Moon_Dog, I've had similar issues with my 1990 J model, and what worked out best was adjusting the switch stop (tab secured to the push-pull rod) so that it contacts the plunger face flat instead of at an angle. My A&P previously tried lubing the plunger with CRC contact cleaner with immediate results that did not last much. As a sealed switch, about the only place the lubricant could be of some effect is on the plunger, and that actually looked very good and corrosion free in my case. My switch appears to have been replaced from the original and it is currently an Otto Controls P6-24014 alternate part number in the IPC. When I called LASAR earlier this year looking for a Honeywell 1CH116-6 switch they told me that switch was no longer available, but recommended alternate part number P6-24014 (what I have now), and which in March 2024 was $1,152 new but out of stock. They also suggested using another alternate part number 1EN1S priced at $1,768 and one was available then from the Mooney factory.