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Rocket 305

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    Chicago, IL
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    M20K Rocket 305
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  1. The editor added the period to the hyperlink. I removed it and should work now. Thanks for letting me know!
  2. Hi Philip. Welcome to Chicago! Dan @exM20K, thanks for connecting us. As Dan mentioned, I am a Rocket owner and CFII in the Chicago area. I have a couple of thousand hours in Mooneys and a few hundred hours dual given. Please feel free to set a time for a phone call, or a coffee, tea, or beer, at https://Flightologists.com BTW, your panel looks beautiful, very similar to the panel plan I've been thinking about... and probably would have had by now, had it not been for a lifter failure and hence a new RAM engine, still being installed and set up. I look forward to meeting you. - Michael
  3. The engine had a lot of hours but was running tip-top, barely burning a quart between changes. I thought it was going to be a relatively benign annual. Then I got the call, I had a bad lifter that took out the whole engine. I was getting quotes of 6 months and more wait list at Poplar Grove and other tier-one shops. However, I was able to get an exchange at RAM. However, the engine they sent had a new crankshaft.
  4. No, sadly, I didn't hear back from the Mooney factory to get a price or schedule the annual. So it didn't go there. My plane is now in Willmar for that annual, now three weeks short of a year. A new engine accounts for three months of that, and the Continental crankshaft AD did cost what should have been another week or so. And since it was down waiting for the engine, I took advantage of time and had them install a new AOA, O2 hydro, shock discs, landing height system, and a few others, but that's all stuff installed while waiting for the engine, presumably not adding to the calendar time. Since they were going to have to transfer the accessories, I had them install a Garmin EIS with CiES fuel senders, and replace the 2nd mag with another ElectroAir ignition system (yes, there were issues, nothing is easy), perhaps another couple of weeks, maybe a month? Owning an old (38 years) plane is not easy, and with the Rocket STC, a few more wrinkles. And I realize there are supply chain and labor issues, but the rest of six or more months are still unexplained. I thought that "annual" meant a yearly inspection, not a year in the shop. Since December, I have been told nearly every week that I'll probably get it back "next week". Thankfully, instructing in Mooneys and other planes has kept me flying a lot or I'd be a basket case. I hoped the factory could do this work, and I had interior upgrades on my shopping list. I will give the Mooney factory a call next year. As I said, I would like to support them.
  5. I love Mooney, I am absolutely a supporter. My plane's very existence depends on them being around. Even with the precarious situation, I generally recommend the Mooney brand to people looking to buy a plane. I called them to get my annual done there because I wanted to support the company. I wanted various upgrades done. I had a conversation with someone there but didn't get a call back after. Good for Brandt, I am glad he had that experience; however, I was disappointed by Mooney and I'll accept my comment was too snarky, but it's not negative when you put out your personal experience. Social media shouldn't be all unicorns and rainbows. And, yes, it is constructive to hold people accountable. Your experience is your experience... this was mine.
  6. Amazing that you even got a return phone call, it seems that "very much in business", is somewhat, to be polite, random.
  7. @OSUAV8TER, will these be brighter, the same, or less bright than the legacy halogens?
  8. Don't forget that we change to Daylight Savings Time. If you want a seat at the table, please sign up if you plan to go not later than today.
  9. Zero reservations. Is this a bad date, bad season, bad venue/location, or bad idea?
  10. The plane is back. The MT-4 climbs like a Rocket... oh it IS a Rocket, I should say a Falcon Heavy. The ElectroAir is in and working though it's performance benefits have not been fully assesed. Now to complete the remaining repairs of some consequential damage by a careless tech installing the new batteries inconveniently located in the aft-most part of the tail cone. A little arcing and some breakers tripped while various instruments and avionics were fried. But, with a dozen or so hours, the plane is flying well. Either way, I am up for going together.
  11. Executing a second attempt for the approach. See the Midwest Mooney Flyers here on Mooneyspace under "Clubs." Cross-posting a direct link to the event, though if you haven't "joined" (subscribed?) you might need to do that to access it:
  12. The weather was below minimums and we had to go missed on our last attempt to get together for our first group lunch. We've been in the hold waiting for another attempt. Let's try again. The location, day and time are the same as that fits the preference of most of the respondents to the survey. So, mark your calendars now! Sunday, March 13, at 11:00 EDT. The Corsair Café is a relatively new restaurant that opened (of all times) during the pandemic at Terre Haute Regional Airport (KHUF) in Central Indiana. They have gotten excellent reviews and I look forward to trying this place. We've got a private room reserved. We had several people say they liked some of the other choices, maintenance tips, safety seminar, and/or tour, and we'll plan on doing something along with lunch for the next get together when we have more time to plan we'll see what else to do. This one we'll make it simple, just a social gathering. Please pass the word to others who may not be visiting this website regularly. See you soon! Michael
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  13. So, assuming it is not installed permanently, and assuming that it will sufficiently warm the cabin on a cold day (I mean Chicago cold), it seems like it should be putting out a lot of BTUs. This week it started in the 20s dF and a couple weeks from today, maybe its in the 50s. How do you regulate the temperature without a thermostat? Tanis used to have heated mats, I don't see them on their website, any knowledge why they discontinued them? Cheers, Michael
  14. Tanis offers this as a kit with a thermostat and cable kit. Are those required for normal use?
  15. Very disappointing, today's weather isn't working out. We're not going to be able to fly there today. I am guessing that next weekends, before/after Thanksgiving, is probably not going to work for a lot of people. December 5th looks like the next possible date. But we're now planning into December in the Midwest, very hard to guess what the weather will bring... like today. I'll set up another event and another poll.
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