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Everything posted by FlyingAggie

  1. What is going on with Foreflight updates? Seems like I am downloading hundreds of charts about every week. Current list ids for 239 products. I just finished a similar number over the weekend. Not sure if some are the same or not. Is it me or is something strange going on with FF. Is this somehow related to the patent infringment issue?
  2. My wife refers to my plane as the "Aluminum Mistress." I call her "My Blue Mooney."
  3. I had LASAR perform a prebuy inspection with an option to convert the prebuy into an annual if I decided to buy. They had no past history with the plane. LASAR credited the $1800 pre-buy fee toward the $2500 annual fee. The prebuy and annual have different objectives, but both involve opening up all the inspection ports on the plane. I spent a week at LASAR participating in the prebuy and then after the purchase decision was made assisting in the annual. It was a great way to get to know the plane and find all the warts. In the first eight months of ownership, the only surprise squawk has been replacing the engine driven fuel pump. I used my AOPA legal services entitlement to have a local aviation attorney review and customize the AOPA sample purchase contract agreement. I then used the AOPA Title and Escrow Service to manage the closing. I was very satisified with the way the deal went down. Good luck with your purchase.
  4. Very informative discussion about ice, especially with the fatal accident last week in Colorado Srprings, where an Air Force B1 pilot and his wife were killed when attempting a second approach in their E-model. KCOS was reporting 100' ceilings and 700' RVR in ICE fog, bit it is not clear if ice caused the crash or not. If anyone is interested in a TKS equipped M20K, a pilot in my "hangar neighborhood" has his Aspen PFD equipped 231 for sale. He is wanting to move up to a pressurized TKS Barron. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20K-231/1979-MOONEY-M20K-231/1182477.htm Wishing all MooneySpace members a prosperous and safe New Years!
  5. Brittian Industries is still building/rebuilding servos. Give them a call if you can't find a freebie. Quote: N601RX A Beech owner just GAVE me a Brittain 3 axis outopilot with altitude hold. It was still working when he removed it in 2005. I've went through the box and compared everything to the drawings I have. It looks like I have everything except the elevator servo's. The Beech used a different servo. Does anyone have a B4 or B5 in their Mooney?
  6. And if I happen to win, having her critique my flying technique. Quote: Mitch Great Alan. Now you'll have to be flipping coins to see who's driving the bus!
  7. After seeing how much time I was spending with my new Mooney, my wife decided the only way she could compete with my new aluminum mistress is to get her pilots license. She is just about to solo and I look forward to sharing the left seat with her.
  8. How useful do you find having the 496 mounted on the left side of the panel. I have the same arrangement in my K and the view angle from the left seat is so acute that almost all contrast is lost on the LCD screen. I have bought a 15 deg angle adapter, but unfortunatley it will mask the RPM and MP gauges. To be useful, I almsot have to lay my head in my copilots lap, which often alarms my copilot when my copilot is not my wife.
  9. Lance, Isn't it a little late to find out that you have a mag problem after you have taken off? Quote: N57039 Many of us do a LOP mag check in the air and don't bother on the ground. The check under load at higher altitude is a much tougher test of the mags performance.
  10. Last week I stopped at Longmont to refuel and during run-up, the RPM dropped about 300 RPM on the left mag. Checking the JPI showed the #6 cylinder going cold on the left mag while the other cylinders appeared normal. So it made pretty easy to spot the fouled plug. I was able to burn it off, but plan to pull it for inspection the next time I have the cowl off. The JPI made diagnosising the problem easy.
  11. JC252MB, I am assuming your K is a 252 based on your user name and your N number N252MB? If so, that might be a little confusing if we were both talking to the same ATC controller ;-) At 28" & 2500 RPM, what percent power do you reckon your running? Alan
  12. FlyingAggie

    Flight Simulator

    My Flight Simulator circa 2002
  13. Super nice plane! Congratulations. I love my Mooney more everytime fly her.
  14. Dave, Why are you needing to adjust the K-factor in your FT101?
  15. Dave, PM me your email address. Alan
  16. To the OP, This one has lots of bells and whistles: http://www.aso.com/listings/spec/ViewAd.aspx?utm_source=Alerts&id=129245
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