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  1. Definitely add the intercooler. The 231 installation runs hot and anything that reduces overall engine temps will be beneficial for both longevity and performance. There is a reason the 252, Bravo, Acclaim, and Ultra all have intercoolers.
  2. Going 200 knots costs lots of $. Most 6 cyl turbocharged ~300 hp engines cost this much to have factory rebuilt.
  3. Any high performance aircraft will require appropriate rudder input in various phases of flight. Without rudder trim, I use my feet. If the trim servo is moving the rudder trim uncommanded then have it checked by a competent mechanic.
  4. I believe this aircraft is now based in California and is for sale.
  5. Just sent you a DM.
  6. Any suggestions on how to diagnose a slightly low voltage condition on my main bus? Mine is making 27 volts when 28.5 are called for in a healthy system.
  7. Would one of you please post the sellers contact info. I would like to speak with them.
  8. I had this installed at my last annual. It has two functions, audible gear warning call out "gear" and audible altitude call out in feet starting at "100" down to "10". Functions much like a radar altimeter. Observations: 1. In visual conditions at familiar fields not much benefit. 2. In visual conditions at runways that are significantly wider or narrower than your home field, reasonably helpful to avoid the dreaded flared too late/early PIO. 3. In IMC or night, VERY helpful at all fields. 4. "gear" audible won't force you to put the gear down but is definitely better than the horn in the standard setup. To me the cost was essentially an insurance policy against a gear up.
  9. FYI new TSIO 550-G with core exchange
  10. Would you post a pick of the retrofitted lights? Does the footprint/form factor match the old one? Any paint work required? THX
  11. No way this will meet the National Highway Safety crash regulations (too heavy) and be able to fly off the ground with more than a hamster inside for more than 10 seconds.
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