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About Barry

  • Birthday 12/29/1946

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  • Location
    Charles Town, WV
  • Interests
    Photography, Woodworking, Sailing, Ham Radio
  • Reg #
  • Model
    1966 M20C

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  1. Quote: aerobat95 I feel your pain. I just moved from Kansas to Oklahoma and they want to charge me an excise tax on my airplane. The thing is I am not even a resident of this wonderful state....I am just temporarily stationed here with the military. I think it is criminal that states are able to do this. What I want to know is does the money we pay to these states go back into the aviation community?? Does it help revitalize the airports in the state?
  2. I hope he gets his account restored. I'd hate to see one of the regulars not come back.
  3. As far as the fuel pressure varying ... I was surprised at how long it will bounce before the engine stops. It is quite a good warning. I watch the totalizer and when I think it is getting close I spend more time watching the fuel pressure guage.
  4. A NOTE: ... actually, when switching tanks, I note the fuel consumed on my totalizer and keep a record. I really feel that the money I spent on the totalizer is one of the best investments I've made. As a side note, it is the 1st electrical instrument to fail should I have an electrical failure ... which gives it even more value!! )
  5. The routine I use is to run the 1st tank 1 hour and switch to the 2nd while noting the time. Fly the other tank till it's out of gas ( I don't wait for the engine to die, you can see the fuel pressure bouncing around when it gets close). Switch back to the 1st tank and note the time. Time left on the last tank is 2nd tanks time minus 1 hour. I also have a fuel totalize that is within 0.9 gal of actual (in my favor) which really keeps peace of mind.
  6. Here's a link to a 2N2016, but it's $124.95. Would have to do research to see what else can be used. Maybe easier to re-design the circuit ... but then ... is that legal ?? http://store.americanmicrosemiconductor.com/2n2016.html?gclid=CNT5pMqdgKsCFUHe4AodpjEC0w
  7. forgot the link :9)
  8. Quote: jetdriven I swapped out the transistors with MOSFET transistors, soldered them up and heat shrinked all the legs, then bolted them in and connected the wires.
  9. Although the IO-360 can run LOP, you still have to feed those extra horses. The 0-360 is a pretty fuel miserly engine at altitude and I HIGHLY doubt you will see anything close to a $10K fuel savings over the O-360. With the eventual release of the electronic ignitions, the carb engine is supposed to be able to run LOP for an even greater fuel economy.
  10. 50 years as K3SUI - Extra ...
  11. Quote: eldeano I also agree that it increased the fuel flow judging on my fuel burn compared to others.
  12. Quote: jetdriven
  13. Having a copyright of an object or setting does not dis-allows others to take similar pictures of the same subject. The copyright only keeps others from using that specific picture for monetary gain. If an ad agency wants to use that specific photograph in one of their ads they will need to pay the photographer a royalty for its use. Seems fair to me ...
  14. Quote: fantom According to all these morbid "stats" I should have died 18.7 years ago..... ;-)
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