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  1. Ok, I fly right at 100 hours per year and it costs me $200/yr. I fly from VT to CT (1 hour flight each way) to get it inspected. I help by taking off the spinner and reinstalling it. I like to fly so this is another excuse to go flying. And I'm still CHEAP!
  2. Well since installing mine my CHT and Oil temps have skyrocketed! But we did remove the lower cowling scupper and closed it off. The cowl flaps area is the only area for air flow. Did your installation retain the bottom cowl scupper? It's a SB from 1971 for high CHT's. I need help as I don't dare fly anymore due to CHT's that are 440-450 now.
  3. My Century HSI 360 is not working anymore. The Obs needle never goes anywhere, the glide slope never worked and the clutch to adjust the heading now barely works. The heading bug does work and sends the heading corrections to my autopilot. I had my avionics technician take it out and sent it to a replair facility. They said it's not repairable and it's not even worth a core value. $0. How does a $10,000 instrument not have any repair option? They did say they could sell me a refurbished unit for $3,500 and they would waive the evaulation fee. I need options here for another repair facility. The Gyro spins and as far as I can tell most of it works it just doesn't receive or recognize the navigation signals. Please help. I am not going to buy a $10,000 instrument or as the avionics technician wants to sell me a new flat panel Aspen. No Money!!! Sorry that's crazy money on a $50,000 airplane.
  4. I'm cheap. At $200/inspection/year, I can go a long ways without this modification. Thanks.
  5. Does the video for the rest of you end before the landing?
  6. Very nice day. The second video is why I want to get my IFR. Not to fly like the first video but to get through clouds and pop up above them safely. Thanks.
  7. Quote: garytex I bought an M-20F with lots of SWTA mods and poor inter cylinder baffling in Nov.
  8. I got you all beat. Dropped it of on 30 December 2011. Still in the shop. It keeps getting "bumped" back for other planes with urgent repairs. Engines, skydive planes, turbo props, other customers. Not liking this at all. Oh and I paid in advance. Nice. I cannot wait to see the date when the annual is signed off. It will be a June 2012 date I'm sure. That's 6 months and not because anything major happened.
  9. Full fuel and 4 people in my 1970 M20E out of a small airport in Newport, NH. Come on really? http://www.newportnh.net/index.php?nav=147 The airport is a 3450 foot runway and we used about 1500-2000 feet. I don't remember exactly because it was years ago. It's the first and last time I flew in and out of the runway. And that's a long runway in my opinion. I usually fly in and out of Middlebury, VT which is a normal 2500 feet. My Mooney has a useful load of 950 pounds. So let's do the math here. Me=200 pounds (6'2") Co-Pilot= 150 pounds (5'9") Wife= 130 pounds (5'4") Mom=130 pounds (5"2") Fuel=312 pounds. TOTAL Weight = 922 pounds. Under the limit. We flew 1.5 hours and I did put my seat 1 notch further forward. It was fine. It's not like we are going to fly 4-6 hours in this configuration.
  10. Call the FBO. I find that's the best way. Then your friend can have a place to hang out while you fly in.
  11. 1970m20e

    How to Land

    I liked this landing. 1970 M20e with electric flaps, and gear. Nice snowy runway makes for smooth landings here in Vermont in the winter. Almost as good as landing my old 1946 Cessna 140 on the Alton Bay, NH a couple years ago. Ice is even smoother landings.
  12. That's why I like my M20E. The gear retracting is on the panel and the flaps are on the throttle quadrant. It's very hard to forget which one does what.
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