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Tyler G

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    M20R 310 STC

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  1. How did this go? I am doing the same shortly with the same equipment. Garmin now has your calibrate with flaps up as well. Did you do that? What were your speeds?
  2. What speeds did you use for the AOA calibration? AOA Calibration Min Vis AOA 1.5 x VSO (100 KIAS) Stall Warning AOA at Stall Caution Alert AOA 1.1 x VSO (Stall + 5 KIAS) Approach Target AOA 1.3 x VSO (500FPM Short Final Speed 75 KIAS)
  3. Ah yes, the classic ‘someone posted something I don’t like, so I must now have a public meltdown’ approach. A bold choice. Listen, my dude, I bumped the thread because I’m planning a literal transatlantic flight, not because I’m trying to sell you vitamins or get you to join my pyramid scheme. But I totally get it, critical thinking is hard. That said, thanks to the renewed attention, I actually got a super helpful PM connecting me with a pilot who’s done some truly insane long-range flights, including Germany to Tasmania. Found here: https://youtu.be/OG5oSboLq2I?feature=shared So, you know… actual valuable discussion is happening here. But hey, you do you. If getting angry at forum posts is your thing, I hear the YouTube comment section is hiring. Anyway, thanks for your contribution to the discussion. It’s been super helpful.
  4. This is perfect Dan as I fly the M20R with the 310 STC and FIKI so I will likely see similar numbers as yourself.
  5. Is Jose not around anymore? I am planning an Atlantic crossing this summer and he seemed to be a wealth of knowledge.
  6. Do you still have these?
  7. Thank you very much. They look pretty solid.
  8. Thank you. I will try that.
  9. I'm reaching out to see if anyone knows a skilled Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) who can help me with some crucial tasks on my 1996 Mooney Ovation (C-GJOG). Specifically, I need assistance with mounting the engine and propeller. There are also a few other items that need attention. The aircraft has been grounded for nearly a year. Unfortunately, my current AME hasn't been able to make any progress or provide a timeline, and I really need to get these tasks completed as soon as possible. If you know someone who could help or if you have any recommendations, please let me know. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. The plane is currently sitting in MY hanger.
  10. Solid response. Clear instructions and photos. I wish everyone on this forum could respond like this. Great job!
  11. Would you mind posting photos of the install? it would be nice to see the bottom where the hinge is.
  12. @Gee Bee Aeroproducts Is that the Bob Fields door seal with an extra mod?
  13. The trip has been postponed until this summer. I will post the story and deets once it happens. I do hope to get more discussion on the topic since our aircraft are very much X Atlantic birds. "Bump" is a term used in online forums and message boards that refers to the act of posting a message in an older, inactive thread in order to 'bump' it back to the top of the list of active threads. The purpose of bumping is to draw attention to the thread in the hopes of eliciting a response or generating new discussion.
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