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    Fort Worth, Texas
  • Model
    '68 Cherokee 180D

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  1. Let's see... imagine as a CFI I am requested to give a complex endorsement. Therefore, by simple logic, the pilot has not yet even received a complex endorsement, and is likely low on the complex experience curve. However, upon showing up for the complex endorsement flight, the pilot is going to show me he has a deeper understanding of engine management than just memorizing the POH, from reading forums on the web. I'm not sure this would favorably impress me. In fact, it might make me nervous and wanting to find out if there is anything flat wrong or dangerous in his head, that this pilot has picked up during his browsing, before I sign him off with my name in his log book. It would likely extend the ride, at the very least. I stand by my original statement. Stick to the POH until you get the endorsement. again, just my two cents
  2. And the FAA thought drones were a problem...
  3. For a check ride, I recommend doing exactly what is advised in the POH, and don't try to demonstrate that you know better. just my 2 cents.
  4. Wind was great, unless he was landing downwind. Then, it wouldn't have been so great.
  5. If this keeps up, they are going to place Mooneys on the Endangered Species List.
  6. Near Dallas Airpark. Both occupants OK.
  7. 1. Sell? Yes. 2. Flight school lease? No! 3. Hawaii? Enjoy! 4. Better airplane when you return? Put that thought off and return to #3. Easy decision in my mind. It is usually better to not try to guess too much about the future.
  8. 231. The 231 was designed to be what it is, it is an excellent design and aircraft. The F models are add ons that to me, make sense if you already had an F and couldn't really upgrade to the 231 and wanted to work with what was already in your possession. I have flown plenty in both, and the 231 would be my choice hands down. No offense to the F models out there. 231. FWIW YMMV etc.
  9. "It can happen to anyone in the heat of the moment" More true words could not be spoken. Ratings, experience, and brainstorming on forums provide no guarantees either. None of us can be too careful. Very sobering. Prayers for all concerned.
  10. Crap... It's raining Mooneys. Prayers for all.
  11. Turn back? Don't be that person. Prayers for all.
  12. I have gone through some effort, with the advent of the internet, to look up and reach out to a few old friends. All had bad results. I'm not going to do that any more. I hope your results are better than mine. Good luck.
  13. You might want to go ahead and look at a Beech Duke. That sounds like where you will end up eventually.
  14. It really depends on what aircraft you are flying, and what skill/experience level is present in each seat. Clearly, airline and company pilots have most of this defined. For the rest of us, it is wide open. When I am riding in right seat, I usually just ask the pilot if there is anything they would like me to do or help take care of. It might be a simple as setting transponder codes to operating the pressure control system in a more complex twin. Whatever they ask for, I do my best to get the job done. If I am left seat with a fellow pilot in the right seat, I usually ask casually what they would be comfortable with or like to do regarding the flight. I try to avoid ego based briefings or commands. A comfortable environment promotes better cooperation, and safety of flight, IMHO. It can be relaxed, while at the same time still being very professional, serious, and competent. If I am flying with another pilot, and see something that is very wrong, I try to give help without being critical or confrontational. Don't get me wrong, with my background and experience level, if the safety of flight is in question, I will take the controls away from whomever, regardless of which seat I am occupying. But with the right communication, such action is usually unnecessary. If I really have a dispute or concern with the other pilot that might become confrontational, I save it for later on the ground. No need to get into a debate in the cockpit while there is flying to be tended to. Thoughtful discussion and potentially differences of opinion can wait. Park you ego before getting into the cockpit. Before you think about unloading on a fellow pilot for doing something stupid, remember that you have been stupid too. We all get nervous with another pilot on board, regardless of whether they are more or less experienced than we are. The only time in my pilot life that I pulled the mixture back, instead of the prop, right after takeoff, was with an FAA inspector in the right seat. I was nervous, no question about it. The engine almost died, and I wanted to die! The inspector calmly reassured me that he was just another guy, and there was no need to be nervous. His calm action totally put me at ease, and the rest of the flight went great. If he had chewed me out, or acted incredulous that I was such an idiot, the flight would have only gotten worse. I learned a lot from his cool communication, and try to be that guy. All for what it is worth.
  15. Get another mechanic.
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