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Everything posted by JayMatt

  1. On the belly of my airplane, I have an antenna that has a nasty chip in it and the metal that's inside it is rusting. I have no Idea what antenna it is other than it looks like these. I will take a picture tonight when I get back out to the hangar. As I put the plane back together I figure I may as well fix every little piece I come across. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pnpages/11-02852.php?gclid=CjwKCAjw_YShBhAiEiwAMomsEE18nasJ5XnqbNuOeE1XJSqizTng5ZPI6miZhLFD2P7t34q5Kx1MuRoConAQAvD_BwE https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/antenna11-13830.php The prices are dramatically different ... Any opinions or thoughts on the matter I should look at?
  2. Agreed. Sometimes we forget an engine is an engine is an engine. It's not rocket science
  3. If it's only in climb out when it's under the highest load, then it's electrical imo. fuel doesn't care when it is and neither does air. Now if you are in Taxi full rich and not leaning to keep your plugs clean it could potentially be that too and just need to lean out a little bit before takeoff, not during takeoff. There are more qualified people on here to comment on the best way to do that stuff.
  4. sounds like the Mags, if they are worn out it will cause misfires under a load. I know cause I had one go out in flight. fun experience.... Send them to the guys in ohio if that's what it is. It's that or wires or plugs IMO. I'd bet mags tho As another guy on here says... I'm no A&P, just a dude with an opinion.
  5. Stunning plane. Best of luck in your adventures!
  6. Even with my 430 I haven't found that its better than the free App on my phone and a stratus... To think we used to fly with charts and paper and now people can't function without 50k worth of glass.
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