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Everything posted by N33GG

  1. Good luck Scott! I hope you get it resolved. We all have our medical challenges, especially as we become "old guys, or gals", and most of them make no sense from a practical point of view. Very frustrating. Every day I think about buying an LSA for reasons like your situation. Imagine being totally banned from flight. Not an answer I want to hear. Again, I wish you all the best!
  2. Good job Captain! I am glad you are OK. These are the stories I really like reading.
  3. I probably pass the real knowledge bar. AC devices with purely changing magnetic fields will not tend to magnetize nearby objects that would be susceptible. Static magnetic fields are indeed the problem. There are a few caveats that really do not apply to the application we are discussing, but these are the basics. Don, I think your understanding is solid. The trick is definitively saying what magnetic field or fields any particular device is emitting without a bit more information. Some equipment configurations, although AC powered could emit a combination of static and time varying magnetic fields. A portable battery operated vacuum might very well have static magnetic fields that could be a problem. (DC or AC motors...) Hope this helps!
  4. Are we talking about AC or DC motors and equipment here?
  5. Wow! Hmmmm! You have my greatest sympathy! A total nightmare.
  6. Which prop do you have on your M20J?
  7. I think the biggest issue is that the plane was probably last pinging in Pakistan, not in the South Indian Ocean. But it is still hard for me to imagine that our government would ever actually tell us a lie! So I guess I'm conflicted....
  8. Gee, cooperating and being polite really seems to pay off!
  9. +1! Seriously!
  10. Ditto here. If I fill to 8 quarts, I think my plane dumps the first quart on the take off roll.
  11. Err on the side of caution. Very slow descents with young children or infants. Ascents are no problem, usually. Fragile ears.
  12. To add a couple of points... My engine too was OH'd several decades ago. The first step was to pull all four cylinders and have Don Maxwell give the cam lobes and inside of the case a good look. Everything looked great, so we ordered the new cylinder assemblies. I was prepared to make the OH choice if anything looked questionable.
  13. Not exactly the same situation, but last year I was having similar issues. Instead of fighting cylinder by cylinder, I opted to have all four replaced with factory new assemblies with new pistons. Not exactly cheap, but the difference is amazing. Solid power with no "morning cough", and oil consumption is less than a quart every 10 hours. Glad I did it. You makes yer picks, and you takes yer chances. Good luck! YMMV and FWIW, as always...
  14. Well, in an effort to support the quest for 300, I will commit a thread hijacking... I have been thinking about buying a PLB, and looking at the ResQLink+, as well as a few others. Any Pireps or opinions?
  15. I used to have a nice Globe Swift. It is the only aircraft I regret selling. Most Mooney pilots would appreciate and enjoy the flying qualities of a Swift, IMHO. Great aircraft!
  16. I'm with Jose on this one! And I'll share the sky with him any time!
  17. Piper Meridian was my answer. Could have worked for me in the past, but ain't going to happen now! Not LSA qualified.
  18. I have had mechanics offer to give me an annual for $200. I declined the offers. You makes your picks, and you takes your chances. Be careful out there. There are no absolutes.
  19. Too cool!!!
  20. Stated another way, reach deep in your pocket... (Like most of us already have....)
  21. Ouch! Good luck, I wish you well! When you have lemons, make lemonade. Sometimes life gets tough, you just have to be tougher. The most valuable mistakes make for the best education. If you haven't found a solution, you probably haven't looked at the problem from the right angle. Don't give up, the answer is probably out there. Again, good luck.
  22. Nope. Check my previous post. Pilot in command responsible for airworthiness, etc. Not only a vigorous pre-flight, but after any annual or maintenance, the first flight is a thorough test flight. No exceptions. No launching off to get anywhere VFR or IFR. Especially IFR for crying out loud! Gotta get home will wait til the test flight is completed.
  23. Carpet makes ingress and egress safer. Without carpet, any bit of oil or grime on the bare floor can be very slippery. Very slippery! Personal experience in a Mooney many years ago bringing back memories...
  24. Several of the RV models are awesome. They fly great too. Might be on my short list for the future...
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