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clh last won the day on September 26 2013

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  1. I am sure some of you can get the engine signed off by a guy with a red-tipped cane for $100... I will respond no more to this thread... there is no more benefit.
  2. New prop, remove, crate and ship engine, a bit of engine work, re-install engine. It adds up fast. It was under $45k, but not by much. BTW folks, the insurance adjuster had no problems with the estimates I was given.
  3. Quotes for the INSPECTION only, you are correct. But someone has to remove and re-install the engine...... If that can be done free, $45k is high. And as I stated, I just am having this work finished myself.
  4. I feel your pain, coming out of a similar situation. $45k is about right for a propstrike inspection. Prices are way out of control. But, depending on the avionics you have, take a look at what the market is like. Good "E"'s are hard to find at a reasonable price. Also, before you contact the insurance, look at your stated value. If it is low, the insurance adjuster will just total the aircraft and leave you screwed.
  5. My son got his ppl in our Mooney..... But, we had him learn to land in a rental... Mooneys are not that hard to land, but I think leaving botched landings in a rental there is more forgiveness and less repair costs.. If you ding up a rental, you leave it with the rental insurance and go to the next rental on the line. If you ding up your Mooney, it stays with you, and you will down until repairs are completed.... Additionally, there are very few CFI's that are that familiar with our planes compared to P or C. (my son soloed in a cub)
  6. The guide is a great read. I am not interested in selling right now, but it is nice to know what affects the resale vaule.
  7. That would be a game changer. The next question is: Can the electrical grid handle the load?
  8. A bit surprised about your service as well. They were excellent when I had questions.
  9. +1 for yetti on this... It is very easy to temporarily swap 2&4 probes and verify there isn't something about the probes.
  10. So, you are finding a brown gooey substance... Over time, avags will oxidize, and Polymerize to create a brown looking, gooey mess. I would be very concerned if you had jet-a contamination. It really sounds like a very slow seep over time. If it appears in the fuel sample... it could be from the seep. But, it should be a very minute amount of material
  11. I’m asking because I’m no chemist... if 8 gallons of gas (~48lbs) get burned, how does it turn into ~213lbs of byproduct (150lbs CO2 & 9 gallons water)? Is it combining with that much O2 while burning? My simple mind says the weight in vs weight out should be similar... in simplest terms, each molecule of gasoline(octane C8H18) uses 17 molecules of Oxygen and produces 8 molecules of CO2 and 18 molecules of Water. so the 8 gals of gas has approximately 40.5 lbs of pure C atoms and 7.5 lbs of H. The 40.5 lbs of C consumes 216 lbs of oxygen the end result is what you get.
  12. Hate to say this, but pure N2 is just a scam for most applications.... There is much misinformation on this subject simply because the tire dealerships see the advantage in charging for filling tires. Unless you are flying a jet or other very cold application where freezing water may become an issue. N2 doesn't hurt, but it also is no advantage for most of us piston engine single guys. Do the research. quick read and not overly techical https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/Map%3A_Physical_Chemistry_for_the_Biosciences_(Chang)/02%3A_Properties_of_Gases/2.9%3A_Graham's_Laws_of_Diffusion_and_Effusion
  13. Thanks Dan, This is a great idea and I am happy to see you keep it going. They are great people to work with.
  14. Sounds good. How much for shipping? I presume we can use your paypal account.. craig
  15. @Alan Fox looking for a fuel access panel. 610036-504 (the one that has the fuel cap) craig
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