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    1965 M20E

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  1. Best of all you know YOUR airplane tip to tail. That is worth a helluva lot! This Mooney disease is a beautiful affliction.
  2. I bought my 1965 E from a family member that was in similar condition (no turbo). I have since replaced almost all avionics, the interior, and the engine and prop. I now have another 60k in it. The up side if any is that I now have a great airplane and I was able to pay over time. The down side; it would have been far cheaper to just buy one with all that I wanted. This airplane means a lot to my family and I and we will keep it forever. I am not sure it will be cost effective to restore ANY certified aircraft due to the cost of FAA "blessed" parts. Just an opinion, hope it helps.
  3. I have the aspen installed with a 430w. Money well spent. It even talks to my fuel flow and Britain ap.
  4. Mooney makes a kit to replace the springs. http://www.mooney.com/images/pdfs/sb-pdf/sbm20-144.pdf I used this on my 65 E and it been great for 3 years now. I was breaking about two springs a year in the old configuration.
  5. Quote: DaV8or Looks good! Hard to know how fast you'll go yet. I'm assuming you're still breaking in the engine.
  6. The after pics! I still need to finish the painting. I do like the looks and I seem to have picked up about 7-10 knots. This is between a new engine, Top Prop, and the cowl so how much speed the cowl added is anyones guess.
  7. well a probe swap showed the same, perhaps these are break in woes?
  8. I have finished a SWTA 201 cowl coversion. The cht on #4 is a good 30-40 degrees colder than #3. Anyone with this kit seeing the same thing? Mitch, I have not forgotten about you PM me about the baffels so I can get those to you. CHT1 291 (piggy pack probe) CHT2 335 CHT3 359 CHT4 317 OIL 181, MP 23, RPM 2400, OAT 51f, FF 10.7gph I have not tried swapping probes, I am doing that today.
  9. I had my aspen 1000 pro installed at High Desert Avionics in Lancaster CA. Fox field (KWJF). Great work/price!!
  10. Quote: DaV8or I am curious about this question too. I currently have the SWTA 201 style cowl, but about the only way I can make my Mooney go faster (I'm pretty much out of mods) is either go to the real 201 cowl or go Lopresti. I thought a used 201 would be cheaper than a Lopresti. Is there an STC for using the 201 cowl or do you have to get field approval? I'm not planning on doing a change any time soon, but maybe in a few years when I get the itch to repaint I might just do it.
  11. I am in the process of doing a SWTA 201 cowl mod to my 65 M20E. My first thought was a used 201 cowl, I spoke to Paul Lowen at LASAR and he said it would be in the area of 10K and thats before the feds got their hands on it. So far I have no complaints on the SWTA cowl kit. I did replace the spinner and mounting kit. It went from the ring gear mount to mounting directly to the prop hub. see the end of this thread for details, pix. (the thread starts out about cowl closure but morphs into full blown cowl mods) http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=2&threadid=784
  12. Fiberglass took a bit longer than I thought however, it is here now and work continues. We (my IA an I) are now cutting the frame out of the old cowling. The bottom frame still needs a bit of trimming. The fiberglass will be riveted to it. Here are the pix so far, more to follow...
  13. have you tried talking to Bil Wheat out in Kerrville? The factory may have some intrest and be willing to lend an engineering hand.
  14. Congrats!! Make sure to let your insurance provider know it should drop your rate, A LOT!!
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