS approach at the true destination.
  8. Damn ! Who comes up with these numbers? 60k for a software upgrade?
  9. The Mustang might have had a large cooling requirement from its large engine and small cowl frontal area (single seat fighter). I wonder how much cooling drag is reduced by using liquid cooling - although you still have to cool the radiator unless you make it part of the airframe . I have a motorcycle called Buell Blast which has oil stored in its frame! Air hitting the frame cools it instead of a separate oil cooler - interesting.
  10. I didnt see a minimum hours requirement, just a 3 hour formation training requirement at the B2Osh (bonanza to OSH) clinics
  11. Aah great! That also sounds like a good idea Thanks
  12. I'll try the half raised gear technique .. Sounds promising. Thanks Jim!
  13. Hmm i'll try cleaning them. I think there is probably dirt in there because the fittings have no cap to prevent dirt from entering. Thanks!
  14. Sometimes it gets very hard to introduce grease into the landing gear grease fittings, although the aircraft is on jacks and there is no load on the gear. Is there a gizmo other than a grease gun to aid in this? Or some trick? Thanks
  15. What are your opinions about engine savers? These are devices that pump dry air into the crankcase through the breather tube to prevent the formation of moisture and hence rust.
  16. Read the logs in great detail first. On previous pre-buys I could have saved money by going through the logs, identifying the problem areas myself and having the mechanic take a look at those first. Also doesnt hurt for multiple people to scrutinize the logs. And have a mooney service center do the pre-buy inspection like carusoam said.
  17. Compared to a jet engine, a rotary / wankel engine is interesting for low power applications like our airplanes. I would love to see such engines in airplanes. There is a company that makes certified wankel rotaries I believe. .. mostly the experimental market uses them probably. Much fewer moving parts, there is only rotary motion and no reciprocating motion, so its smooth and fewer things to fail (no valves, rocker arms, camshaft nothing) On the flp side it drinks marginally more gas but it has a much higher power to weight output than reciprocating engines
  18. I believe minuteman has a rough runway .. so I avoid the place until I am taking a fixed gear rental. Fuel however is very cheap. BED has very expensive fuel .. If you are fine with that .. Go for it .. It has an ILS approach. OWD fuel is $2 per gallon cheaper. It does not have an ILS but has a WAAS LPV approach.
  19. Does a caravan mean its some sort of formation flight. I have no such experience and I have never been to any of the big fly-ins. I definitely want to go this year because I have exa vacation to burn? Also can someone leave before the entire event is over?
  20. I know that turbines have to endure very high temperatures and rotational velocities. Tolerances on weight and fitment are also super tight because of the rotational speeds involved. Special alloys (read expensive) are used to withstand the forces involved. All these add up. Ever sit in the back of a DC9 or MD80 ? The engine is right there next to the window and you can see it spin and hear everything. You can see how tightly the fan blades are packed against its cowl and how a slight imbalance in the blades could mean trouble. I love the rear seat in that aircraft .. Most people hate that seat There are micro-turbines that produce low power, e.g., the engine in the BD5 jet experimental - also seen in james bond in octopussy i believe. I am not sure but i think they consume more gas than internal combustion engines at our power outputs. Micro-turbines are starting to get more popular in energy generation fields. Hopefully economies of scale bring the costs of those turbines down and maybe some company will then branch out into aviation turbines.
  21. How much free space do you have on your device? It can be found in Settings -> General -> Usage. If you are close to the full capacity of the flash drive (guessing within 1-2 GB of max capacity) - you can have some serious problems with reading and writing to your storage - which is what you may be seeing. It can slow down even before the flash drive is really full. This is a symptom of flash storage. Solution will be to do what is called a TRIM operation - which you can do in PCs - not sure how to do that on the iPad - except to erase a large amount of data on the ipad and then reinstall the data. E.g., deleting foreflight and reinstalling and redownloading the charts again
  22. The airport I fly to or fly over sometimes also has glider activity. But they so far have always had a spotter on the ground with a radio thankfully!
  23. Good outcome, both for the other pilot and yourself. Pretty scary tho !
  24. You can always just load up your plane to gross at sea level airport, climb to KAPA altitude and note your performance figures and plan accordingly. I have been a flatlander but i have flown around KFNL a bit, which is closer to the hills than KAPA and about same altitude. The 100 or so horsepower rotaxes had no problems, so I anticipate your Mooney to have no problems as long as you fly by IAS. Also not many obstacles to hit around there, its high but all flat mostly.
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