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    M20K 252/Encore
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  1. Following, since I have the same "problem" with my original gauge showing my ~140F on a hot day. It's in for annual and I'll see if we can check the probe and take it from there.
  2. Time to change air filter on my TSIO 360-SB Donaldson ED04011 or Challenger CP-1175 ?
  3. I have a fully working for sale if needed. 36100-12 Man: 30/90 Send PM for details.
  4. Before I cover oil cooler to get higher temps, I want to make sure that I have correct reading on my oil temp gauge. Sure I fly with 62-65% LOP but I expect higher oil temp. CHT and Oil pressure is all good.
  5. Now it’s ”Fixed”
  6. I’ve asked Craig to add 252. Maybe he can add Encore too.
  7. I really had high hopes for G100UL. But what I've seen and read about the problems I'm amazed that GAMI hasn't tested their fuel properly. I don't care what paint a Baron has, it crazy that they didn't test on several aircraft brands to see if there was any issues. Also with sealants and O-rings problems. I can understand that GAMI "rushed" with their product to be available on the market and they want to have G100UL Commercially available in this race. This is major mistake from their side, and i think Swift already on their website points out the problem with G100UL. If there is not any "sabotage" from some other interested party in this race then GAMI will most likely have big problems ahead. Who will pay for all this damage to aircraft owner paint, and that Cirrus fuselage damage. This could turn into a nightmare for GAMI and in the end out of business. Until things has been resolved I will never put G100UL in my aircraft (I can't since G100UL is not available in Europe yet).
  8. I also have low indicated oil temps, and also got the advice from Paul to check the probe/ground at instruments since he claims it's a common issue with low indicated oil temps on M20K. Just left my M20K for my first annual, and we'll see if we can find a good way to see if my probe is reading correctly or what else it could be. Before I start to use aluminium tape on the Oil Cooler. I also looked at some Youtube videos of M20K 252 that had low oil temps. Will check if they just started up the engine, or if they were cruising for longer period. I have the stock analog gauges installed.
  9. I asked the moderators if they could give us an late Christmas present with our own M20K specific forum. Hope it will be filled with lots of useful information for M20K owners.
  10. Will post pictures soon as my Mooney is back from annual and back with tons of cables and hoses connected :-) Munthers MG50 has a controller where you can set when it should start depending on humidity. Since I'm not interested in the humidity in my hangar, but in my engine I have connected the oil breather with a hose to a little plastic box where I have the MG50 controller in. You could if you want, then from the box attach it to the exhaust with dry air.
  11. Now Air Power changed delivery again: Estimated Availability: 6/3/2025 Wonder if they do this to get "more" pre-orders. Have they delivered any V-Band Clamps from December as they "promised" or they just move delivery date forward?
  12. I have my dehumidifier connect to my Oil Filler (TSIO-360) and then from Oil Breather to a little box there I measure the humidity and then controll my Munther MG50 dehumidifier. I also blow in dry air in cockpit through the storm window. I use a shrinkable tubing (63mm) and then I heated it to fit my Oil Filler neck. Mostly I have 30% dry air in the engine all time.
  13. I guess GAMI has other priorities right now when their GAMI G100UL is under attack...
  14. Interested if working for a TSIO 360 SB!
  15. Mine ain't broken and in Europe we don't yet have the AD on the V-Band Clamp yet. I want to have one as backup and not be grounded when it's time.
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