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Everything posted by Vref

  1. But flying a Mooney is worth all the hassle and money :-)
  2. Quote: 231BB Vref, It's great to hear about Mooney's flying in Europe. I would enjoy reading your comments on flying in Europe, +/-'s, typical expenses, and how the public perceives General Aviation. Congratulations on getting your J flying! 1982 M20K KCCR
  3. for those living in Europe this is the incandesent light for 12V Farnell Electronics has them: http://be.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=1139333 LAMP, T1.3/4, BI-PIN, 14V, 1.12W; Supply 7382
  4. Quote: kortopates Luc I htink your J uses the same annunciator as my K except in a 14v version. My Mooney IPC for the K model uses a CM7327 bulb, which I found at Mouser (95 cents each) when I had the same problem a few years back - you probably just need the 12v version of the otherwise same bulb, See your IPC and/or the Mouser info on mine at http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=7327virtualkey60600000virtualkey606-CM7327 and you should be able to find the correct one you'll need and perhaps from a supplier in Europe. These aren't soldered to the board, eventhough I though the same thing, till I realized they pull out and push in.
  5. Add a third tab for the European (would like to be) IFR Pilots. Regulation obstacles! The European IFR ticket is very hard too get. The theoretical knowledge level is absurd.... I am going for the ATPL exams the difference between CPl/IFR is minimal...the question bank runs into 15000 questions...aleluha...!!! You get 18 Months to study and go to class, pass rate is 75% on each of the 14 modules (7 if your IFR only)...For somebody having a full time job and a family almost not achievable.. Most all of the people are flying single engine N registered aircraft if they want to fly IFR in european airspace for business purposes!...go figure.... The flying skills between FAA and JAR are the same I believe (maybe more focus on NDB approaches) however the theoretical part.... Once you go for the real IFR flying you are confronted with the complex European ATM system of flight plan acceptance of eurocontrol CFMU (Now called Network Operations),which is not even part of the official IFR practical training This debate is altready ongoing for years in Europe...! Yes I would love to fly IFR in the future, to have the additional safety net in place...if my old 45 year old braincells still can absorbe everything..
  6. hhhmhmh..nobody..it looks I will have to reverse engineering here..;-)
  7. For the 78-79 M20J drivers. Looking for a part number or voltage/current rating for the bulbs used in warning annunciator panel... My LO VAC is U/S They are soldered and not the GE330 type... sorting out the minor to do stuff..now Anyone..? Thanks -L
  8. Thanks guys for kind words. There are still some squawks to resolve.which is normal I think after such a major makeover..... There are some smaller things that couldn't be fixed locally, mainly to the lack of parts and avionics test equipment I will have the time now to go myself in the details of things and give it the final touch... But that's why we have this fantastic forum ..;-) To: Magnus..I would love to go to Bitburg but I have a full agenda next weekend and week..We surely have to meet as Saarbruecken is not that far.;-)..
  9. Thanks all, here some first pictures
  10. After a year of patience I finally can call myself proud owner of operational M20J which has had a major airframe overhaul/repair and new interior and exterior. It took three days of test flying to get to the level of acceptance....to make the 600 Nm jump.. The main troubleshooting stuff: clogged injector = EGT way to hi on one cylinder easily repaired thanks to a installed JPI800 LDG gear failed to retract on the first flight = switch adjust behind the airspeed failed to function (this gave me some stress...) some smaller avionics issues...the HSI is not slaving correctly (still to be fixed) small aileron rigging to make it fly straight hands off.. etc... So,yesterday we (my safety pilot and me) flew the 201 from Hungary over the Austrian Alps to Belgium that's about 620 Nm we did it in shot in about 4hr50 we had headwind most of the time. The weather was terrible at some point we had to fly through a cold front with CB's all over the place...we flew in heavy rain that I felt like sitting in carwash..with the WX11 storm scope dotted green everywhere .... Winds on landing was 25-30 Kts gusting..15 degress cross.., half flaps only landing... I think this was a full performance flight and the aircraft underwent it excellently its an amazing travelling machine, even ATC gives you a more jet like treatment in communication.........I am very very happy... I will post some pictures soon.. Luc
  11. Quote: allsmiles I don't think the instruments are going to be obsolete I think the skill required to overhaul is going to be obsolete soonerthan the instruments. Electronic gadgets and boards just doesn't sit right with me. And not to be picking on Aspen but frankly they don't appear to have the adequate quality control and r and d. It seems they release boxes that either they don't play well with each other or with existing avionics. There always seems to be some glitch. Their answer is to fix the problem swap boards swap units etc. Who has time for this hassle. I just don't feel they or the product is ready for prime time.
  12. Well I started my career in aviation repairing DC10 avionics. It was state of the art technology 70's 80's ...till it became to expensive to repair all the sophisticated ADI's, HSI's, INS's etc....The airlines went glass... Electronics are also less time consuming in the repairshop...board swap's etc...So I guess we will be all looking at glass in the near future..;-))....but in some countries they will love to see the pricedrop of second hand HSI's and ATT indicators
  13. Not restarting the discussion but here is some interesting reading... http://www.peter2000.co.uk/aviation/sn3500/index.html The question that I would ask myself is first: $$$$ then MTBF then Operational benefit....but we have been there haven't we...;-)
  14. Quote: Awful_Charlie My KC192 went back to BK as it wouldn't pass the self test (just kept bleeping forever after the test button was pressed). Came back to me with an invoice for GBP455 (+taxes & shipping) Better than the new battery in the 480 by Garmin, for which they hit me for GBP600 (again, + extras)
  15. Quote: DC_Mooniac Luc -- it's 24-0514
  16. Congratulations with your aircraft, looks to be in good shape and welcome to the 78 club! Whats the serial btw..? gr Luc
  17. ...oeps ..system malfunction..
  18. ...a pure EFIS PFD with FD A/P steering capability replacing the OLD mechanical ATT indicators capable of replacing KI256 a like that's what I would like to see in the market more..(KFD840 failed to do this for the moment). This would require AHRS/GPSbuild in the unit Only ASPEN has it for the moment you can replace a KI256 with the EA100 as interface box for the older A/P's...the GTN is a big step forward I think .. .roll steering could be seen as one of the outer loop A/P inputs like nav signals heading, course etc.....A digital auto pilot would automatically cope with roll steering so I don't see any need to have that in the GTN.... In a big jet the FMS is neither steering the aircraft.. my 0.2 eurocent's on it...
  19. Well...to widen this topic! Look at the classical case Boeing versus Airbus....the heavily contested subsidising discussions ongoing for years! Where is the money is coming from to enable new technology with economical benefits later on..fare trade in aviation business etc..? There are currently discussions ongoing between the US and Europe to maybe stop all this and cooperate in stead of fighting....Asia is moving forward very fast in the aviation field. China's growth in this field will be heavily subsidised by the state, you can be sure of that! The future will enable new alliances in aviation . We will have a couple of new players on the table soon requiring a reshuffle of the cards... Nagging about it won't help, we are in a global market its up to the existing players in aviation to rethink there positions..and hopefully ride on the wave of change to benefit from it... An OESO study showed that China's eduction system is Nbr 1 or so world wide......... In order to stay ahead with technology that's where it all starts.......Jeeeeeee...I stop now... Pisa Study very enlightening reading
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