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Everything posted by SMeestercpa

  1. Hi, could I get a nav light cover and a blank white cover? If so, please let me know how to contact you and pay for them. Thank you, Steve
  2. I installed a full Dynon panel over 2.5 years ago. Been hand flying since. The Dynon is awesome and am looking forward to installing the AP. We pre wired for it back when the panel went in. The price of the three axis AP and servos, etc..is a bit under 7K, plus a weekend of labor. I am more than excited. ST Avionics in Sisters Oregon is an excellent choice, Steve is very talented and honest. ***UPDATE**** Autopilot installed! It took around 16 hours to install. Works fantastic, could not be happier. I have used very few features, just the Nav settings, and IAS v. FPM on climbs and decents, and simple flight plans. I have not done any approaches yet, but am very happy with what I've experienced so far.
  3. Yep, I'm not sure..I'll check it next flight.
  4. Interesting. Like I said, it likes being leaned a bit for taxi, but I've always gone full rich for take off.
  5. I believe it does say to go full rich. My engine gets a bit rough when I go to full rich, but will cut off on roll out if not full rich. I think the idle speed is around 900, but not certain on that. I'll make a note of it next flight.
  6. I have an 83 M20K 231 the the LB engine, no intercooler or Merlyn. If I don't have the mixture full rich on roll out, it quits. When I first start the engine, I start it at full rich and then lean it for usually a 75 rpm increase for taxi, I figure it is better on the plugs. Not sure why it demands full rich on roll out then?
  7. Flew the K to Texas a couple of months ago. Was close enough to Kerville to stop by and see the spiritual homeland and wanted to share a couple pics.
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  8. Wanted to let our group know that the Modesto CAPS breakfast is next Saturday from 7AM through 11AM 5-13-23. It is an excellent breakfast for $10. Oakdale (O27) has $5.39 fuel. Last month, we had four Moonies at the breakfast and I think everyone that came loved it. Steve
  9. Thank you for putting this together. Unfortunately, I will be in Charlotte on the 27th. Hope we can do something else soon after!
  10. Oakdale Ca (O27) is having an airport appreciation day this Sunday the 23rd beginning at 9AM. I hope to see some Mooney's there! FYI, O27s fuel price is $5.39 a gallon. Steve
  11. I am glad you enjoyed the breakfast. I actually back taxied and parked between your plane and the Ovation that followed. I walked those guys into the breakfast and showed them where to get tickets. Had to go, but it was fun to check out your plane. I have a picture of the three of them parked side by side. Next time, I'll post a little more in advance to hopefully get a few more Mooney's to come.
  12. that would be great...probably will see you come in, at least
  13. Flying into Modesto for breakfast around 9.30 tomorrow. The CAPS put on a really nice breakfast the second Saturday of each month. I believe it is from 7 to 11. Three types of pancakes, two different eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy. $10 bucks, and you can run to Oakdale for cheap fuel after or before. Hope to see some Mooney's there! Steve
  14. thank you for the replies.
  15. I need the Nav light cover and switch. Is it still available? What did you replace them with?
  16. Oh...540 then. I thought the Bigger Avidynes were 550's, my mistake.
  17. Thank you Scott. Could you have gone thicker? Is it quieter? Warm enough? How much did you need? Steve
  18. Hello. I am thinking of replacing the insulation in my 1984 K. Does anyone know what thickness of this insulation that Spuce sells that I should use? Is there a better material out there than this stuff? Thank you, Steve https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/supersoundproofsheet.php?clickkey=59594
  19. Looks like you are making a nice build. My buddy did the Dynon in his 172 along with the IFD 550 and the Dynon radio as a backup. Dynon's AP is certified for the 172 and works great. I like the 550 with the Dynon, I am sure you will also. Here is a picture of his install.
  20. I'll share...I bought my first Mooney in 2020. It was an 1964 E model purchased just outside of Fresno. I picked it up with a CFII and we flew it back to Oakdale, doing some air work along the way. When we got to Oakdale, he had me do five landings, one fast..the rest at the "proper" speed of 70 mph on short final. To learn the manual gear, I watched a few youtube videos, which helped a lot. So, with around 5 hours of instruction, i felt pretty good with the plane, but would not take anyone with me until I had around 20 hours in it. By that time, I felt really comfortable with the Mooney. I really loved the plane, but after taking more than two people in it a couple of times, I really felt I needed a mid body. So, sold the E in December of 2022 after putting a 100 hours on it and bought a K model. The short bodies are a bit more sporty, but the mid bodies are really nice if you are flying with more that two people. All that means that I would probably recommend a 1967 F model, if you can swing it. Good luck, the Mooney's are a great airplane. Btw, I have around 1,200 hours and have owned five different planes.
  21. Labor was around 10.5, small parts and powder coat and etching was around 3, the Dynon stuff was around 20, the Garmin stuff was around 13, new style Elt, new O2 tank, Emag, engine harness, new plugs...all told, I think I put around 50k in it.
  22. I kept the clock and the analog gauges because I think its a cool combination. The placard was something that I wanted, not required. As far as the autopilot goes, I had it pre wired for it. I was hoping Dynon would be through with the cert by now, but the 737 max issue stalled it a bit with the Seattle FISDO. Should be within the year now. I love the setup, the spatial awareness is awesome..really happy.
  23. I'd like to go as well.
  24. It takes around 100 to 120 hrs..maybe shorter since he has all the CAD info for the panel. The hold up is usually the powder coating of the panel. The parts have to be in his possession prior to dropping the plane off. I'd just call him with any questions, super guy and honest as the day is long.
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