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Everything posted by sleepingsquirrel

  1. Some people should be made to walk to their next destination!
  2. Although they are all the same size ,they are labeled : 1. small 2. medium 3. large 4. EXTRA LARGE Aircraft Spruce informs me that they only invoice EXTRA LARGE because that is the only size pilots order.
  3. I have this and if I find other info I'll pass it on. MOONEY MARK 21 OWNER'S MANUAL (2).pdf
  4. Oil goes at 15 lbs for 8 quarts. 7.5 lbs per gal
  5. I've had good results by replacing the compensator. I think the tiny magnets can loose their effectiveness over the years. http://shop.avionics.co.nz/c21400
  6. Only if it has the fragrance of jet exhaust.
  7. Contrary to my belief that my air was stolen ,my wife is of the mind that it escaped. Her thoughts had it escaped, "who could blame it?"
  8. I was back out to the airport yesterday and must have surprised the thief. Some air was missing from my tires but he had not yet stolen the air from my fuel tanks ! My AI is electric or he would have stolen the air from it the same day he got the air from my compass.
  9. I'm pretty darn sure that theft of air from a compass on an airplane is a violation of Federal Aviation Regulations. Only a certified instrument repair station is allowed to remove air from a compass for exchange with new air.
  10. Thanks! I've managed to get the smoke back into my battery. It cost me about $300. I'm going to check tomorrow , I'll bet that S.O.B. took the air out of my fuel tanks too!
  11. I'd like to know who took the air from my compass yesterday. My compass was fine with a layer of air visible just below the glass and above the card. Never got lost and was able to fly a glide slope just watching the liquid level.Now the air is gone! I'd like to know who , why, and where is my air?What the hell would someone do with the air from my compass? Maybe they coveted the additional useful load it afforded me. Maybe there wasn't enough air in their compass so they took mine. Maybe they needed it to make people believe their airplane was a jet! The authorities weren't really interested in helping me find the pneumatic fluid thief. I may offer a reward on my own to get my air back.There is a slight chance it wasn't stolen , it may have escaped! If you see my air contact me on the Red Board. It is clear and relatively odorless, but it does bring to mind the smell of jet exhaust.
  12. Is this a Mooney and who is it?
  13. Thanks! I appreciate the advice. I knew this was a three place airplane!
  14. Thanks! I've heard that the B model is structurally the same and capable of C model gross and envelope performance. I've just never had to jockey front seat position to keep CG in limits. I have never given (moment for retracting the gear) a second thought.
  15. I wonder how many have flown an M20B model this close to gross and near the edge of the envelope. I understand that retracting the gear will give +536 inch pounds. Any thoughts? I could drop 12 gallons of fuel with no problems. How should I expect her to fly?
  16. I use my compass all the time , that's where I hang my GPS.
  17. You've never done this before have you?
  18. Please be careful ! Under no circumstances let the degaussing coil come near the Mooney's flux capacitor , because where we are going when that happens , we don't need no stinking compass!
  19. It's entirely freaking possible! but how you gonna do that while swinging the dead cat?
  20. Good question! The degaussing coil which uses AC can magnetize or demagnetize . Voltage in the coil is creating field lines that reverse N/S slightly out of phase with the voltage. Current lags voltage. Current in a conductor creates a magnetic field. As long as the field is rapidly changing as it is distanced from the steel tube the steel tube it is likely to retain a small / insignificant (0) residual magnetism. If the current is stopped while the coil is close to the steel tube it can remain magnetized in the polarity of the last cycle as voltage/current decays to zero in the coil. Ideally you would want to stop the dergaussing tool when the AC voltage reaches zero, the current has stopped and the magnetic field around the coil has collapsed, hard to measure even harder to do . After the AC is turned off the collapsing field around the degaussing tool creates current in the tool and power supply wires until the field is completely collapsed. This current in the coil and conductors in close proximity to ferrous material can magnetize. The SB mentions that this can happen with the growler ( shop tool for testing motor armatures for shorts) I also forgot to mention that degaussing requires the swinging of a dead cat above your head while fervently repeating the Lord's Prayer backwards to be completely effective. I reserve the right to defend myself when the EEs weigh in.
  21. Do iron ships pose particular problems for magnetic compasses? Yes. The magnetic field of the iron body of the ship itself affects the reading on the compass. When iron and steel ships became common, many scientists studied the problem. One of the earliest was the Astronomer Royal, Sir G.B. Airy, who in 1838 used the iron steamer Rainbow for his experiments. Airy thought of a method of neutralizing a ship's magnetism by placing magnets and pieces of unmagnetized iron near the compass. Modern ships and submarines have huge cables running around the longitudinal axis of the vessel which can be energized with AC power to degauss while underway. This helps resist setting off magnetic mines,or having a magnetic signature which the enemy can target.
  22. Sounds as if you should leave it on until you are low on fuel then turn it off to extend your range.
  23. Be sure of the simple stuff positively first and foremost!
  24. Every old crt monitor has a degaussing coil at the front of the screen. I made mine with a momentary switch, just plug it into ac power and activate by pressing the button. Be SURE to remove the COMPASS first! This thing can and will heat up while you are holding it waving it around in a circular motion! You may hear the mags vibrating ,you are too close to them!! Keep it high and start close to the windshield bar. Push the button as you slowly circle the coil and back away from it without coming closer to any other steel then release the button. It is not hard but requires some knowledge of the magic of fields, you can make it worse! You can make it better, it may require several attempts degaussing then at swinging the compass. There is an order of cardinal points to swing as well. Theory is that the rapidly alternating current in the degaussing tool magnetizes steel one way then the other. As you back away the magnetization gets weaker and weaker in the metal you are degaussing. I had to exchange the compensator in my compass because someone had stripped the gear trying to compensate for the magnetized window steel tubing. Mine was about 20 degrees off and I flew it for a couple of years that way just applying a deviation card of my own (mentally) My mechanic thought I was surely going to get lost! disclaimer: I'm not an A&P , I'll not be responsible for beating you with a stick to make you let go of a live circuit. I can't possibly know how talented you are with electricity , or building something from salvage parts. I don't even know if you can use a screwdriver so good luck! Get a flying buddy to let you practice on his airplane first!
  25. Yes! He used his judgement to handle it all right, he red handled it!
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