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Everything posted by JayMatt

  1. couldn't actually find it in your post history, would love to check it out if you could send me a link
  2. Couple questions. What paint did you use? I have a business account with Sherwin Williams and will probably use their high end paint with a clear coat. Haven't really decided yet. May go with the Arcy glo also. The Arcy glo last 5 to 7 years they say before it starts to fade. Jet Glo is supposed to last 10 to 15 but be a more difficult process Next question... What stripper did you use? These days the strippers are quite advanced and eco friendly. I'm using sunset strip by webbertech. I know Sherwin Williams has their version of eco friendly stripper now too. I've sprayed it on with a gun then wiped all the paint off andto the cowl and stuff and pressure washed it. Super easy to get most of it off. On aluminum it slides right off. I only do small sections at a time and have been knocking out all the hard stuff you don't see first. I almost have everything underneath the airplane done. Hopefully all the hard stuff is done this week. I've been taping the windows really well I think, I hear of people having issue there but I haven't had any so far. Is it a solution creep that gets in the cracks or just poor tape job? If there is anything specific I need to look out for I'd like to know. One major area of concern I have is with the gas tank inspection plate gaskets. I imagine I need to tape those right? My A&P mention he thought the manual said to tape them but I couldn't fid anything. I was researching if there is something you could put on them like vasoline with a Q-tip or something like that and move on but haven't seen anything solid. Honestly I enjoy the work. As of now I wouldn't mind doing it as a side gig. I'm weird like that tho...
  3. I have a Hangar with a vacuum setup, didn't think of adding a catch filter to that system, I'll look into it.
  4. I've been stripping piece by piece already. I have not found it to be nearly as hard as everyone makes it out to be. The strippers are pretty good these days. Aluminum taping everything off is a bit of a pain underneath the plane but it's not exactly what I would call hard work, just time consuming. My initial do it myself position is the result of not finding quality or reliable workmanship. Without getting on a soap box I figured I was better off doing it myself. That way I know all the little corrosion spots were dealt with properly and nothing was left as good enough. I've taken a paint job I like and added my personal touch to it. This will be my end result.
  5. Not at ours. Even if it was I could move to a private strip and do it there.
  6. After plenty of research, I've decided to pain my own aircraft. Anyone on here do that and want to talk about it? Would love to hear about your experience and what you thought of the whole thing. Regards,
  7. What are the wait times? My annual is due in December. This will be the first annual I go through as I'm a new owner. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little nervous about taking it to Mooney. Mainly because I'm afraid of what may have been missed over the years that will now mean a 10+k annual. I know that should be a comforting thing but this year has been expensive already. Bringing a Mooney back to life with the level of care I'm accustomed too is no cheap feat. @Jonny could you also explain more about what's going on with landing gear? I'm not familiar with what everyone is talking about and would like to find more information on the matter. What's the address to the shop?
  8. I do, but I rarely come across someone that does. It's about 50/50 in the aviation world in my experience so far. Which is way higher than anywhere else.
  9. I bought my J at 50 hours and a wet PPL. Insurance was/is 3700 a year. Now I'm at 98 hours in the 7 months I've had it. Supposed to go down 9% in the next 30 hours or so. Most places quoted 7500 a year...
  10. Well now what? what the heck am i supposed to do? it runs great... they said it had parts in it from the 80s and AD not complied with and stuff. Make me think people possible lied in the log books? Don't know at this point. Not sure how to get to the bottom of all this now. Got an A&I from my home airport gunna look at it this week
  11. !UPDATE! So I've been debating starting a new Thread for this but I could just Update everyone on this one. First of all the plane is back in Texas. This is not without a few hiccups of course. First Shout out I'd like to give to Professional Aircraft Accessories in Cincinnati. They turned around my Mags in 3 days and I believe someone there decided not to take time off to help get it done. Outstanding service considering there is a forever wait to get Mags overhauled. Second shout out is to Joe Spielman that drove out there and helped me get everything done. He's a traveling A&I out there and just an awesome guy. Shout out to the guys at K62 for helping me out. Dan Bell the airport manager got me space in a hangar to work on the plane. Jim Moore who let me use all his tools so I could help out the A&I. Several people offered help also, so I could get back to Texas. The issue we ran into was the timing. We kept setting the timing to 25 btc and it would run like crap. This was what was stamped on the engine. We looked it up online after we checked all the wires and stuff and verified they were all good. Turns out you can set it to 20. We did that and it ran like a dream. Next Day I flew her back to Texas for an uneventful flight. The trip was a bit pricey overall but I have my Mags rebuilt now and I met a lot of cool people. It's pretty cool being part of such awesome community.
  12. Thank you, I've had an outstanding amount of people helping me. I'll be sure to post a thread about it. I'm honestly at a loss for words at how generous people have been. I love the flying community.
  13. I called them and everyone under the sun, no one has one. It's getting pulled by a mechanic tomorrow and I found a guy willing to rebuild it. Plane will be down a week. Still trying to decide if I stay here or fly home Monday and come back when it's ready and the weather is right
  14. UPDATE! Well fuel checked out as good did a magneto test and the right mag is out. So now the plane is stuck in Kentucky until I get that fixed. I have called everywhere looking for mags and can't find them so maybe someone here has one? PN 10-382555-11 I can also upgrade to a 10-682555-11 If I can find one of those. I checked everyone that could be found from google. Maybe someone here knows where I can get one?
  15. I'm good I'm in a hotel 40min away which was my destination anyway. We were headed to midway between Cincinnati and Falmouth anyway so it worked out that family was same distance from either airport. I'll be calling a few mechanics tomorrow, sort this out and go do some testing. Thanks everyone for the help, I'll try and post an update if I have time.
  16. also to add to this, mags aren't at their 500 hour inspection and they had consistent RPM drop before take off. Any other way to test them other than pull them and send them off?
  17. It's not a turbo but it is fuel injected. No engine monitor, was literally my next purchase and was trying to get in in the next month. Doesn't help me not having it now. If it is mags, is switching to a sure-fly a large undertaking for a mechanic?
  18. If its TC? I was at 3500 at the time and its a 1978 M20J
  19. So Today I flew from Galveston Texas to Falmouth Ky just south of Cincinnati Airport. This is my first long flight as a new pilot. From Galveston to Memphis TN was a breeze, air was smooth and everything was perfect and made good time. About an hour from Tennessee my plan had a little cough for about a second. It I thought maybe I was running a little rich so I leaned it up a little bit and continued on it happened a few more times and well I'm in Falmouth now instead of Cincinnati. The bog down or cough or whatever was going on, happened 15 min apart or so. the third time it happened it was like, ok we need to land. Any ideas what is causing this? Tomorrow I'll head out to the plane and check for bad gas or junk in the gas. I filled up Just outside of Memphis at Panola County KPMU... the place wasn't run down or anything. All my instruments stayed in the green. I also need to know if anyone knows an A&P in the area? How do I track one down out here? Need to try and get this resolved, I can leave the plane where its at if need be, would rather not if I can get someone to look at it after I check the fuel. Not sure why I didn't check before leaving for a hotel but I was exhausted after I started to realize I could have an engine failure and needed to land.
  20. The picture on my phone looks clear but it uploads fuzzy for some reason. But yeah its 100% that diode or a diode. Can I replace that? Or just don't worry about it? Kinda wanna do it just to do it even if I don't use it ever. Just a learning exercise
  21. I didn't see anything. I'm ordering new anyway but though a repair might be a suitable backup in a pinch. It's the power supply for my strobe
  22. No but if you look at it you can see it's blown. It's in a hoskins power supply for my strobe
  23. Can anyone tell me what size fuse this is?
  24. Thank you!
  25. So on a Piper we had a clear tube we could dip down into our tank and verify how much fuel we had left with a quick calculation. Is there something like that for Mooney? I can't find it anywhere and I want one. Especially as I'll be making some long cross countries and would like to cross check burn rates and such.
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