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FLYFST last won the day on April 15 2024

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  1. Thanks for the research Skip! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Moon_Dog, I've had similar issues with my 1990 J model, and what worked out best was adjusting the switch stop (tab secured to the push-pull rod) so that it contacts the plunger face flat instead of at an angle. My A&P previously tried lubing the plunger with CRC contact cleaner with immediate results that did not last much. As a sealed switch, about the only place the lubricant could be of some effect is on the plunger, and that actually looked very good and corrosion free in my case. My switch appears to have been replaced from the original and it is currently an Otto Controls P6-24014 alternate part number in the IPC. When I called LASAR earlier this year looking for a Honeywell 1CH116-6 switch they told me that switch was no longer available, but recommended alternate part number P6-24014 (what I have now), and which in March 2024 was $1,152 new but out of stock. They also suggested using another alternate part number 1EN1S priced at $1,768 and one was available then from the Mooney factory.
  3. Hello Skip, when you were researching the gear up limit switch did you by any chance also find an available alternate part number for the gear down limit switch? When I looked the Honeywell 1CH116-6 was no longer available and the alternate part numbers P6-24014 (Otto Controls) and Honeywell 1EN1S were very expensive ($1,152 to $1,768), but not in stock when I searched.
  4. Confirmed! My serial number specific flight manual has no reference to an Alternator Switch, only an Alternator Circuit Breaker and separate Alternator Field Circuit Breaker; mystery solved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. My J is the Advanced Training System (ATS) version, so maybe that’s why? Just a WAG but really no idea why. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Just a circuit breaker for the alternator, not a separate switch. best - Hank
  7. Thanks very much Skip, I was planning to disconnect the battery but had not thought about the spacers. Hank
  8. Anyone have experience replacing the digital clock on the left instrument panel, located above the Master and Avionics Master switches on a late model (1990) M20J? I plan to replace the current MD-89 clock with another of the same make and model, so no changes to the wiring configuration. The back of the clock assembly is very difficult to access from the top of the instruments panel after removing the glare shield. The best way to access the clock appears to be removing the entire left mini panel by removing the two mounting panel screws (red circles) at the top and bottom, correct? The clock itself appears to be mounted with small nuts on the back of the panel securing the screws (red square) instead of blind screws, so pulling out the airspeed indicator for access to the clock, instead of removing the entire mini-panel does not seem a viable approach. thanks - Hank
  9. Great, thanks, definitely same as mine.
  10. The tubes I'm planning to use for the main gear in my 1990 J are 092-500-0 | G15/6.00-6 TUBE TR-20 / Straight Michelin AirStop. Can anyone confirm the picture from my J shows a TR-20 Straight Stem as opposed to the TR-67 or TR-87 angled stem? Thanks - Hank
  11. Daytona Aircraft Services also has a shop at Spruce Creek (7FL6), Jake oversees that too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I considered both before purchase and at the time decided to stay with the wet tanks. Neither solution is permanent and bladders have the added installation cost. Good luck with your bird - Hank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I have been using Savvy Analysis for many years and have always been very satisfied with the value they provide, their quick response to my engine analysis tickets and related questions, and their continuing efforts to innovate such as FEVA and now the borescope inspection guidance. Good luck with your decision - Hank
  14. Nice, and no surprise there. His work ethic is great. Hank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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