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Everything posted by gevertex

  1. I'd check, but she is a 2 hour drive away currently.
  2. If it’ll fit in a 92 MSE, I’ll take it!
  3. Great opportunity for a Garmin G5. Though a bit more expensive.
  4. Lynn sold AGL to John Car. I suggest looking on the AGL website for a new number and giving him a call. Mine is there getting a complete firewall forward. Overhauled or new everything. Hopefully it'll be done next week. Fingers crossed.
  5. No cheap ideas. Get the inertial reel retrofit.
  6. Any chance you have the model file to 3d print these? I need 4 for my Mooney and I do have a 3d printer
  7. I am doing one from a 90's J right now and it's running ~25AMU
  8. I’ll definitely try this in at least a couple spots and see how it goes
  9. I haven't seen a new 1977 up close yet. Perhaps mine will turn into that one day.
  10. Thanks for the replies everyone. Looks like I might have a paint job in my future. I can deal with the looks for now (maybe prices of a new paint job will come down in the future), but should I be concerned about corrosion and seek to cover the bare metal? What about the bare rivet heads?
  11. A quick google search didn't yield an obvious match, but there is a company with the name name out of a different location in TX. I am in NC so it'd be quite a hike. I can try calling them tomorrow. Unlikely they will be sympathetic even if they are the same company.
  12. I just bought it, haven't flown her as the engine is out for overhaul. Only had 250 hours on her from last overhaul and they found spalled lifters / cam, 2 bad cylinders, 2 bad pistons. It was hangared before I bought it, paint looks very shiny. Currently lives outdoors as hangar space is unobtanium right now. I am literally on every wait list within 1hr drive from my house. Metal looks in great condition, no corrosion found. pre-buy inspection said the air frame looked new.
  13. That's dew. The paint is coming off near the rivet in the picture.
  14. Hi Everyone, Having a decent amount of peeling of paint on my M20J. It was last painted 2/28/2003 by Nationwide Aerospace in San Marcos, TX. Paint is coming off in the pictured areas + on about 100 rivets. Logs say it was primed, but I don't see any primer under the paint, just metal? Am I looking at a repaint here or is this something I should just repair. If repair, how would you all go about getting it done? Thanks! I
  15. Thanks for the info. Good to know.
  16. That is really helpful to see, I like that layout a lot. Your glare-shield doesn't have the hump. Did it come that way, or is it a mod?
  17. Luckily the airplane already has 2 radios and 3 GPS antenna installed so I should be good on that front.
  18. I'll be sure to check with them.
  19. I did not know about safe glide. That does seem like an interesting feature
  20. Continuing to read, I may actually prefer the remote audio panel especially if I have two G3X displays. It looks a lot easier to change the configuration and select which audio sources belong to which groups (playing music to passengers only for instance) than memorizing button combinations on the GMA 345.
  21. Nice, looks great! Excited to see it installed.
  22. Hey Skip. That is sage advice and I took it. Over the last day, I read all of the manuals for the parts I listed at the beginning of the thread. While I could be missing something, I honestly didn't see anything missing I was counting on even with the GNX375. Yes, I get that if I had 2x GPS navigators then I wouldn't be able to crossfill between the two, but I am only planning to have one and use the G3x touch GPS as a VFR only backup. The only missing feature that I might like to have is VNAV on the GNX357, but VNAV is available for VFR when using the G3X as the GPS source. Changing the GPS source is just 2 taps on the G3X touch flight plan screen. Here is what I was able to confirm by reading the manuals + watching YouTube demonstrations of the functionality: With a little fuss flight plan info can be entered via G3X, Foreflight on an iPad, or directly into the GNX 375 and synced to all 3. IFR waypoints must originate from Foreflight (to the GNX 375) or be input directly into the GNX 375. Looks like there is a work around for this in playing with the GPS source on the G3X, but not counting on it GNX 375 transponder is controllable from G3X display GFC500 will fly coupled LPV approaches including glideslope GTR 20B allows inout of frequencies via G3X GNC 255A allows input of frequencies via G3X GNC 255A show ILS guidance + VOR course deviation on G3X (just like on G5) GMA 345 can't be controlled by the G3X, but I want to keep it because I like having some buttons for dealing with audio quickly (such as one button clearance playback). I wouldn't loose that if g3x died completely. GFC 500 couples to G3X for VFR VNAV, but not when using GNX 375 as GPS source After thinking about it a bit, I actually like the 7" in front of the copilot. I fly with pilot friends relatively frequently and it would be helpful for them to be able to manage the flight plan, radios, TXP, etc. What else am I missing / should I expect from spending this kind of money on a new panel? Also, if anyone has direct contradictory experience, please let me know. I am going only off what I could find in manuals / saw visually demonstrated on YouTube.
  23. Looks like I messed up some math. the GTN setup + remote TXP does look roughly comparable in price to the GNX setup if I remove the 7" g3x from the install. I am going to call the installer tomorrow and ask about going that direction. Based upon the feedback here, it looks like the better route to go pending an updated quote from them. I'll let you know what they say.
  24. Understood. Are you saying the same does not work when GNX 375 is in place of a GTN?
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