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Everything posted by JayMatt

  1. Granted the manual gauge said 20 at a different point in the fuel line but it should all equalize. But just to be sure, we are going to check at the transducer point this time and see if somehow there is a 50% clog? That doesn't make logical sense but we are at a loss right now. Anyone know a way to test I'm getting the correct voltage or resistance output from the transducer would be much appreciated. 12v is measured at the (ing) point and I'm assuming 20psi should be a fraction of that at the (send). The second connection on the transducer just goes straight to the engine block as a ground. I ran a secondary ground and no change, so It's probably not the ground.
  2. Correct, 2 transducers old one and new one both 10lbs. The manual gauge says 20lbs.
  3. Well I'm officially lost. I just got a call today from the instrument shop and they don't think I have a gauge problem. I had ordered a new transducer Part# 05-07463 MFR Model# CA880007-501 and installed it, and got the same 10lbs of pressure reading as the old one. Oddly enough, when I first installed it, I turned the boost pump on and it went up to 20lbs. it waivered 3 or 4 lbs but I figured that was just the boost pump or who knows what and I would try that weekend after I put everything back together and ran it. The weekend came and I pulled the plane out and flipped the boost pressure switch on and 10lbs. I cussed for sure. So I started the plane and ran it anyway and still 10lbs. Did everything I could to make it change and it pretty much ran a steady 10lbs, exactly half of what's needed. (FYI a manual gauge tied into the line says 20lbs) So I put the plane up and watched another pretty flying day go by. I went back and checked every wire to see if there was a broken or bad wire somewhere. Multi meter indicated the same voltage at the transducer as it did the gauge. Added another ground wire to check that and still no change. That's when I finally decided to take the gauges out and send them to a shop. And now here I sit not knowing what to do. Maybe it's the wrong transducer? Shop said that we could send it to another shop in Dallas and see what they say... are gauges really that hard to understand? Anyone know how to test these things myself?
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwQpsXPPsof/?img_index=1 Vernatherm
  5. I don't have the rating so I don't intend to use it or need to. I realize it will be needed to sell the aircraft one day but not now. It's also the instrument giving me issues in my headset so I'm thinking of leaving it disconnected and labeling it inop. What instruments do I need or what else can I have besides a TC? I have an attitude indicator and the ball still. I'm really looking into what I can have besides this old TC cause it's hard to find parts for and I read lots of complaints about them from a reliability perspective.
  6. Sorry it looks like my previous post didn't go through or was deleted. But it looks like I'm safe according to what you are saying and I was misquoted by lasar. I have a century auto pilot from what I remember. I'll take a picture when I can get down there in non freezing weather.
  7. So, I had one of these go out and it was part number880030-503 &501 and the replacement part is 940124-501 according to Lasar. They are both discontinued and I'm SOL as far as I can tell unless I move on to another Tech. I'm not opposed to doing that but I don't want to be forced into it just yet. Aircraft spruce has this part and it says TRANSDUCER,FUEL PRESS 3060-00017 3060-00017 05-07318 $186.99 Quantity FUEL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 880007-50125 880007-501 05-07463 $185.90 Quantity These are listed for Mooney M20 C&J Anyone have info or insite on these things? Also, When the lovely turn coordinator went out. I still have the ball obviously and that's really all I need. Does anyone know if the Turn Coordinator is what drives out stock auto pilot? It's looking like a panel is in the future, but like I said, i want to think about it and plan it out and not jump into because I have to. Thanks,
  8. This, high time Mooney pilots will probably think it's all kinds of other things because they are so used to it but it's just a Mooney thing. It's something I noticed on mine when I got it because it's so different from what I was taught on. I think the more hours you get in general the less you'll notice things like that. I bet it's just you getting used to Mooney and if your friend hasn't flown a Mooney in some time I would bet he's forgotten that trait. Like you said before, you tested the trim and it wasn't that based on needing to adjust after airborne.
  9. All very good points. And no I don't think I could treat a co-owner as an equal. I'd still think of it as my plane. I would 100% be overbearing and I didn't think of that until you mentioned it. I don't think I could let go because I spent 6 months stripping and painting this plane myself. I don't care about the cost as much as I care about it being flown a little more, if things pop up like I just recently went through. I think maybe allowing someone to fly my plane while I'm down could work. Maybe talk a little more to some of the local pilots where I'm at.
  10. Appreciate the insight. I flew 45 hours this year, But I went 90days without flying because of the FAA and missed two long flights I had planned. I have the same mission as always and most my flying is trips somewhere. I just don't fly the $100 burger as much anymore and enjoy the longer trips. Granted now that I'm back to being current on everything that'll probably change, I was just curious what partnerships were like as I see them occasionally on trade a plane. After hearing from people on here I'd probably rather not. To the others that commented on running the motor. I did it cause I wasn't current and couldn't fly, it's not that I didn't want to. Without a medical, flying for the sake of the motor is illegal.
  11. thank you for concern
  12. What is this?
  13. I run it much longer than 30 min and also run it through some high RPM's at operating temperatures. I practice good engine care.
  14. I'm kicking around the idea of fractional ownership. This year it took 90+ days for the FAA to send me a medical. Once I got that I was no longer current due to 2 year "check" ride or whatever it's called. Then weather only being good on work days and I'm not flying as much as I would like my plane to be flown. I run down and run it when I can if I can't fly it because I feel like it's the right thing to do. Anyway, is selling off half a plane a big hassle? Is it worth it? Is it complicated legally? I'm not really fond of sharing a plane but it also kinda makes sense if I can't fly as much as I'd like to. Next year will probably be better for flying and I'm switching to basic med, but I would like to hear peoples thoughts that have been in partnerships and how that goes.
  15. THIS! I'm actually shocked we are still going strong. I'm by no means rich and I do feel inflation, but I'm fortunate enough to mange money well enough that I can afford my plane. I watch people buy stuff I know first hand they can't afford. Credit card debt is through the roof just so people can go out to eat. Breakfast is darn near 50$ now for 2 people. Good time to have cash on hand. Maybe people will vote a little better when they realize all that free money ruined their chance at the American dream.
  16. The FAA screwed me on my medical so I couldn't fly a couple months and I'm not at the 100 hour mark. Mine just went up to 4200 a year. (noob pilot) I came to revive this thread so I could bit@h about the increases. I've been looking at Mooney prices and if anything they are going down again aren't they? Inflation is really starting to hurt to be honest and it's so bloody expensive to do anything.
  17. expired right now. So All i do is drive to the hangar and run the plane every other week for an hour and taxi up and down my hangar row...
  18. well that makes me feel so much better
  19. in my case it's every year which sucks. So I just can't go to Canada on basic med? I can deal with that. I don't see myself flying out of the country ever.
  20. Anyone have a basic med that can offer some advice? I've been on a special issuance since I started flying and this year the FAA decided they were going to issue my medical instead of my AME. It's been 70 days now and I haven't heard anything. I called and was told I would be front of the line and done last week and here we are still in review. Nothing has changed in my health so I don't know why they changed the rules on me but it is what it is. My question now is, can I cancel my request for a medical and switch to basic med? I just learned about basic Med and it seems like it's a way better option as I'm just a personal use pilot and have no intention of being anything else. Is it possible to just change what you're asking for? Is there really any reason to be anything but basic med? Thoughts?
  21. @KSMooniac are you saying that finding all the seats out of a 82 or newer would potentially solve a lot of these issues? they have bucket seats in the back?
  22. I would like to bring this topic back from the dead. The only post I can find on it are 10+ years old. Has anyone converted their back seat in a J model to where it folds down? Can you give me pictures of it if you have. Nothing I found in old post has pictures anymore. I'd like to do this mod for the sake of golf +1 if there is a way to make the bench seat a split seat where either side can fold down so I can fit three golfers and 3 bags.
  23. I love Mooney, don't get me wrong, but if I had that budget and mission I wouldn't be flying a Mooney. I'd probably go with a Columbia 400 or a Lancair IV-P. I fly 4 adults a decent amount of times but it's interesting. Mooney is an amazing "economical" plane but not what I would choose as daily driver.
  24. fidelity is unlimited 2% cash back and can go higher depending on how much you have in a fidelity account. Their money market / savings account if you will, earns 5. something% apy. Toss that 2% in there and earn on it, adds up over time and makes a nice little vacation or plane upgrade. If you look at rewards points over cash back none of them are worth it. The prices on hotels are higher than you would pay if you just called them and they also don't offer the better rooms. Been there done that math, cashback is really the best way.
  25. What an awesome story. Wish I had stories like that.
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