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Everything posted by sleepingsquirrel

  1. "the M20 airframe has been dived in excess of 330 mph and withstood static tests in excess of six G's without failure as well as withstanding the flutter test at over 200 mph." I find comfort in this statement.
  2. Why can there not be "leather" in a rattle can product? Like a high quality flocking product?
  3. http://www.npr.org/2014/05/28/316319441/after-private-pilots-complain-customs-rethinks-intercept-policy On NPR this morning.
  4. Sleepingsquirrel's Mooney leading edge dent pusher. Must use green tape as cushion. Picture 1 : Armed to strike Picture 2 : Thumb blood blister position.
  5. My Grandson will be in third grade in 7 years , I'm already planning this for his third grade class. May 7th 2021 will be the next one. The event was surprisingly easy to make happen. I had made a display of WWII aircraft that I had taken from some old calendars. Later one of my friends informed me that one of the little boys took him aside and told him, " there is an inappropriate picture on the display." I was concerned of course but confused, until my friend told me that the inappropriate picture was nose art on a B25. Sure enough about the size of a half dollar was a cow girl with boots, vest and cowboy hat and not much else! The Med Flight pilot busted out laughing and said that's not inappropriate that's history!
  6. I just learned that this is Bob Zimmerman. Flies out of Moontown near here. N6704U is his aircraft ,I think the link shows someone elses plane. A very nice man, accomplished aviator. He and his wife had many adventures flying the Mooney across the Gulf of Mexico on into South America.
  7. I called today and expressed that they could check with AOPA because a bunch of guys on the internet are just that. I believe the Honorable Senator Shelby's office will follow up with AOPA for researched facts concerning this case as well as others. So far pretty painless. Of course if I find a ramp check done on my Mooney in the next 6 months I'll blame it on sticking my head above the edge of the foxhole.
  8. I'll probably refer them to post #157 and then the AOPA . Mark .....Mark.......? then refer them to item #5 in this link: http://download.aopa.org/images/benefits/2014_PAC_Issue_Briefing.pdf
  9. Well, Senator Shelby's office called me back. Something to the effect they were not aware of this happening would I please give them a call . What now?
  10. For a few hours this week several rather ordinary pilots were Aviation Gods. I arranged a field trip for my Grand daughters 3rd grade class to the airport. Seven other friends of mine produced aircraft for them to see, sit in and ask questions about. There were no questions asked that these pilots could not answer, there were no questions asked in guile, just simple honest questions from children being exposed to the airport and General Aviation for the FIRST TIME! All but three of these children have have never flown. Only one of them had been to the airport. The airport management team were excellent hosts and supplied a Piper Cub airshow . One of the local RV builders also did circuits in the pattern. The State Highway Patrol arrived early in the three hour session and were a big hit. Three hours stretched into four. Our local MED FLIGHT crew were also big hits near the end of the day.The Blue Angels or Thunderbirds could not have gained more attention from these children. Can you imagine 103 children so quiet one could hear a pin drop? The Q&A between the children and the pilots was conducted in open air without any amplification. Do airplanes crash? How high have you flown? How fast will it go? Why do you fly? How are the flight surfaces connected to the yoke? Have you ever crashed? Do pilots get lost? Why are airplanes different? Why does that airplane have eyes? Have you flown through the Bermuda Triangle? This was all before the group was escorted onto the ramp to sit in the aircraft. The questions never ended and the pilots never failed to respond. Only the upturned faces of curiosity when an aircraft would appear in the pattern seemed to slow down the childrens efforts to become pilots in one day. Any aircraft that appeared was greeted with wild hand waving and ooohs and ahhhs as they magically moved through the air to a safe landing. Nothing I can say to describe the overwhelming satisfaction of seeing this with my own eyes! Thanks to all who made this possible! You know who you are, ....................Aviation Gods NO ONE can take that away from you once a child gives it.
  11. Not the first time history has recorded this ,I think before it was..."I was just following orders".........
  12. Honorable Sir, I am concerned that I have come to expect this type of abuse of authority when flying for business or recreation. Is this what is allowed or expected in the United States of America? This did not happen to me, but concerns me. Thank you for your consideration. Excerpted by permission of the writer: "Finally it happened—I was detained and searched by Customs/Borderz Patrol while armed police stood by and watched. Looking back on the blatant lies and pure intimidation that was used sickened me. Here are the details: 1. After landing, a customs agent approached my air craft and told me he was here to do a “pilot credentials” check. .............................. ................................ 18. Through out this entire process he was very beligerant and over powering. Every time I tried to speak to give my side of anything, he refused to listen to me and told me to, “be quiet.” I was very intimidated by him, but because of the AOPA’s guidelines and the prior discussions on this forum, I knew that it was important that I be friendly and cooperative—which I was." Although I'm sure to regret this communication in the future I did it anyway! Thank you for allowing me to use your post in it's entirety.
  13. Speaking of which. I'd Like the OP's permission to forward his story to my representation , with the question, "Am I to expect this is likely to happen to me?"
  14. I have never thought I would rather find the wreckage of an airliner crash than......Seeing it come back. I can see a possibility of reprogramming multiple transponders with identical codes and distributing them to many smaller aircraft. The code may be one assigned to a ligimate airliner. In a coordinated effort the stolen airliner shadows a flight then all of a sudden multiple transponders are turned on squawking the same code and unique identifier. This is how I would hide an elephant ,.......... in a herd of elephants. I'm sure the best minds are on this as a thought within the realm of possibility.
  15. http://takeflightsandiego.com/assets/documents/KochChart.jpg
  16. http://www.mooney.com/images/pdfs/si-pdf/m20-117.pdf Insidious.
  17. So ,do tell what is it that I did wrong?
  18. I did it in my M20B. Needed the tank empty for a leak repair. Expect to lose about 500 ft during the event. Really a non event.
  19. Start at the last page and read toward the front in appendix G. Nobody will read it that will actually vote on it either.
  20. POA forum discussion worth study. May allow modifications to certified aircraft without ruining the ability to return to certified status. Instead of experimental for a Mooney it just becomes non-commercial use while using un-approved parts. This is indeed good news for all GA. " WOOO-HOOO!!!!! Read Appendix G! Primary Non Commercial Category! It's even better than I hoped as it allows a simple way to convert back to Normal Category by removing non PMA-TSO parts and can be done by any IA. Rock on, this means cheap glass and auto pilots for our aging fleet and potential engine conversions." http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/committees/documents/media/Part.23.Reorganization.ARC.FINAL.Report.pdf
  21. Welcome, you couldn't have picked a more reliable bullet proof performer! I''m still enjoying mine and with a little TLC it will outlast me. Here are some manuals . I will have a parts manual scanned soon. mark20b operating manual.pdf Mooney M20B S-MM.pdf MOONEY MARK 21 OWNER'S MANUAL (2).pdf
  22. Hey! I never said who it was green for!
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