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Everything posted by FAST FLIGHT OPTIONS LLC

  1. Quote: Sector95 Sorry if this is a silly question, but why are there what looks to be 3 GPS moving maps on the panel?
  2. I was told today Garmin is ditching the whole MX200 MFD concept due to lack of sales and their announcment is going to be a high resolution NAV/COM WASS enabled unit with a whole bunch of new functionality. THINK GNS530W+MX200=NEW PRODUCT
  3. If anyone wanted to share the round trip fuel expenses from Memphis, TN I wouldn't mind heading there if there happen to be one or two people in the area who wanted to go. I'm currently working in Memphis but live in FL and I'm looking for a reason to get back to the East Coast for a couple of days!
  4. Quote: Skywarrior Hello, all - Am having difficulty with landings in my Bravo. My approaches are fine UNTIL... I round out for landing. I continually either pull back too hard on the yoke, or not enough. Then I float about six feet above the runway and start stalling. Never had this problem in Cessnas, but I'm looking like a novice in my new bird, and it's keeping me from passing my BFR. I've viewed Don Kaye's landings video (which is very helpful), but I'm still not "getting it". Can anyone offer tips to help me? It's so embarrassing... Chuck M Chuck- Where are you looking during the flare? I would suggest looking way down the runway and NOT just off the nose if that's what your doing. That helps...alot. In my K I just hold it off and let it settle onto the runway. It's basically a flat pitch not too much nose up...you might need a little nose up pitch in the long bodies but again...not to much. Your floating because your way too fast. Speed control is key. Fly by the numbers. Without that nothing else is going to matter because your leaving too much to chance.. My POH calls for 75KTS indictaed on final. I like 70 better especially when I'm light. "Be patient and wait for it" I remember my instructor telling me during my commercial training. If you do that you will hear the chirp of the tires every time. I have seen alot of Mooney Drivers use the "chop and drop" approach. They find themselves too high/fast on final and just pull the throttle back to idle and float in for a couple of mile. Constant refinement of power on final is key as well...keep your hand on the throttle the whole time...always making small adjustemnts. Think power on/ stabalized approach at 75 kts indicated on final....makes me want to go out and do some touch and goes now! Avoid pushing the nose forward to compensate for whatever you might have going on in the landing flare...bad things happen to our Mooney's when we do that.
  5. Quote: mph5790 I overhauled my engine this summer and added a JPI engine analyzer. The #1 was always running the hottest sometimes going over 400 running ROP which concerned me. Upon questioning my A&P and switching probes etc. we determined the probes were reading correctly. We then took a baffle off the front of the #1 and it became the coolest running cylinder. Now I have been running LOP and it continues to run the coolest but now it is so cool at 280 degrees I wonder if that is good. If I switch to ROP it runs about 320 with the other cylinders in the mid 300's. Should I put the baffle back on and not worry about high temps on that cylinder?
  6. Quote: Saltaire Just joined this forum and decided to check in here. I am the co-owner of Saltaire and at least feel a response from someone in the paint business can lend some insight here. I am not here to defend my company’s bid but rather to give everyone a little insight into this topic. It takes approximately 250 to 300 man-hours to strip and paint a Mooney, so if the shop you’re working with is bidding $8K consider where they are taking the shortcuts to make a profit at that price. A reputable shop will remove all control surfaces, spinner, cowling, gear doors, and access panels. Does the shop have an A & P on staff? If you are looking to apply a TLS style paint scheme think about the layout person who is going to lay all that tape and the hours it will take. Will the shop remove all the access panels on the underside of the wing, prime them off the airplane and paint the exterior surfaces, off the airplane. This guarantees no paint bridged surfaces between the wing and panels so at your next annual your wing does not look like a disaster after the panels have been reinstalled Will the surfaces be rebalanced, reinstalled with new hardware, and all access panels installed with new stainless steel hardware? Do your homework; unlike other services you pay for whether it’s your car or house, the person who works on your airplane better be qualified and reputable. Joe de Cillis; Co-Owner, Saltaire Aircraft Refinishing
  7. Quote: 201Pilot Thanks for the very thorough explanation jlunseth. I, like other 201 owners on this board, frequently debate making the switch to a turbo as my flight mission requirements change. How long did you have to receive additional instruction to develop some measure of proficiency in flying a turbo? How long before you felt confident in your management of engine temperatures? If a K model does not have built in oxygen, do you feel that is a deal breaker? Or do you recommend having a portable oxygen system on board as a backup to the built in? Is it economically feasible to retrofit a built-in oxygen system to a K? Just wanted opinions from the well informed. Thanks.
  8. Quote: jax88 fantom : that's the rub, I'm not sure if I'd be better off with a 252. I don't have any experience with either, and not knowing what speeds, fuel burns, and maintenance costs to really expect for both models makes this a difficult process.
  9. Quote: davidfreedman With the birth of my son a month ago, I anticipate my '83 M20J will see little flight time in the coming months. I'm looking to take on equity or block hour partner(s). For those of you that follow the market I'd love your feedback on my thinking in terms of pricing. And for anyone interested, please post or PM. Partnership: Value based on conservative vRef at $116k (split 2 or 3 ways). Not that it's relevent to today's pricing but I purchased her in '08 for $124k and have put in about $10k in upgrades. Block: 5 hr/mo @ $70/hr dry, 10 hr/mo @ $60 hr dry Equipment list and photos at http://mooney1171p.weebly.com/index.html
  10. Quote: philipneeper hey guys, had a 4 day weekend and it felt great me the gf and old boss man (A&P) took the mooney in and started in.... look in my pic profile for pix of this weekend... as of now she has all new engine hoses as well as brake hoses... some panels stripped.. new tires.. new vac pump and all master brake cylinders rebuilt. i did a compression and it turned out pretty shocking. after setting for 14 yrs i had 1 bad cylinder compression... so i pulled off cylinder #4 and found that she has a stuck intake valve.. no biggie im getting it taken care of right this second. the rest of the compressions are as follow #1-78 #2-77 #3-72 and then the 4th one with a stuck valve. i do know that i will need a avionics upgrade so if you wanna sell some old radios for cheap or donate.. HA HA ... let me know. the bx 2000 and king 8001 loran system has to come out. i know i lost quite a few rivets but no biggie, that will come soon. thx for your support guys
  11. Quote: jlunseth I second everything he said except the crit. alt. I have the Merlyn and Turboplus Intercooler and have been as high as FL220 with throttle left, so I can't say I have found my plane's critical altitude yet. Because of the intercooler I consider my redline to be about 36-37 rather than 40. As great as a trip like that is, we have to admit there will also be days where it just works out better because of adverse winds up high, to stay down low. The top GS I have seen so far is 242 KPH. Descent from those altitudes can be a real yeehaw. Coming in from Bismarck I have had to start my let down a hundred nm out, though 75 is more normal. Don't want to hurt anyone's ears. Now, I hate to tempt anyone, but I am told by someone who knows that speedbrakes are a must on the slick Acclaims and some Bravos. Tip the nose down just a little to descend and you will go over Vne without em.
  12. Quote: kortopates No fair bragging about ground speeds - its TAS that matters! But if you really want to see what that K can do, you really need to get up another mile or more higher and really take advantage of the increased TAS you'll get at about 2 kts/1000' and the typically stronger westerly winds when headed west like that. Enjoy!
  13. ...I offer the following pictures as proof of the awsome performance of the older turbo Mooneys. 205KTS @ 13K on 10 GPH. I made it from Memphis, TN to Jacksonville, FL in just over 3 hours and it cost me about 100 bucks in fuel. Tons more leg room then in coach and the snacks were free Delta doesn't even come close to touching that!
  14. Ahhh...the old oil leak on the left side of the cowling. I remember when I purchased my first Mooney (M20J) and I too thought I had an oil leak as I was cleaning off oil from that area after every flight It was always more pronounced with extended high power climbs. I actually started a thread about it on this site. I had a mechanic I trust very much once tell me oil on planes is like sap on trees, you cant have one without the other. Some of my first question to you would be why do you think something is leaking? Do you have an air/oil seperator? How much oil do you fly with? In my J anything over 4.5 would blow out. Im my K I keep it at about 6 or I will have the same problem.
  15. Well I see their prices have gone up
  16. Quote: garylayne I am shopping aircraft paint facilities in FL for my M20F - the closer to F45, the better. I currently am speaking with shops at VDF, BOW and Deland. Seems a full strip and paint is about 7-8K and a scuff and shoot is 5-6. Will probably go with the full strip. Can any mooney owners share their experiences associated with these places or others either good or bad? Pictures and points of contact are greatly appreciated. thanks Gary garylayne1@gmail.com
  17. If anyone needs a MSC in FL I would recommend Daytona Aircraft Services in Daytona Beach. It's really the only place I would let service my Mooney in the entire state. They have been maintaining my K since before I owned it and I never really had any problems with the plane to speak of. There basic annuals are cheaper then most non MSC's in the area as well
  18. Quote: OR75 comment on the LORAN part only... My J model still has a LORAN installed. The units works well where there is signal (like in Canada or close to the US border). I still plan to remove it one day but do have my mind set on what I want to do with the space available. I never take shortcuts when it comes to safety or meeting regulatory requirements. But I don't mind saving money when I can. I will take out the LORAN at the same time I install that "something". OK I stand corrected then....I was actually unaware there were still LORAN signals being broadcast which could be considered reliable for navigation. I was under the impression the system was dismantled in it's entirety thus rendering the receivers useless. I'm surprised to hear the LORAN systmes still have functionality.
  19. Quote: N6719N A lot of airplane for the money? Anyone know the background of this aircraft? Hmmmmm.... what do you think??? http://www.barnstormers.com/ad_detail.php?ID=459926
  20. Quote: ehscott I did mine on the mains after 20 years and 2,200 hours (only 3 years after I bought the plane). First priority was a prop O/H and Garmin 430. Next year will do the nose gear as well as O/H the gear actuator. Man are these planes expensive!
  21. Peter/or anyone- I've been considering the Aspen/Garmin brand glass panels and have a couple of questions...My previous post didnt seem to post (if it shows up later this will be the second) In any event; If one should opt for the Aspen system 1000 PFD/1000MFD then 1)How much would one of these batteries which provide 2 or 3 hours of power set you back (AMU's?) in order to take advantge of not having to have an airspeed indicator and altimeter? 2) Even if you opt to remove the enitre vaccum system your still required to maintain a seperate electric Attitude Indicator regardless of the type of Aspen set up you have correct?
  22. 1982 M20K 231 28" 2500 RPM 50 degrees (LOP) TIT 9.5 GPH 175 + KTS 65% power 10K and higher altitudes
  23. Everyone- We would like to share the "Mooney experience" with 3 or 4 qualified individuals in the North Florida / South Georgia area. We have a great flying plane which I would like to see flown on a regular basis. See my web site for further information and email or call me with any questions. Thanks! /R -Nick www.FASTFLIGHTOPTIONS.com
  24. That makes me wonder about it even more, since my system will produce the O2 on the ground.
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