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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Probably a little on the expensive side , I may have the flaps sold...
  2. Yes 450 SMOH , Overhauled in 1995 ...
  3. Wont break up an exhaust for 1 part , They are about 300 from AWI
  4. Just pulled the exhaust , It is drilled for a JPI700 500.00 plus freight
  5. I don't do cheap ,
  6. Avionics were weak (Narco) Corroded spars...
  7. Funny you should ask about ailerons , I sold him one two years ago...…. I will be bringing then back this week.....
  8. Parting out a 67 E model....Alan 856 419 5209
  9. All 4 for one low price Alan 856 419 5209
  10. Pair of exhaust tunnels , nice... Alan 856 419 5209 ...
  11. This is for the complete set , Very clean
  12. Price is for both , one has a doubler on the reinforcement Alan 856 419 5209
  13. These are pristine , no patches , stop drills or cracks..... Alan 856 419 5209
  14. This was overhauled , and never installed see pics 4000.00 NO IT IS NOT A "B" Hub , They are 8000.00 Paper was removed to take pics
  15. These are 2400 new from spruce , This is new in box with paperwork.... First 2000 wins it ...Alan 856 419 5209 ...
  16. I love my Caddo
  17. The beauty of it is (and the reality) the next owner will probably put another 500 to 600 hours on it , Which in years , is probably ten years...
  18. 2000 SMOH , 4200 TT Has damage history in 1967 , never geared up , Paint is about a 7.0 , Interior is an 8.5 , Does not smell from fuel , Newer interior , fresh glass , Runs very well , It has history of sitting , but makes plenty of power , and makes no metal.... Looks great on the ramp...Prop is subject to ECI inspections ……. Has some very MINOR paint bubbles , Cage and sheet are corrosion free , very clean , and have been treated with ACF , PC and Step both work , Gear isolators have 2011 cure date.....last few annuals were extensive... minor rash on left aileron...
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