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Patrick Horan

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    Mesa, Arizona
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  1. Not running yet, a lot of work was needed. I hope to have it soon though
  2. Thanks for that. I'm hopingni can get the brand of hat that mooney used
  3. Sadly, I just lost my black mooney beanie. I doubt the Mooney has anymore. Does any one have the brand that mooney uses for the beanies. I'm going to try and recreate one for myself. Or if anyone has a black mooney beanie that are willing to part with.
  4. I can't wait to take my plane there. I might fly it out on Wednesday
  5. I just got off the phone with Brian Kenndrick! I'll be taking the plane to him next week and he'll be working on it February 23
  6. Definitely going to try and book something with Brian kenndricks
  7. THANK YOU!! that's really a great idea. Ill look into this rightvaway!!
  8. Thanks, I put to much work (and mooney ) to give up. Just disappointed in the work that the shop did.
  9. I wish there was a hyperbole. Unfortunately it's just been a mess. I will say the mooney shop did fix the leaks, after my mechanic did most of the work to get it flyable.
  10. It's definitely a big difference. All three cylinders on the right side (1,3,5 are 30-40° hotter) cylinder number 1 being my hottest
  11. I closed up all the gaps that I thought were causing the air to leak. But I'm still seeing +30 degree different on the entire right side of the engine, compared to the left. I've logged maybe 60 hours at most on this airplane. I am so done. I can't lean this airplane without my CHT exceeding 420. I purchased this plane from a VERY well know mooney shop. Even though I got the paper work saying an annual was done. There was no chance that a mechanic even looked at it. Between 2 faulty batteries, both fuel tanks leaking gallons of fuel, prop leaking oil, both push rod tubes on cylinder number 5 were cracked and leaking tons of oil leading to having to replace cylinder #5, and the entire pitot static line was leaking. I'm just ranting, but after this experience, compared to the M20C this is making me regret everything.
  12. Shout out to John for comming through and getting me these gauges. I just got them today!! Out with the temporary gauges!
  13. Just sent you a message
  14. I tried, but I wasn't successful
  15. I just installed two pseudo replacements. One for each wing. I used a same sized rochester dial fuel guage and marked the same spot with a sharpie. But i would love to get 2 official replacements
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