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David M20J

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Everything posted by David M20J

  1. While I have been a professional pilot for a little over 10 years; I have only been a plane owner for a year now (take my opinion with a grain of salt), and my first plane was an M20J so I may be a little biased. I did look at getting a M20C (and flew one), along with a C182 and some pipers. There are a lot of opinions here that I could quote and agree with and a few people have said it already, but if you have the resources why not. That said, how much of a gain are you getting, the listing didn't say anything about speed mods so I would assume it doesn't have much. 6k+ hours on airframe might increase your insurance a bit, but overall looks like a nice plane. If the means are there you can find a J for a couple bucks more if you are willing to search for it. The other day I did some formation flying with a hangar neighbor with a C model, he was running 24/2400 and I was 21/2400. My point is if you have the resources and find an older J that isnt too much more, I think you would see a bigger difference. The guy with the C has also flown back seat in my J and raves about the extra space in the long bodies, so if you plan to carry more than 2 people that might be a consideration. Some people were saying don't run the numbers for a J/K, but I feel price wise the jump from a nice C to a decent J isn't as much as a J to a K and obviously a C to a K. I went with the J over the C because it was my first plane and everyone I talked to said I would be wanting a long body after awhile and I found a nice J that wasnt much more than the C I was looking at. Now if I already owned a plane I think that would be a different story, or maybe not. Again new plane owner so a lot of this is new to me.
  2. is this determined on the checkout page and we need to fill out the optional make and model section? or automatically get the -C, unless put in the notes. just to clarify
  3. I second @EricJ, its not uncommon to see those hours on an engine even though it was OH, I think its good to know how many hours are on the engine since new, i dont know for sure, but I think the factory OH or faa approved engine shops OH can zero it out (im no SME). yes there is a point at which it can become unserviceable but if it is well taken care of it can last far longer than expected. not sure if you are willing to share the tail number but if you do there are a lot of people here who know how to do the right research and give you a lot of good info
  4. This one hits a little close to home, the bonanza was based out of the same airport and I knew a few people who were flying it just to keep it running for the owner. I met the CFI a few times, he was a young kid based at the airport driving a golf cart around and would stop and talk to anyone he saw by an airplane. Just excited about aviation and would talk to anyone that would listen. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/buckeye-plane-crash-leaves-1-person-in-critical-condition while I am a 3200+ hr pilot, I only have about 100hrs in fixed wing and 15hrs in my mooney, the transition from a 172 to a mooney was a learning curve for sure but I attribute that to my young CFI who got me my ASEL addon just taught me what I needed to know to pass a checkride(that may have been my own fault). I hired a CFI who knew Mooneys to get me up to speed in my plane and insurance requirements, but after seeing this I think I want to call him again and go over accelerated stalls again. I am not making any judgements or pointing any fingers, but from witness accounts in this article it just made me think of accelerated stalls being to close in to the runway and forcing final and not overshooting. wondering if other people had to transition their site picture from a high wing to low wing and from slow plane to fast plane and how they managed, or if you just get slow on downwind. I was taught 105 downwind, 95 base, 85 final, 70 across the threshold from a Mooney CFI
  5. anyone know of something or someone in the Phoenix area, dont have a lot of time to travel out of state
  6. I saw a helicopter and got excited, glad to hear he did a great job landing. easy pickin for that A-Star
  7. with those 100 gal tanks whats the useful load topped off? 1 pilot no bags?
  8. That's where I am based out of for work, just flew a rattlesnake bite just north of there
  9. I am also trying to decide between a JPI 900 or GI-275 EIS. Ive heard a few people talk about the garmin integration bonuses. is there anyone that knows specifically what those are or where I can find information about the integration advantages? I currently have 2 GI-275s, both are primary systems, with a GNX 345 gps, so it would be a third GI-275.
  10. I would hope no one takes what I say or anyone else on an internet platform at face value, and that they do a little research. I was just merely sharing the experience with my insurance company and offering an avenue to look into with the posters insurance
  11. I just went through getting insurance and trying to get a ferry pilot to fly my new plane home a few months ago as a first time airplane owner. I tend to agree @201er here on the instructor requirements. The open pilot clause really only applied to the ferry pilot we were trying to hire and not the instructor. the way my insurance explained it to us was that whoever is PIC needs to be named or meet the open pilot clause. So I would say as long as you meet the requirements to act as PIC in that aircraft, from the insurance view it shouldn't matter who you get your dual from as long as they are a CFI/I. And yes with @201er again on quality is a different story
  12. i know a few guys around the airport here who say the access panel just outboard of the main gear
  13. my 1977 still has the original glare shield and it doesnt have the hump thing I've been trying a lot of different mounts with and without ipad cases and ultimately I wanted my iPad in a case and not many mounting systems worked well with a case. this one looks great though and caught my attention real quick How is the heat with that case, does it overheat?
  14. What iPad case and mount are you using here? assuming its a mini, is it a 6th gen?
  15. I'm a professional pilot so I keep a 1st class. When I first started flight training I got a 3rd class and kept that one all the way through getting my hours as a flight instructor. It wasnt till I got my first job outside of flight instruction that I got a 1st class.
  16. another quick reference for a lot of different medications for different things can be found here https://www.leftseat.com/faa-accepted-medications/ , use as a reference, ultimately consult your AME, they would have better advice and the ability to get or help get approvals for meds
  17. I matured, and my tastes got better
  18. As a new mooney owner Im realizing the main gear turning limitation makes it hard to hand push backwards by myself. does anyone know of any smallish travel size powered tow bars? at my home airport I have neighbors that will let me use their gas powered wheel thingy but would like to find a travel battery pack version. Ive seen like a power tool attachment thing years ago before I was a plane owner but not sure what it was. Im also curious about peoples opinions about letting FBOs tow their Mooneys, as a former FOB line worker about 10+ years ago I have zero trust in the line workers. I may be jaded from the workers I had under me so I wanted to get other peoples experience and if Im being overly protective of the front main gear turn radius
  19. I just bought my first airplane ever and it happened to be a Mooney and this forum has been so helpful it got me thinking about when I saw my first Mooney and what my opinions were of it then, Im starting this thread as a fun look back. Only opinions and first thoughts, no tech arguments. My first venture into aviation was in 2004 when I took my first flight lessons (yes im a youngin), but college took priority so i didnt fly again till 2014, but before that I worked as a fueler for cutter at KDVT (2013). There was this Mooney that flew in regularly as a commuter to our FBO and being young and dumb I thought it looked really weird, I even said to myself "I'll never own anything like that, that tail is so dumb looking". The gentlemen that got out of it was this older gentlemen in his late 60s and all he want to do was talked about his Mooney while tipping us to park and fuel his plane like we did every other week. As a good customer service rep I listened and seemed interested, but all I was thinking to myself was wow thats the dumbest looking tail ive ever seen. When I buy myself a plane it definitely wont be that... ....fast forward... I go through helicopter flight school... fast fwd... I learn that I love anything that flies... fast fwd... I want to get my fixed wing addon, my life long friend says he wants to get a plane too, we start doing research go look at tons of planes but nothing peeks our interest... 6 months into looking, he sends me a listing for a Mooney 1977 M20J, the next day both of us are on a plane traveling across the country to look at and test fly this mooney which we are now proud owners of. While I still think to myself I would love to land on a short grass field, I could not be happier with my Mooney, I love this thing so much and maybe it's my first love syndrome, but she has already cost me thousands of dollars before I could even fly it but I still find myself wanting to drive to the airport all the time. There was a 182 we were looking at and I feel like I wouldnt be as enamored with that 182 as I am with our Mooney. Maybe I'm still in the honeymoon stage of buying my own mooney but curious about others experience with their first interactions with Mooneys because when I was young I thought I hated these things and here I am in love with mine 10 years later
  20. The website did mention make sure you get the right version if you have a J or newer , they said they had 2 gen versions based off what you had so im hoping thats what what changed was that massive pipe i kept hearing about
  21. Thanks guys, we have injected and with just dropping for a new prop I think we'll hold off. Ill try to look for the previous thread you mentioned @Ragsf15e beat me to it
  22. My co-owner showed me this exhaust from Power Flow Systems, Inc. Does anyone here have this installed? My biggest thing is the performance gains worth the almost $6k price tag... this is copied from this link https://www.powerflowsystems.com/products/mooney/mooney-200210hp-io360 5 -7 knots faster cruise speeds 10% – 15% increase in rate of climb 0.5 – 1.5 gph reduction in fuel burn at equivalent airspeed Improved Take-Off Performance (100’ – 300’ reduction in ground roll) Increase in Service Ceiling of 2,000’ – 5,000’ Cooler CHT’s ...We just bought a new prop, so it would really need to be worth it for me to buy it right now and then wait 6 months or more to get it...
  23. I wish I had those prices even for a drive an hour away
  24. My old OAT sensor quit working, I'm working out of town so cant get to the plane to take a picture, but it was something like this I do have a GNX 375 and was thinking about getting the Garmin GTP 59 https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/garmin_10-06970.php then I looked at the price and was like well if im going to spend that much what about a Davtron, I use something like this in the aircraft I fly for work https://www.aircraftspruce.com/pages/in/chronometers_davtron/davtronclock.php Was curious about other peoples thoughts and pros and cons for each. I do really like having the timer, Local time, UTC, and all that jazz, or maybe im just use to that instrument. Im also not sure if there would be additional benefits for my 375 if I got the probe for it. I am also running two 275s Thanks -David
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