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Everything posted by gevertex

  1. Hopefully it’s just the remaining caliper needing to be rebuilt. I’ll take it easy on the brakes until it’s fixed. Planning on flying directly to AGL tomorrow. I won’t takeoff if they are stuck at all.
  2. Where on the airplane does that typically occur?
  3. Agree. I’m having it looked at tomorrow. Just trying to get ahead of the curve on info. Thanks! Merry Christmas!
  4. Left caliper (according to invoice) was already rebuilt as it was leaking and both were bled. Maybe it’s time to rebuild right caliper?
  5. So far I haven’t engaged the parking brake. What is the significance of the parking brake valve?
  6. Yes. I have toe heel pedals on the copilot side. CFI reported they were inop. I’ll have to try them. Thanks!
  7. I tried a short field takeoff last week. After applying full power, I released the brakes and nothing happened. The plane just sat there. After a couple seconds it started lightly hopping to the right. I was able to get it unstuck by reducing power and trying a normal takeoff, and brakes worked as usual for the next landing. I am brining it back to AGL Tuesday. After getting stuck, I did notice one of the brakes was dragging when pushing it back into its tie down. Also, I have always thought the brakes were hard compared to the 172 I came from (about 2x the amount of force for the same stopping power). Brakes also take a second or so to actually actuate, not immediate like the 172 I am coming from. Brake fluid was just flushed by AGL which improved it from after purchase, but still hard imo. Copilot rudder pedals looks exactly like pilot’s, but don’t have any effect on the brakes. Is this normal? Anyone have any ideas as to the problem?
  8. I had my first flight today, and found a leak after all the rain this week. Floor below rear seats was quite damp. That's what I get for not using my covers. Now to track down the leak.
  9. That would be quite something. 6 months to only be grounded shortly after by an oil filter.
  10. I am sure their owners are just as anxious as I am to get back in the air.
  11. 6 months isn't bad from hearing others experiences. I heard many people say they were out for a year. I work in a very aggressive industry, and sometimes it's a little shocking to me to hear how projects are organized in GA. Hearing from others there tends to be a lot of lead time that is discovered sequentially. In my industry we would (as much as practical) discover all of that up front and execute on it as soon as possible. In GA it tends to be a stream of issues that are discovered one after another. That drives me a little crazy . In any case, I greatly appreciate how quickly this got done and very grateful to have an airworthy airplane. As you all know, it's very expensive to have an airplane sitting on the ground + renting another to keep your skills up / complete your missions.
  12. Shapeways has klixon covers. Worth trying for the price. https://www.shapeways.com/product/7PX88KE24/switch-cover-klixon-20tc-v0-6-textured-front?optionId=56024562
  13. I am planning to fly it for a bit before getting the panel done, and I'd like to file IFR for some XC trips I have planned. New panel will have Garmin EIS. Since this is a freshly overhauled engine I wanted to ensure engine was fully monitored. Call me overly cautious, but at least I'll be able to detect some problems early.
  14. It was a long wait, but it's finally done. One of the Squawks I noted from before completion was the brakes taking a lot of effort to actuate. Mechanic told me when they changed the brake fluid it came out like molasses. I guess it hadn't been changed in quite some time. I'll have to try and track that down in the logs. In total this was about a 6 month journey.
  15. Yup. It’s pretty crazy. You can get one on eBay for about 1amu
  16. I ordered this while it was on back order for my 92 J, but didn't end up needing it. Forgot about it and just received it yesterday at my doorstep. Since these are still somewhat hard to come by, offering it for sale at the same price I paid. It's still new in the box. I am based out of KEQY, or I can arrange to ship it to you. Asking $830 which is the price I paid for it.
  17. Are their other options for electric ignition on dual mag engines?
  18. Engine overhaul, mechanic sold business to another mechanic, another dozen squawks not identified in prebuy. On the last few now, hopefully I'll be flying it in a couple weeks.
  19. I am in a similar situation, have owned the airplane for ~8 months now, haven't flown it yet. So close though. Any timeline on yours?
  20. Getting close. Thanks goes to my mechanic John Car and team of AGL Aviation. Just a few squawks left to repair. Brakes are not very effective. Had to stand on them to hold the airplane still during run up. Looks to be coming from a leaking brake caliper Stall warning horn goes off constantly. Replacement logic board is on the way. Vacuum pump is intermittent. It worked eventually when I was idling at 1200RPM per checklist, but new one is on the way. EGT probes #1 and #2 are bad It's getting expensive, but it does seem like they are being through and doing a good job. I am told this should be done Monday. I hope so.
  21. I like to tinker also, just trying to learn from your experiences. I generally like the approach of a smaller panel if I can set the maximum voltage precisely. Perhaps you are right. Flying more often is the best antidote to a rundown battery. Maybe I'll buy a few parts to experiment with.
  22. So you wouldn't mind say a 29v float voltage even if the battery really required only 27v? I get what you are saying about charge current (limited current would drop the voltage IIRC). But say you had a week of clear summer days. Seems like 50W would be enough to over charge the battery even during 1 day of that. These batteries are only ~300Wh. Just 6 hours to go from flat to full. It also appears temperature is a factor. See Concorde's recommended voltage regulator setting. Link: https://batterymanagement.concordebattery.com/BatteryDocs/5-0324-rg-manual.pdf So maybe I set the charge controller to 28v (a good middle ground). I can do that using the lithium mode of a solar charge controller? Or is it in multiples of 3.7v?
  23. Do you fill the engine up with oil, then drain it back to normal levels? If you are adding oil surely that oil must come back out before you run the engine?
  24. Try this instead: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=engine+preoiler&atb=v271-1&ia=web Though the results are not aviation specific.
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