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  1. The sealant on top could be deteriorated and it will evaporate. Also check inside at the wing root for a leak into the cabin. Pull some panels at the leading edge and check the front spar.
  2. All the A&P can do is give a list of discrepancies to the owner and document any maintenance actin that he has done in the log book such as “removed filter and inspected, found eraser head size amount of ferrous metal in the filter.
  3. Sorry about the auto correct changing some of the words.
  4. Removing the lower cowl does take some time. You haven’t seen to disconnect the landing light, cowl doors, oil cooler, oil line clamps, oil line heat shield. Disconnect the inlet boost duct. Remove bolts at lower firewall. All of this in a very tight space. It does take quite a bit of time to do that and reassemble.
  5. I had to change one of the nut plates. I just bit the bullet and bought from Laser because I could not find anything else.
  6. I found a May 16, 2022 posting from SHiney Moose, N2983L, saying he had a nose gear disc removal tool that he would loan.
  7. You can remove the truss and then place it into a hydraulic press to remove the discs.
  8. I would use Pulley lube oil sold by McFarlane. A lot of penetrating oils have wax in them that will build up and become a gummy mess.
  9. Austro makes one for the Diamond aircraft. 168 HP but about 100 lbs heavier than an IO360.
  10. Buzzing is good. You can check the wire from the SOS to the mag. If that ids good, pull the mag and check the points.
  11. Mine did the same thing. Your SOS is probably dead. Do you hear it buzz when you are in the start position? Go ahead and install your Slick Start and it will probably cure the problem.
  12. When I bought my F the reservoir leaked out on the way home. It was rusty around the bottom seam like yours. You should take that out and make sure that it isn’t about to let go or you will have a mess.
  13. Crash into a school and kill 9 kids: you wont be around anyway!
  14. I have one on my 69F. I have also had it on other airplanes I had. Well worth the money. I didn’t see any mods on the baffle in on mine so it should fir fine.
  15. I think this would just be a minor alteration signed off in the log book to fabricate it from sceet. If it fails it will not affect airworthiness.
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