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    Mckinney, Tx
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    66 M20E

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  1. Maxwell patched my one tank a few months ago, and I ended up with an additional leak. They don’t warranty and they tell you up front. And they didn’t answer my email reporting the new leak and asking for advice.
  2. This completely solved my voltage fluctuation. Thank you all!!
  3. I’d like recommendations on a GoPro and how you connect to record audio including ATC comms and audio with my passengers. I have an Avidyne AMX 240 audio panel as well as Bose A20 headsets with Bluetooth. Thanks!
  4. I attempted to contact via social media FB, but no response. Is this guy still in business? If so how would I contact ? Thanks.
  5. I have an IO360-A1A. During my last annual my mechanic used a Tempest this time around. I later discovered this. I’d rather ask for general opinions here on these oil filters. Thanks
  6. Is there any adjustment on the back of the gauge? I have a similar problem.
  7. I have a small dent in the leading edge near the wingtip and a small one on the cowl. They are minor cosmetics, but want to get these fixed. I’m in the north Texas area. Thanks!
  8. My voltage fluctuates from 14.2 to 14.8 on my EDM730. I’m also seeing my old ammeter twitching. Any advice? I’m suspecting voltage regulator or alternator. I almost want to install a capacitor to smooth it out. Unfortunately, I’m unable to upload video. Chris
  9. I’d say the yaw damper is just adding unnecessary weight and cost in my opinion. More right rudder!! Lol. The trim servo I was told by an avionics shop is necessary for the GFC500 because the trim alert is constantly annoying. Do you have the annoying alert issue? ..or is there a way to suppress it? Or are they trying to upsell me to buying the trim servo?
  10. Just keep practicing till you’re solid every time. Always know what the wind is doing. Practice at least 2 or 3 times a week. Always start pattern work with a normal landing to get in the groove. It’s always better to be a little high if you’re not sure. You can always add flaps and slip down. Sometimes you may have to stick it like a F18 on a carrier. But don’t force it. Always be ready to do a go around if you come up short. And practice the go arounds anyway! The power off 180 is your mulligan on a checkride. Pulling the prop helps you reduce the drag and stretch it a little if your coming up short. But be careful if you have to go around. Also, if you’re coming up short try to get into ground effect sooner. Bottom line, keep practicing. Commercial in my Mooney was a blast!
  11. That’s definitely a Mooney snake! Lol
  12. I understand these are being phased out. I found one at a local shop for $400. I googled around and found one on Amazon for $100. Has anyone purchased the one from Amazon? Are these legal? Thanks!
  13. Dumb question.. can this AD be signed off in my logbook as not applicable by an A&P or does it require an IA signature? I don’t have the hybrid weight.
  14. I would think a regular refrigerator magnet would suffice
  15. If I stick a magnet to the elevator weights and determine there is a steel insert I may have the hybrid weight, right? That should be an easy test for me, and then my IA at next annual inspection. I’ll make sure this AD gets logged. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, unless I have the hybrid.
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