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tls pilot

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  1. California Dreamin’…oh Texas Dreams ……credit Mamas and Papas Stopped into Mooney We passed along the way Well, we got down on my knees And we pretend to pray, one day Mooney will rise You know that Mooney is not making any planes and the buildings are only a guise They know I'm gonna stay flying my Mooney But they simply are not making them All the buildings are brown And the tools are rusted We’ve been for a flight and we look down at Kerrville with a frown We’ve been flying Mooney because we trusted Well, That is Texas Dreamin’ on such a summers day….
  2. exact same article previously posted
  3. https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2023-11-01/inflation-latest-issue-difficult-insurance-market?utm_campaign=AIN Alerts&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=281141661&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--ficsJ6XUlFpxucWtEC42suHUkPBQ8xEhzFM3ox3-XOjsq56opvMRcZR62FaKIVlPoV0-QmIlPzzR0POUmxNZJPVuF1w&utm_content=281141661&utm_source=hs_email
  4. keystone 5707487083
  5. Answer sometime. Maybe. In the future
  6. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/10/10/2023-22352/airworthiness-directives-various-airplanes
  7. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/ad-mandates-garmin-autopilot-software-fix/
  8. The Price for the new V Band shown as of June 2023 is $753.09 They have gone up since that quote, if you can find them. NH1009399-10 Rev 000 U/M EA Coupling V-Band 2 3/4" RIVETED The used V band has little to no value. Any V band needs history as to times put on/off as there is a limit The AD pertains to the spot rivet V bands and basically limits them to 500 hrs, with some other limitations see the AD AD Number: 2023-09-09 It went into effect July 2023
  9. is it bad or just sticking? did you tap on it, sometimes that will release it
  10. Anyone have a used King KR87. Unit Only. A friend is looking for one Thanks
  11. Exactly what is the point you are trying to convey?
  12. Alcor Tempest probes work for TIT ships gauge 86245 or 86240 (no radiator)
  13. Well here is a plane you do not see everyday…. This plane was built in 1929 a 5C3 Command-Aire in Little Rock Arkansas Landed this afternoon while I was visiting in PA. Company started in 1926 went bankrupt in 1931 due to the depression Three seat biplane. Only 63 were built. Check out the exhaust system and the concavity under the main wings. Interesting, uses massive plugs in front and fine wire in rear. As with any radial , carry lots of oil to top it off at fuel stops and a rag to clean oil off the plane! Beautiful aircraft, amazing she is still flying, great history.
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