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I always leaned the mixture after start up and during taxi. In the F Model, it just kept plugs from fouling and also, my F model would "pop" from time to time on the ground - this did not happen as much when I would aggressivlly lean. I always enrichen for runup, then lean again if not 1st in line. Unless at high altitude, always go rich at takeoff. The Missile with the IO-550 I MUST lean or it stumbles and floods at low RPM. I stumbles and runs rough unless I lean a bit at 1000 RPM, however it runs just fine at takeoff power full rich. I learned after having the engine stumble and flood on roll out to not actually have full rich on landing, have it about an inch out so that the engine doesn't quit on you on a go around. It's only happened once, but at altitude, the aircraft stumbled when I had it too rich at a lower power setting - just very finicky with the mixture control. So to sum up - yes, I am a fan of and do lean aggresivly on the ground. -Seth
Austin- I'm sorry to hear about your mishap. I was told by an instructor during to training to always watch out for tie downs and never taxi over them. He said with airplanes that have lesser prop clearance - a divit or bump could cause a prop strike. Also, and I'm not sure if this is heresay or not, the tie down rope could get sucked up into the prop - I've never heard of that happening, but it scared me enough to always tax around tie down areas rather than through. Good luck - I'm sure your engine is probably just fine. Would this be an out of pocket expense or does insurance cover it minus the deductable? -Seth
What about at your home airport? Or is this for both? Ipad I take with me as I use it for a lot now. Do you leave the Aera and Headsets in your aircraft when parked at your home airport? Below freezing? Or do you take them home every time? My plane is in a non-heated hanger. -Seth
This is a spinoff thread from the pre-heat discussion - I didn't want to hijack the threat. I have two ANR headsets and now an Aera with an AirGizmo dock. In the F model, I would take my headsets with me along with my 496 as it was mounted on the control colum and I've heard horror stories (including recently) of equipment getting stolen. In the Missile, the Aera is flush in the panel, but removable. Also, I now have a newer and older Zulu, as well as my old trusty David Clarks that I care about (my portable radio is in my flight bag, so that I carry with me every time I'm in and out of the plane. For $100 hamburgers, the gear stays in the aircraft. But . . . Suggestions: 1. When parked in my own NON-heateed hanger. Do I remove the portable equipment (headsents, in panel GPS?) If it doesn't drop below freezing does it matter? 2. When at alternate fileds for a stay, do I remove the equipment or just place a cover over the cockpit to ward off theft. What are your thoughts? -Seth
I have been told by some to heat below 50, below 40, and below freezing. Without a doubt, pre-heat if there could be any ice from moisure. I had no pre-heater built into my old F model, so I took a $10 space heater, and hooked up a dryer hose. It would sit under the aircraft and the house would blow into the cowl flap as described during my preflight. Now that the current airplane has a plug in pre-heater, which I used yesterday in Green Bay before departing back for Maryland, I plan to use the heater system I put together to blow some warm air into the cockpit, specifically toward the avionics to heat them up. I would heat without a doubt when it was below 40. If it was near 50, and sunny, I'd just pull the plane out into the sun. With the plug in heater on the Missile, I'll worry less, as I can just plug it in. I do not plan to plug it in except for overnight the night before. If it's going to be an evening departure, I'll plug it in earlier in the day. The airport is about twenty minutes from work and home. Take care, -Seth
Requesting Lunch Stop Suggestions: Philly to GRB
Seth replied to Seth's topic in Miscellaneous Aviation Talk
Thanks everyone!! I'll have to make it a point to try all the suggestions at some point in the future. RCR is right on my route, I called the field, and there are three restaurants within walking distance of the airport - One you can taxi right up to (but I'm not taking the Missile on grass just to not walk a few hundred feet). RCR for this trip, maybe MIE or EYE on the way back. Take care, -Seth -
That stinks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have an original Zulu, a Zulu 2.0, a 10 year old DC, and another no name brand fourth headset. I know there is a trade in program for the Zulu headsets - that may be worth it. If I didn't have the trade in twenty year old still working but not comfy DC that someone else gave me and got me $200 off a Zulu 2.0, I probably would have gone with the Bose A20 headset. For my head, the Zulu and Zulu 2.0 are better than the Bose X. However, I'm not sure the difference between the A20 and Zulu 2.0. I was astounded by the A20 during a test flight with one, but that was compared to the original Zulu - yes the Zulu 2.0 is better than the original Zulu, not by much, but it is better. The Halos though I have not tried, have a great bunch of followers. Take care, -Seth
Requesting Lunch Stop Suggestions: Philly to GRB
Seth replied to Seth's topic in Miscellaneous Aviation Talk
Thank you Hank - I'll look into that one. Has anyone been to KRCR? Fulton County? Evidently you can taxi to right accross the street from a few restaurants, park, and walk accross the street. It's right along my route - would love some feedback - only two posts on airnav. -Seth -
Requesting Lunch Stop Suggestions: Philly to GRB
Seth replied to Seth's topic in Miscellaneous Aviation Talk
Thank you for the suggestions! Does anyone know of any stops with restaurants on the field itself? -Seth -
Adding Altitude Pre-Select Option on KFC 200
Seth replied to Ksaunders's topic in General Mooney Talk
I have the KFC 200 in my new Missile and it does not have altitude pre-select. The MSE Missile for sale right now on controller.com does have that along with a KFC 225. That is a nice plane - I flew it but the owner did not take my offer. He has lowered his price quite a bit, but still no bites. I'm very happy with mine! Altitude pre-select would be very nice, but for $5 to $8 AMUs, I'd rather put in a Garmin GTX 330 and get traffic on my 430w. For the time being - I'll push the Altitude hold button or level off myself. I hand flew the first Mooney for 500 hours. I'm amazed with the better management and lesser workload a functional autopilot allows. Take care, -Seth -
Hello MooneySpacers- I need suggestions. I'm heading to a wedding in Green Bay this weekend (it's a bye week for the Packers, and though I'm not a huge Packer fan, the rehersal dinner is at the stadium which is pretty cool - Thank goodness it's a bye week). I need a place to stop for lunch. I'm departing my home field of GAI - Gaithersburg early Thursday morning with a female passenger, we're headed to Wings field North of Philly, LOM, to pick up a buddy of mine, and from there will head to GRB. However, due to the newly overhauled engine and still getting used to my second Mooney, I'm not going to take myself and two passengers over water until the engine earns my trust. I plan to file for the KELSI intersection southwest of Chicago as every time I'm up that way, somehow that's the itersection I'm given (even though I don't file for it). From my direct or close to direct leg of KLOM to KELSI - Where do you suggest I stop for lunch? I'd like it to be somewhere in Ohio or Indiana as I know my female passenger will not want to make the 4.5 hour flight from LOM to GRB without a stop. If it were me, I'd go direct or stop wherever. I'm open to suggestions. From KLOM to KELSI is a 3:42 leg at 170 knots groundspeed (I'm factoring for a headwind). My female passenger will not last much past 2.5 to 3 hours, which puts us in Ohio or Indiana. The leg from KELSI to GRB is 1:05. I'm looking forward to your suggestions. Low gas prices help too, but a restaurant on the field is most important for the passengers. Oh, and the direct flight from GAI to GRB, if I didn't pick up my buddy and felt fine going over water (just me - yes - I have multiple flotation devices on board), is 3:26 at 170 kts groundspeed - Instead, with the stop in Philly and going around the lake, it'll be over 5 hours flight time - but that's okay! Thanks! -Seth P.S. Washington Redskins Fan - It's been a hard few years . . . but they did beat the Packers last year!
Well said
Quote: fantom So, the clain that a johnson bar is bulletproof is just another one of those: I suspected it all the time :-)))
Quote: fantom You're right of course. Mine's going back in the car, but don't tell my wife who gave this stocking stuffer to me last Christmas. Window punches or hammers are only good for tempered glass, not Plexiglass or even laminate glass such as your car's front windshield. For that you need a real axe or hatchet, or a saw. I would trust my elbow more than a hammer, assuming my legs are busted up. I DO carry a 3.75" partially serrated pocket knife with a seatbelt cutter and window punch. Me thinks we need a thread on safety items we fly with.....and I'm not talking about you guys with five GPS's
Quote: skyking I thought about that but i really dont want a partner on my Mooney. Its my pride and joy! As i said earlier i have bought and sold more planes than i care to count but i am realy attached to my Mooney. Sounds silly but its reality.
Quote: jetdriven Once you get into twins and especially pressurized twin Cessnas you start getting into 20K annuals, 12K insurance, recurrent training yearly for each pilot, and 35K per wing for engine overhauls. Then 33-35 gallons per hour. Just be aware you can spend a hundred grand on an airplane in one year, and be prepared for that.
Don- When I had my Johnson Bar F model, I replaced one spring/bungie in the gear system and the aluminum block/dock where the handle locks gear down during my first annual. It made a HUGE difference in the ease of working the gear. And this is coming from someone who had shoulder surgery about a year and a half ago (I was worried I was going to have to sell my plane if my shoulder didn't like working the gear anymore - ended up not being a problem at all). As it turns out, the block was pretty worn, but the bungie is what made the largest difference according to the MSC. It should be an easy fluid motion. If it's not, something is wrong - it should not be binding and you shouldn't be struggling at landing or take off speeds - if you are talking about retracting during a missed approach on an IFR flight plan or putting the gear down just before setup for the ILS, well, that's a different story and always needs a little more muscle. Take care, -Seth
Quote: M016576 If you're going to spend A36 dollars, why not go all out and get an older malibu.... pressurized+TC=nice.... I think they run in the mid 300's to mid 400's.....
Quote: skyking Looks like my little question about 6 seaters has generated quite a discussion.
That's terrible! 6 hours weekdays! Do those aircraft really get that much activity? 8 on the weekends?!? That's an entire regular workday (but if you're a business owner, you know you work more than 8 hours a day). If they do rent it that much, great job raking in the cash. My bet is they don't even fly 30 to 40 hours a month, and you'd easlily give them 1/6 to 1/4 of that from time to time for a few days. Good luck with the search Russ.
Quote: Shadrach My 67F takes precisely 4 full pumps from 0 to full. I OH'd the pump back in 06 and had problems with the ball valve leaking until I "reseated" it with a drift and a mallet... I'll never know why it need it. Anyway, mine is properly set up and 4 pumps to the stops, I can't imagine why yours would be different.
Quote: N4352H If anyone in the suburban MD area wants to start a club for a Citabria (kcab), Super D, S1S or S2C,.....I am interested. Has to be Tipton, FDK, HGR or GAI.
Russ- When I rented an Arrow a few weeks ago for three days, the minimum was four hours per day. I spoke to the FBO, and they made an arragement with me. They know the Arrow doesn't get as much flight time as the other aircraft, and since I have gotten to know the owners of the FBO well, they said not to worry about the miniumum. So, three days rental, 6.7 flying hours, done - no extra charge for the overnight stays (should have been 12 hours minimum charge). Maybe you can work out an arragment for the six seater rentals - if there is even a six seater to be rented. That could be separate issue in itself. Putting down a block $1000 toward the rental always helps with those sorts of situations - they know you'll be renting the plane for the "10% off" block rate, but enough for it to make sense to work with you - big six seaters don't rent as much as a 172.
One of our members is looking for a step up to a six seat aircraft. For some time, and believe me, I do not have the funds to do it anytime soon, especially now, I've been thinking of creating either a flying club or small group of owners that would have access to just a few airplanes. This is not a dream hanger: That would include a P-51D Mustang, PC-12 or TBM, Falcon, etc . . . The smart hanger would probably work best having their own plane owned outright, for instance, I don't think I'd want to share my Mooney Missile with anyone, but if I needed a six seater, a taildragger, a grass strip airplane, a twin, etc . . . I'd love to have access to one that I know has been flown by a good pilot and that is well taken care of. I'm not sure the structure at this time, but for the sake of throwing it out there, and this would be realistic costs wise, what would be in the joint hanger and why? I own a Mooney - so that would not be one of them, but I would have access to it: Six seater yes - Piper 6, C-206, C-210, Saratoga, A36 Trainer of some sort? I don't know - maybe so we could all have a second plane that doesn't cost much to run if we need a chase plane for maintenance drop off or somehting, but that may be duplication of simply using the other aircraft in the hanger- C172, PA-28, C-152? Then again, having a 152 for close to nothing split multiple was may be nice. Tail dragger - Maybe aerobatic for fun? Citabria, Swift, C-140, C-170 Basic utility plane instead of trainer? - C-182 - one of the best all around GA aircraft? Twin - Instead of the six seater? FIKI? The twin would have six seats, not 4, and be a traveling machine Cabin Class? Would you add something like a C-414? Early King Air? I know that would be expenseive, but what about an MU-2 Split five ways? Remember, your Mooney is not to be shared, but the make up could be similar to the following: 1. Piper 6, Fiki Twin, C152, C170 2. Fiki Twin, Citabria, C182 3. Fiki Twin, Piper 6, C170 4. Fiki Twin, Citabria, Piper 6, T-6 Texan! (okay dreaming a bit) This is just an idea, but if you were to jointly own a few planes with about four or five others, along with your Mooney that they don't fly, what would you add and why? -Seth
I realize your mission has changed, but how often are you going to carry more than 4 individuals on board? You may want to walk down the row at your airport, and find someone who wants a share, and then use that aircraft when you have to, and keep Miss Mooney. Your options: -A36 -C210 -C206 -Piper 6 -Saratoga -Twin? You could probably get a deal on a twin right now, and again, maybe become a partner in someone else's twins for those flights. A Seneca could be a great choice right now, and as always, a Baron is great. I've always thought about getting three or four good pilots to go in with me on a purchase of a small collection of airplanes outside of my Mooney - that would work in this case. See which people nearby (does not even have to be the same airport) want to go in with you on a six seater or twin, and then you'll each have your own plane to fly, and can book out and share the more expensive to fly load lifter. Is there an FBO that rents a twin or a larger aircraft? This may be the time when you rent the plane for those missions, and keep the Mooney for all others. -Seth