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Everything posted by Will.iam

  1. Does the car version have burn certs?
  2. Not a fan of the system talking to you as you climb up. Again that is a distraction. LHS stays silent climbing up. If you start to sink then it will call out the hight which is when you need it and grabs your attention that you are not climbing like you normally should be doing. . A much better attention getting result than a system spatting out altitude calls then you have to stop and think and analyze was the number before bigger or smaller than the current one to verify that you are climbing or descending. Having a check gear that calls out higher is not a benefit but again a distraction. LHS calls out 200ft (instead of a useless check gear because my gear is already down and if it is not down then my brain will definitely hear the check gear call because i was expecting a 200ft call instead) which is exactly the hight decision on most ILS approaches so it’s a nice reminder you are at decision altitude and ready to land as your gear is down and you know this because you did NOT hear a check gear call out, and if the landing environment is not in sight, that you have to go-around. Most non-precision approaches are in the 500ft AGL range. The last thing i need is a checkgear call out distracting me from flying through my MDA especially if my gear was already down and locked. The LHS is a safety net to catch my screw ups when im doing something non normal, not a mindless reminder device. There is a reason why the Airforce pilots nicknamed their reminder system a bitching betty. Thanks but no thanks.
  3. Yes because the 231 turbo is still controlled by throttle and the 252 turbo is controlled automatically by a controller. I. E. The 252 you fire wall the throttle like any normally aspirated engine and the controller keeps the MP at 36 inches all the way to critical altitude (23~24k ft) where as the 231 you do not firewall the throttle and have to manage the boost yourself. Having said that it’s not hard to do but it is not automatic. Think stick shift compared to automatic transmission. Both do the same job but one requires manual intervention. Also when descending the 252 will automatically hold the boost at the set MP through the descent the 231 you will have to make adjustments like an NA airplane engine. The merlin wastegate controller is not an automatic controller. This commands a premium for the convenience. Whether that is worth it for you depends on if you have a choice to buy one in the first place. Mooney made far more 231 than 252 and even fewer encores. Good news is you can take any 252 and upgrade it to an encore and get 230 more lbs of useful load but it’s not cheap. Again what’s that premium worth for u. You can not upgrade a 231 to an encore and the company that used to upgrade 231 to 262 (a 231 with a 252 type engine) no longer exists but there are 262 out in the field.
  4. Mine is halfway up the tube where it’s mounted to the firewall. I guess one way to locate / verify if you had one is to put an air hose on the end of the breather tube and with the oil filler cap off, start blowing air into the breather tube. Then use your hand to cover the oil filler tube. If you still hear a loud hiss and not much resistance on your hand, odds are it’s going out the ice vent. Mine looks like a triangle cutout sort of like the old oil can pour spouts that would cut into the top of the aluminum of the oil can to pour out the oil. When you removed the spout it left a triangle looking cutout in the can and that looks like what i have on my breather tube.
  5. Were would that setting me? I have a feeling there would be no setting for the .30 to select but if you could post a screen shot of what page that would be on i could check for sure.
  6. Why don’t you go call them and find out that way you could sound all cool and knowledgeable here and even disprove the other’s guesses instead of just being as lethargic as the rest of us and complaining that nobody made the effort to call them. I personally don’t care as this system is more expensive than the LHS and the check gear warnings were already annoying me just with the short video they had. If i wanted a system that just squawks check gear with no regard to the actual gear position i would fly with a parrot.
  7. The 2 probes is because your engine monitor is not certified as primary instrument where as your original ships gauge is. So the engine monitor has to use a piggyback sensor. Some are even a ring that fits under the sparkplug. And since the piggyback is not in the same location as the the other 3 it will read higher or lower than the others depending on where the piggyback sits.
  8. Reviving an old thread as i accidentally formatted the checklist sd and need another copy. Where is the download section on mooneyspace? I would just used this one as we have an ovation 3 that we need the checklist.ace file. It’s a 2007 i think as well. Or if anybody and just send me the thier file would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Yea thanks for the additional link but i think they are confusing.34 with .30. Neighbors did contact maxwell and they said not possible. They are going there soon to get maxwell to install the LHS in their mooney as they liked it so much riding in mine they want one too.
  10. I was surprised that the garmin g1000 in my neighbor’s ovation that the standby ADI, airspeed and altimeter are on the far right side of the panel. Makes a great setup for a copilot to fly off of but how did garmin get that certified as I see all these upgraded panels and all of them have the standby adi next to the primary pfd and I hear that is the requirement. Just wondering how garmin got the g1000 approved that way.
  11. Yes just went down that rabbit hole unfortunately.
  12. Once the month is up get the ceramic coating to help protect the surface.
  13. This is more expensive than the LHS and from listening to the video is sqwaking check gear at an altitude without regards to the position of the gear thus you will eventually tune it out or think you have the gear down when it is not hear the check gear as a confirmation bias and land gear up. The LHS ONLY says check gear when the gear is not down and you go below 200ft. I. E. If you are doing your normal pattern and checks you should never hear the check gear call. If you do that’s a great time to go-around and assess why you missed the most important checklist item and take assessment of what else you forgot or got so distracted you missed putting the gear down.
  14. This is the version my neighbor is on 0401.30 and that service bulletin it to get G1000 to this version but it will not save engine dara to the SD. apparently Schllc was able to goto 0401.34 as a non waas airplane. Is the 0401 the version of the GIA bootloader? And .34 is the operating system version? Where the snag or misconnect seems to be is that in order to update .30 to .34 the bootloader has to be updated and people (avionic techs)are saying that new bootloader only works with waas installed equipment. So while the .34 could work without waas the bootloader to start the .34 would check for a waas equipment and fail to boot. But if the bootloader is the 0401 version i do not see why the bootloader would need an update as its already at the correct version. We just want the operating system updated from.30 to .34 and tgere does not seem to be a SB out to do just that part of the update.
  15. Not that I’m aware of but seems to me you could just tape a pencil on the inside of the cowling where the baffling meets to allow a gap on either side of the pencil and that would allow air to leak around the baffling instead of going down passed the cylinders and see if that would be enough to raise the cylinder head temps. Might need one pencil per side. Or maybe install the top cowl with the baffling folded back instead of forward? If the pencil worked, you could remove it and drill a hole on the baffling the size of the pencil and when the temperatures started warming up just duck tape over the hole.
  16. Is that the original ship’s gauge that only measures one cylinder? If so i would highly recommend an engine monitor as you could have another cylinder that is running too hot and not know you are damaging it until it fails and you feel the roughness. This would also allow you to check that one probe is not failing or giving you a bad indication as you could compare it to other probes or past engine data logs you have from previous flights as just about all engine monitors these days has storage capabilities. Mike busch recommends cylinder head temperatures to be no lower than 250 degrees to help facilitate lead scavenging. If running cooler than that you could be at risk of lead buildup on the exhaust valve guide leading to morning sickness due from the start of valve sticking. At that cold of temp i would be running at peak egt so as to get more heat from the combustion. LOP the cylinder heads run cooler than peak egt and you are wanting the cylinder heads to be at least up above 250.
  17. I use a current windows 11 computer to cut my cards. Have not had an issue until i got a spare nav card as i wanted to be able to cut a card for the next database cycle and thus just swap the cards when i was out at the plane the next time. I then tried to cut the other card as a spare as a backup. But garmin database manager will fail when you try that. You can swap cards every new cycle but can not have 2 cards on same cycle so as to keep people from sharing a subscription as the old gns units do not check for a subscription code where as the newer units do.
  18. See its so interesting as my neighbor has a gtx345 in the aircraft now and garmin tech said it was because their sd card was too small needed a 2gb or larger so either the tech did not realize what version they are on or maybe the .30 will record (i have my doubts personally) weather has been bad here and they just got the larger sd cards today. Maybe in a day or two can at least run the engine for a few mins on the ground and then look to see if there is a data file. That will answer that question. Just for clarification garmin saves the engine data in a file called engine.cvs?
  19. Kendrick does not see how you got there as he said the bootloader (and I’m getting out of my realm of knowledge here) on the gia? Has to be waas in order to boot 0401.34.
  20. We called a msc and one said they needed to upgrade to waas and the other said they normally send their avionics to a garmin dealer as anything that goes wrong and garmin will not help them because they are not a garmin certified shop. I do get the feeling if they wavied any wrong doing and potential to brick the boxes that MSC would try to update the software but no guarantees.
  21. I just hope garmin does not force them to have to get a waas upgrade just to update the software. A couple of thousand for engine data logging ok but $35k just to get data logging is not worth it for them as they do not fly hard ifr and don’t see the benefit.
  22. Ok help help. Neighbor has 0401.30 so no data logging but you said .34 does support data logging. The problem is the avionics tech can not find a service bulletin to authorize the update. Do you have a copy of the SB that you used to update or did the airplane come from mooney factory originally with that version already on the G1000 thus no SB was required? tech says he wants to help but it would not be legal to update the software without a SB. That would really suck if they have all the capabilities to data log but can not because no one authorized it.
  23. Neighbor will go out and check what version their g1000 is on. Garmin said the top sd card has to be bigger than the 128mb sd card they have now so maybe that is the issue. Garmin recommended 8gb sd cards as the sweet spot. Tech said the boxes can read up to 32gb cards but they have seen issues with data load failures on cards bigger than 8gb and that bigger size cards make the system run slower. Has anybody tried the bigger cards and found this to be true? What size cards do you all use? Also with cards being so cheap now a days, wouldn’t it be easier to just cut another checklist data card and put in the other upper slot so that you only have to turn on the system once instead of now with just 3 cards having to power down swap the top card to the other screens top slot and having to power up and let the second screen update?
  24. Thanks. I had not really thought about ROP find it the first cylinder compared to LOP find is the last. I had been coming from LOP in LOP find so was going to last cylinder to peak. I see now that ironically ROP find is the better correct way to do the lean find from the LOP side so that you are not dragging through the red box slowly.
  25. Neighbor has a gx non waas. So no way to get engine data logging?
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