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    Meriden, CT
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    1987 M20J 205

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  1. Agreed that CB panel was the toughest area to work on. Congratulations upon completing the job. It makes a much better first impression around the entry door.
  2. Old windlace replaced. Actually was a big job and took days but the end result is well worth the effort. Pictures of before and after .
  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have received enough windlace material to tackle the cargo door (more on backorder). I found that my '87J has the same tiny phillips head screws. At times it appeared that rivets would have to be drilled but that was not necessary. Right now I have the old one removed and will be installing the new on later today.
  4. I have not gone further in the disassembly yet. I have not received the new windlace material yet. I'll advise once I proceed further.
  5. Hi All, FYI. I discovered that the center section of the handle cover was removable. Super tight fit and hard to visualize at first. One more hurdle down for the project. Jim
  6. Hi PTK, carusoam, PT20J, cliffy and kortopates, Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the windlace replacement. I'm currently awaiting the replacement windlace material. Once that arrives I plan to tackle the project. I have made some minor efforts at removing the handle but still haven't determined how those apparent covers over the handle fasteners are attached. I'd hate to damage the covers and create a new problem. Once I solve that issue, I'll post the solution for others who may face the same covers.
  7. Hi carusoam, How did you remove the grab handle? I cannot seem to find how to remove the cover over the mounting screws or bolts. Thanks for your response.
  8. Has anyone replaced the windlace (see picture 1) for the entry doorway on their M20J? I'm looking to tackle this project myself but see some obstacles. How do you removed the handle attached to the front fuselage door frame used for entry assistance (see picture 2). How is the windlace attached to the frame (screws or rivets)? I welcome your feedback and suggestions.
  9. Under a new name, a once defeated nemesis of aviation is back. Why would the FCC approve their plan without adequate testing? Why doesn't the FAA put a stop to this? Follow the money. Aviation GPS Technology Seen To Be At Risk... Again 5G May Have A Strong and Negative Impact on Aviation GPS Thanks to a tip from EAA, we've learned that Lightsquared is back... under a new name. That's right -- An old nemesis to aviation GPS signal integrity made a new appearance this month as a satellite company named Ligado advanced its 5G wireless plan with an approval from the Federal Communications Commission. The company, formerly known as LightSquared, is pushing for permission to begin terrestrial 5G cellular and data service on frequencies it owns that were intended for satellite use. The proposal has caused divisions among government agencies as well as major corporations. It is similar to the plan the company brought forward in 2012, which faced major opposition before being rejected by the FCC. Recently, the FCC reversed its position and approved the Ligado proposal. Commercial and general aviation interests are both opposed to the new plan, as it could cause interference with GPS signals increasingly relied upon for air traffic separation and aircraft navigation, including precision and nonprecision instrument approaches. The Department of Defense has also come out strongly against the proposal as a technology that could cost billions of dollars to replace GPS equipment in military aircraft. "It seems very odd that at the same time that the FAA is increasingly relying on GPS technology for everything from ADS-B and NextGen to tracking unmanned aerial systems in the national airspace, another government agency would approve a plan that would degrade that technology and make aviation less safe," said Sean Elliott, EAA's vice president of advocacy and safety. "It was a bad proposal a decade ago, and it remains so." Supporters of the plan, which include some of the country's largest telecommunications conglomerates and some White House advisers, maintain that the plan is needed to fully integrate 5G technology throughout the country, including such innovations as driverless cars and smart-home technology. EAA has noted that it remains adamantly opposed to inappropriate frequency spectrum allocation and use that could degrade the accuracy or integrity of GPS signals that have become integral to the utility and safety of the national airspace system. FMI: www.fcc.gov, https://ligado.com/
  10. Received the following message from a friend and thought it was worth sharing: Rumors are spreading that the Air Force Thunderbirds and Navy Blue Angels flight teams are collaborating on a joint flyover of the New York/Philadelphia region to honor medical workers serving on the front lines of the pandemic fight. Talk of a flyby comes as airshow enthusiasts are writing about possible plans for flyovers of major cities as part of a national morale-boosting campaign. A “draft bulletin,” which purports to be issued by the FAA describes 15 aircraft from the combined teams departing from McGuire and flying throughout the region. An Air Force spokeswoman declined comment, but said joint training exercises were taking place. “The US Air Force Thunderbirds arrived at NAS Pensacola on Monday to conduct joint training with the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron in preparation for possible future operations.”
  11. For what its worth, I was occasionally losing GPS satellite information; primarily at startup.. I replaced GPS antenna to no avail. At suggestion of avionics shop I replaced the Garmin 430W internal battery (with no error information from the Garmin unit itself) and it definitely stopped happening. My 430W was about 10 years old at the time.
  12. A couple of my favorite photos. Jim Simmons, Cheshire, CT
  13. I used Total Aircraft (based at Brainard airport in Hartford, CT) for my prebuy inspection of my 1987 M20J and was very satisfied with their findings. At the time (10 years ago) they employed a former Mooney Service Center mechanic who specifically worked on my Mooney inspection. Following the inspection I also used them to remedy the issues they uncovered. Hope all goes well with your inspection and subsequent Mooney ownership. Jim Simmons Cheshire, CT
  14. Hudson Corridor snapshot from last night (11/27/2017) Freedom Tower
  15. Attached is my late entry for the Lasar Mooniac t-shirt contest. I thought MooneySpace participants might enjoy seeing it. Jim
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