There are only a couple of places that people use once a case is split as well as crankshaft overhaul - period. Divco and Nicksons. Not many can certify and overhaul each and every part of that engine according to the manufacturers overhaul manual… Many shops will turn up their nose at your 4 banger when there is more margin in that 6 banger, that big bore 6 banger, and especially that fire breathing turbo beast. As an owner of a TSIO 360MB, all I have to say is OUCH. Why can’t my mooney mite go 200Mph???? Worse, private equity has entered the aviation room. The price of flying just became much much higher. Arcline bought Hartzell, Spruce is buying many, blah blah. All overhauls are field overhauls unless performed by the OEM. Only lycoming and continental technically can supply remanufactured / new engines. Whether Lycon, zephyr, Tim’s , Penn Yan or Joe Blow assemble your engine, all those shady tree overhauls are field overhauls unless someone can correct me here. Not to say that some shops aren’t great - they’re all field overhauls to service limits. A local friend of mine overhauls engines for 12k plus parts and work on it right away. Happy to put you in touch with him. For many pilots that’s a steal; for others including mechanics they would find that amount too much. Your mileage will vary. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk