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Everything posted by Vref

  1. Hi, I am Luc from Belgium, just bought a damaged M20J 1978. The aircraft sustained a nose gear collaps attempting take off from a bumpy grass runway! I am upgrading from a Taifun Motorglider as my mission profile Belgium Hungary is 600Nm with a Taifun it takes me 6,6 Hrs flying (105Kts) hope to cut the time in two with no refuel stop with a Mooney. My bird will undergo full restoration in Hungary. I hold FAA and JAR SEP/TMG PPL (600 Hrs) ratings hoping EASA will get there act together in 2012 for an achievable PPL IFR rating. The bird I bought is B-RNAV (GNC430-KX155-DME-ADF) equiped with a KFC150 A/P. Looking forward to fly that awsome aircraft soon. I appreciate the easy and good looking interface of this mooney forum. Very informative btw... greets from Belgium
  2. I am wondering if you can install a fin skirt on a 1978 m20J mooney model? It's the smooth overlap between the fuselage fairing and the vertical stabelizer. On the 1978 it was not yet installed..? I know you can go for a full glassfiber fairing from LASAR but I am only interested in the small part PN:440033-001. If I look at the IPC its effectivity II but its some unclear to which range of serials its applies... Some help appreciated its for a 24-0586 tnx
  3. Anybody has experience with this brand new unit..? http://www.insightavionics.com/g3.htm Surely looks very tempting and can be installed in a standard instrumetn hole
  4. Hi Rustler, Thanks for the Pic. Nice aircraft. IN 1994 I visited a friend in ABQ and I flew in a rented 172 to Taos. Quite impressive flying over there specially when over the rwy threshold the canyon drops..;-)... Yes I can understand with the three blades take off performance is a bit better..;-)
  5. Hey there, Is that the old three blade or the new scimitar MT prop? It seems the MT scimitars perform better during take-off climb, bit slower below 5000Ft but better then the two blades in the above 7000 Ft range... What signifigantly is important to me is the reduced weight, less vibration and significant noise reduction in and outside.. rgds
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