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    I69, KLUK

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  1. I'm in a similar situation with a STEC 40 autopilot with no altitude hold capability. The GFC 500 quote I received was about $20k installed with electric trim but no yaw damper from a Cincinnati area shop. I'd sooner go for the GFC 500 since I'd get new servos, better course capture, track and IAS modes, and eliminate my analog turn coordinator currently needed for my STEC.
  2. I kept a small folding step ladder in the baggage. Takes up very little space and helps when washing too.
  3. Give Jeff Schnabel a call. Several others and myself can vouch for him. He's based a short drive or quick flight away in Cincinnati. Mooney CFIs (themooneyflyer.com): Jeff Schnabel, (OH, IN, KY), based at Cincinnati Municipal Airport-Lunken Field (KLUK), Cincinnati, Ohio. CFII, MEI, ATP, A&P. 5,000+ hrs exp. Owned a 201 for 18 years, currently flying Mooney Ovation, Bravo, 201 and 231 types. Over 2,000 hrs flying Mooneys. Very experienced flying as well as maintaining these birds. And yes, I am a Mooniac. Email: schnabel79@gmail.com, ph (513) 484-0604.
  4. This is an incredibly exciting project, I spent a few hours reading over older posts and the work that has been accomplished so far. Hoping the PMA process is running smoothly and that the FAA isn't dragging this out.
  5. I don't but @Justin Schmidt or @Mike Haehnle might
  6. I'm based out of I69 and happy to meet up with you. There's a very experienced Mooney CFII/A&P based out of LUK who helped me with prepurchase and transition training into my C model last year.
  7. I also have a 40 and didn’t realize this was still possible. Hope you find a donor and report back how the upgrade goes
  8. I just bought a M20C this spring and much of the advice here is pretty much right on the money. PM me @JChrisAero if you want to discuss details. This was my first aircraft purchase and we are now about 4 months post purchase, first annual, 50 hours and one long trip completed. I'm happy to discuss my experience with you.
  9. Hey brother, I think I have you covered. I have a '62 M20C with bladders and I just did a custom Fuel Stik for my plane. I used a siphon plus a 2 gallon gas can and measured out two gallon increments to get accurate numbers. I don't have an engine monitor but have tested the burn based on power settings over 10 flights since measuring and the numbers come out within about a half gallon or so of where I predicted. If you'd like to buy a stick from Fuelstik.com, Sportys, Aircraft Spruce, etc., then you should be able to use this scale. By the way, I cleared up a bit of a mystery when I was working on this project about the true fuel volume of the bladders. My '62C when built had only 48 gallon tanks according to the owners manual. My aircraft and STC records only reference bladders added and their serials without stating the fuel capacity, so I reached out to Griggs who confirmed that my tanks were indeed expanded to 54.8 gallons total with the bladders because that bladder 27.4 gallon bladder (each) size corresponds with their part number. So now I know for certain that my tank capacity is indeed higher thanks to the bladder STC. I cannot recommend Griggs enough based on the level of help they provided in pursuit of answering my burning question. I will not hesitate to work with them if needed in the future. Printable Mooney M20C 27.4 Gal N6475U 6-16-23.pdf
  10. I put the elevator trim full down and it’s much easier because of the angle. I also plan on keeping a small step stool in my kit when at my home airport.
  11. My friends, here's my first prototype solution. It's a pool noodle with bird spikes attached by JB Weld. I sliced an opening down the length of the tube. The inside wasn't too rough either so the paint should be fine. The fit is mostly snug but I will have to test how well this keeps up with the wind.
  12. Has anyone come up with any novel and reasonably priced solution for keeping birds off the vertical stab and rudder? Maybe by putting some sort of spike strip on top? If so, how did you build it so that it can attach without blowing off while the airplane is tied down? I'm trying to avoid having to shell out $$$ for another fabric cover; my existing canopy cover is great but adding another section for the tail is not cheap.
  13. Update: just closed a deal and am now the proud caretaker of a ‘62 M20C. Looking forward to learning this new (to me) machine and meeting more pilots in the area.
  14. Hey @Mike Haehnle, that's very nice of you. I'll shoot you a PM too.
  15. Thanks, @Justin Schmidt, I'll shoot you a PM! Good point, @carusoam, hope to see some events soon. I read up on prior events and think the Mooney-specific training some fly-ins offer would be great for me too.
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