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Everything posted by rogerl

  1. Atlas ... Shrugged. Or: Covid. The Children. Demoncrats. Repugnicians. Wormholes? De-incentivizing production while incentivizing sloth/corruption and mindless reproduction? <<Ah ha!
  2. who owns it
  3. Reporting on a great experience with Aeromotors LLC executing rebuild of weakening Weldon A8152-B boost pump. Flat rate rebuild was less than 1/2 the price of the "other guys". I included an extra 50 bucks "in the hope of expediting service" as a phone call to Ole found that they had a lot of rebuilds to do ... and I really, really do not like downtime. These folks turned the rebuild around in 2 days AND sent me my 50 bucks back! The motor and motor housing are brand new. The paperwork is impeccable. Phone conversations with Teresa were a delight! While you have to set up return shipping, Teresa educated me on the wonders of 'click-n-ship' for a flat rate medium box - I just did that, emailed her the label, they slapped it on the box that I had sent it in (highly recommend insuring it ....), and the postal service then proceeded to (ahem) almost do it just right. Installation today showed a perfectly working pump. Thank you Teresa, Ole and Harvey!
  4. References provided for a reason: Confor Foam meets FAR 25.853, FAR 25.855, and CAL 117 burn specifications making it excellent for certified aircraft or homebuilts.
  5. who owns it
  6. Mark Coleman's Depot Avionics shop at KALS with shop foreman Mike (didn't get last name) installed GTX 345 on time, on budget and with a smile. Preliminary flight squawk-free, will conduct FAA ADS-B survey as time warrants. Absence of updates to this post indicate all is well. Thanks Mark and Mike! ps: Just used: https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/PAPRRequest.aspx for FAA survey for the ferry home, all good.
  7. That .pdf is a pic of the part I am looking for.  You interested in selling?

    1. cl65fo


      Sure, I know they are kind of pricey.  Make me an offer.

    2. cl65fo


      Also, I know you are trying to troubleshoot.  If you like you can borrow it first and see if it fixes your problem.

  8. cl65fo, Do you happen to have the magneto-mounted rpm sensor from your removal for sale?
  9. Have no more use for NOS M20J panel dimmer fuse (under panel, copilot side) that had a hell of a time and 5 bucks getting ... so can't bear to throw it out ... free to first chronological PM from person who'll send a self addressed, stamped envelope.
  10. who owns it
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