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Everything posted by sleepingsquirrel

  1. I have one exhaust temp probe and one CHT probe and lean to rough then enrich slightly. I have read about leaning then enriching and watching airspeed peak. I did this a couple of times as I fiddled around with the knobs. I'll try increasing the RPM for speed. DA was 9700 ft. I checked the manual and see I probably need to go WOT then back it off slightly to get it off the auto rich feature. I suppose that leaning like I was doing does the same thing as backing off the throttle? CHT was 380F like always . Thanks for the information !
  2. I climbed to 7500 feet today just to show my wife the tops of the clouds. I admit this is the highest I've been in years in a "small" plane. OAT 64 degrees; IAS, 136 MPH. All in all, pleased with the performance, the climb rate was only diminished slightly from take off from 600 ft MSL like 900 FPM. I was rather surprised to only achieve 22" of manifold pressure at WOT is this why people need a turbo or is my engine sickly? I guess I could have pulled the throttle back and oversquared the RPM but by how much? Why do I want to do that?
  3. There was an instructor at our field who had a lunch time lesson with good looking woman. Of course the rumor was that there was some romantic involvement for him to instruct while he had his lunch in the plane. Well, one day while the lesson was going on a little turbuence caused him to drop his sandwich. He accidently keyed the mike with his knee as he retrieved the sandwich just in time for her to exclaim,"You're not going to eat that nasty thing are you?".
  4. Quote: Piloto Leaving fuel in the tanks helps to keep the temps down, specially when the plane is left out in the sun. Jose
  5. "so my friends will know who I am and not shoot me down, My enemy will never see me coming" Sleepingsquirrel I have been on your six for a while ,you are smart and knowledgble , I respect you and want you to be respected as an aviator! GA needs leaders more now than ever!
  6. Young man, I'm tired of shoveling it's your turn. The more you shovel the lighter my load!
  7. I suspect you believe in insurance. Anything the insurance company does is OK as long as it keeps your premium as low as possible! Well?
  8. This is WTF I'm talking about : I guess we are lucky that the parts/ electronics are in one airplane and not being sold among several aircraft with the potential for failure. There could be several deaths spread out over many different airframes if it was parted out to the highest bidders. JPs offering started somewhere, Eve sinned, then Adam sinned, they were both considered guilty and both banished!
  9. They were unwilling to accept the total loss! This started the chain of events!
  10. Therefore their hands are clean!?
  11. Quote: jetdriven someone is going to die. you read it here first. As long as you didnt know the person who is dead, it makes it easier.
  12. Well , I had deleted my post after thinking that what someone does (insurance company), does not have a bearing on what someone else does(Jerry P.). However , if the aircraft was not recoverable economically by the insurance company and it was sold at auction to the highest bidder with no value added what's the difference? I guess we are lucky that the parts/ electronics are in one airplane and not being sold among several aircraft with the potential for failure. There could be several deaths spread out over many different airframes if it was parted out to the highest bidders. JPs offering started somewhere, Eve sinned, then Adam sinned, they were both considered guilty and both banished!
  13. We should start a Mooney co-op and purchase these planes before an unsuspecting buyer gets saddled with it. The co-op board would then get to decide the fate of each and every aircraft with history.
  14. What we have here is a good case for the "Scarlet Letter"! The Airplane in question should have to wear a Scarlet S on its tail for all to see! Maybe a good case for "Dave's Neckliss" and a snorkel will be hung around the neck of JP unitl............
  15. I'll bet you only forget to stow the anchor one time!
  16. Really , If you can't handel one of these .............what kind of pilot are you?
  17. Have you ever considered that since the world is covered by 3/4 water that without an ASES you may be considered just 1/4 of a pilot? Maybe even just 1/8 of a pilot if not ASES with IFR?
  18. Hi ya'll, I looked at my certificate: It says: Sleepingsquirrel has been found to be properly qualified to exercise the privileges of Private Pilot On the reverse : Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land If I were to write a novel it would start this way: Sleepingsquirrel, a squirrel plagued by a lack of ambition, a squirrel who knew his limitations and enjoyed his limitations to their fullest! In a measurement of accomplishments of all squirrels, a squirrel secure in the knowledge that he enjoyed his small leaps from branch to branch (rather safe ), and did not see this as a limitation. He watched other squirrels press leaps further and further and wondered , why don't I leap that far? Sleepingsquirrel ponders what makes squirrels leap further and further when everything this squirrel needs is within easy reach. Sleepingsquirrel realizes he is measuring with an internal yard stick , knows where he started and how far he has come. Not all squirrels are flying squirrels does this make them any less a squirrel? Sleepingsquirrel does not subscribe to the notion that one is never finished, a real artist knows when to stop, step back and admire his work . Until we meet again Sleepingsquirrel
  19. I got married so I could feel inadequate, not having an IR just didn't do it for me.
  20. Dang, you pot stirrer! I paid too much money to learn to fly to sit in a cockpit for hours without seeing the scenery! If I wanted an IFR experience I would just sit in my closet and play microsoft simulations with the screen turned to dim setting and wear those foggles too! I don't do this for a living and no longer have anywhere to be or go to that badly! I have more to say but it's lunch, the second most important meal of the day I want to fly to LUNCH not to LAUNCH to fly
  21. I see a market for a great training aid here. Simply a plastic dry cleaning devoid of all cautions and warnings commonly seen . Instead it is sold with instructions something along the lines of: 1. Place bag over head 2. Breathe normally 3. Gather loose bag around neck and tie loosely with the provided string 4. With the pencil and paper provided write: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" 5. Don't go toward the light The only caution necessary is that the safety person is not the beneficiary to your life insurance policy Disclaimer: I actually ripped this off from my companies retirement plan. It comes in the mail with instructions similar to the above except it simply states; "Here is your retirement plan". Follow the instructions , welcome to retirement The real disclaimer: Don't try this a home , at work , or in your car this is just in product development
  22. " It feels like I have more close calls than ever before. " Same here.
  23. Quote: scottfromiowa One was brown, one was grey and they both had beady eyes and bad teeth...
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