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Nathan Peterson

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Everything posted by Nathan Peterson

  1. Very nice!
  2. Bennett, Thank you for the details of the GTN 750, 650 and the GDL-88. Nate
  3. Oscar..... GTN 750.... your panel looks great! I'm sure you really like it.
  4. Very nice!
  5. Leaving tonight for a around-the-world-trip... when I get back it will be the middle of Feb..... Spring is just around the corner.

  6. Tom, Glad you and your son are ok...... I understand..... all the rest can be replaced. Nate
  7. Very nice... Thanks for sharing!
  8. Sweeeeeeeeeet..... love the interior.... nice job!
  9. This morning flew from Memphis to KHDI. Lots of rain and ice.. climbed to FL190 with 267kts GS... It was fun, but I'm trired.

  10. From the album: Good Times

    Out of FL190 to 6000'.
  11. From the album: Good Times

    Flight from Memphis to Tulsa.
  12. From the album: Good Times

    Sun going down with a nice night approach.
  13. Thank you very much!!! Happy New Year.
  14. Well, I made it back from my trip to the Orient ... good trip.... could of used a different copilot with a better attitude.. looking forward to flying my Mooney soon. Happy Holidays to all.

    1. philipneeper


      What happened? Im glad to hear you had a good trip!

    2. Nathan Peterson

      Nathan Peterson

      The actual trip was good... the copilot wanted to be captain from his seat.. couldn't let that happen... makes a long trip....but I stayed in command.

  15. Nathan Peterson


    Man that is pretty... you did a real first class job on her.
  16. Leaving on a 9 day trip tonight, KMEM-PHNL-KLAX-RCTP-VHHH-RCTP-RJBB-KOAK-KMEM... Looking forward to a nice trip.

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