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Everything posted by bcg

  1. If you're in the South, David at Dugosh is also a whiz at patching tanks. I think he kind of enjoys it.
  2. Shoot me an email, I can help you fix the switch and have made some changes for the longer nosed 6 cylinder models that'll let you put it on in 1 piece. A quick fix though, is to turn the nose wheel.to one side, that'll gain you some clearance. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  3. Send me an email and we'll work it out. bernie@graniers.com Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  4. I also track mine, I lose that 7th quart in an hour, the 6th will take 5 hours to disappear. I'm willing to sacrifice that 7th quart to the aviation gods to keep my temps down though, seems a small trade off. Oil is a lot cheaper than cylinders. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  5. I have the plate on my C, my oil temp is usually 205 - 220, depending on the phase of flight. That's higher than I'd like but, flushing the oil cooler helped bring it down to that from higher. I've also found that adding that 7th quart of oil, even though I know it'll get blown out the breather, helps immensely during climb out, it'll keep me below 200 and keeps my CHTs below 400 without having to make a very shallow climb. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  6. The accountants. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  7. That happens A LOT. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  8. It's good, not great. Adding the bilge blower makes a big difference in comfort but, it also causes the unit to error out for a front fan speed issue if I run the blower more than 2/3 speed. If I switch it from max fan to eco or just a lower setting, then I have to turn the blower down to 1/2 or less. It's not a huge issue, just something to be aware of. The thing that sucks though, is that if it does have an error, you have to disconnect the battery to reset it, which is really tough to do in the air. If I'm taking my wife somewhere, and there's room, I'm still packing the B-Kool in addition to the EcoFlow, because I don't want to be stuck with nothing if there is an error and it shuts down and because it's not quite enough by itself on the ground with 2 people in the plane. If I ever get around to finishing the ducting and vents, I think it'll make a difference in how well it works by itself, being able to direct the cold air directly onto myself when I'm alone is a lot more comfortable than sharing it with my wife. Overall, I'm glad I got it, it's fantastic at low altitudes where you just need a little extra to be comfortable and I do believe that with some modifications, I can have it working in a way that I'm really happy with. I don't think it would be reasonable to expect it to be great as a plug and play solution though, of course the same could be said of anything with only 5100 BTU. The guy in the hangar next to mine just had an engine driven split system put into his Bonanza, it looks fantastic and he says it works really well, as good as a car. It was also $30k +/- so...
  9. Maybe call the A&Ps that signed off work on the plane, one of them probably knows when it was painted and may know who did it. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  10. I can easily build a telescoping manual tow bar if someone wants one. It would be $50 or less just basic powder coated, another $50 if you wanted your tail number on it. The lettering more than doubles the build time because I have to powder coat it twice and then laser etch the top color off to reveal the base. The laser often requires multiple passes to get it just right, too much power and you burn through to the metal, not enough and you don't get all the top coat off. I usually start a little low and then keep making passes until it's right. It's easy to take more off but a real pain to put more on.
  11. I bet the doc really appreciated that.... LOL
  12. It's about time to renew my medical and I'm thinking about maybe just going BasicMed because it covers everything I have done, although I would like to fly to the Caribbean at some point and it won't work for that. Anyway, I'm reading through the physician check list and I come across #9.... Seriously? The FAA want's the doc to examine our butt hole? What? Surely I'm missing something here.... I guess we should just be glad they don't have to examine it "digitally."
  13. I was doing my avionics work when you came last year. I remember that nice paint job.
  14. I'm at KERV, you can't go wrong with David, JD and Ryan. David is a wealth of Mooney knowledge. Tell them Bernie says hello.
  15. I got a chance to really run the bilge blower with the AC today and found an issue. If I run the blower at full and the AC reduces it's internal fan speed, the airflow from the blower causes the internal fan to run faster than expected and the AC gives me a "Front fan speed unexpected" message, or something very similar to that, and shuts down. I have to remove all power from it and start it back up to clear the error. It seems that if I run the blower at 1/2 speed, which is still a lot more air movement than the internal fan, then I don't have this problem so I'm going to limit it to that for now. There's probably some way to disable or override that speed sensor in the AC and I may open it up and poke around to see what I can do there later. Anyway, if anyone else is going to put the blower in their duct line like I did, make sure you have a rheostat on it so you can control the speed and avoid this issue.
  16. I agree, a machine shop could knock that out pretty quickly and it would probably cost less than Lasar wants for it.
  17. The work involved was far, far more than I expected. Had I known what was going to be required, I'm not sure I would have tackled it. I committed to it thought, so I stuck with it until it was right, there are still a few little things I wish I could get better but FDM printing has it's limitations so I've done the best I can with it and produced a part that at least looks better than what's coming out of the plane. I wanted to replace the placard for my fuel selector at annual and got the stickers to do it. Then I started the project and said never mind, the turn handle is firmly attached to the valve and it isn't bad enough for me to risk damaging anything getting it removed. If the valve ever needs to be rebuilt, I'll deal with it then. The flange at the top wouldn't be too had to make though, mine is still in pretty good shape but I can see how that would get damaged over time.
  18. About 20 pounds. I have sold them to people with Missiles, Rockets and Ovations. It's worked on all of them. The production version is longer than the one I built for my C. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
  19. I'm all caught up on orders so if you need a powered tow bar that's portable, let me know. For those wondering why it's $650 now instead of the original $500, my materials costs have increased. I bought up all the available inventory of motors and wheels at the original lower price I found them at and am now having to pay double what I was for them. I also made a change to the chain used to drive the wheel and that necessitated having a sprocket for the wheel custom made from chromoly steel. Those 2 things make up the $150 price increase. I actually lost money on the last few I sold at $500, I'd already accepted the orders at that price though, so I ate it. That's just the way it goes sometimes. https://mooneymover.com/product/powered-tow-bar/
  20. These things have taken some abuse over the years and a lot of them are looking pretty bad. I saw a post on FB where a guy was looking for one for his 62 B and I offered to print him one thinking it would be no big deal. Boy was I wrong, the design was a piece of cake but getting it to print correctly has taken me all week and probably a dozen failed parts. I finally got it figured out though. I'm going to run his one more time to reduce the bleed through of the black on the face, the tan filament isn't as opaque as I'd like and there are a few spots where the bleed through is pretty bad. If anyone else is in need of one, let me know. He's paying $100 for this one and honestly, for what it takes to produce one, that's a steal. Even with it all worked out this is a full day print and then another hour or so to get it cleaned up and sanded down. I'm offering it more to help keep our antique birds looking nice than anything else, I don't think anyone else offers this part and the used ones don't look that great. I've got a few color options if you want one. https://mooneymover.com/product/mooney-manual-crank-step-handle-trim/ I'm working on the little handles for the eyeball vent and overhead lights right now. I had one fall apart last year and the other one fell off on a recent trip and I can't find it anywhere so I need those. My overhead plastic around the vents is looking pretty rough also so, that'll be next.
  21. Search KDWH in the group and it's the first post, or was for me. There are a lot of comments in it but, the video was pretty close to the top. I can't get a link for it or I'd share.
  22. That's the one I saw, you can hear it, nothing more. It's VROOOMMM, crash noises.
  23. Anyone have any details about this? I saw this picture this morning and heard the crash on a hangar surveillance video, you hear it go full throttle and then hear the crash. Hopefully everyone made it out OK and damage is minimal.
  24. I know a guy that could probably do it if insurance doesn't require a Mooney CFI/CFII. He's got time in JetProps, Beechcraft and other high performance aircraft, he's more than capable of it. I've flown with him and he's a good pilot and not terrible company.
  25. I like to climb and maintain 50 or less. Air flow in the C isn't near as good as the later models though. I used a B-Kool for a couple of years and it worked well if your expectations are realistic. I tinted the windows on my plane and that helped it significantly. In the cooler, I use frozen water bottles of freezer packs, preferably from a deep freezer that'll reach -10F. The solid ice like that lasts a lot longer than cubed ice, the air isn't as cold coming out but, I don't need it 30° to be comfortable, 50° is just fine when you blow it right on you. That gives me 2-3 hours of cooling from it, which is enough for ground ops, takeoff/climb and descent/landing, even if ATC brings me down earlier than I'd like. Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk
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