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Everything posted by cwaters

  1. I think he found a place last I spoke to him. If I remember correctly he is at Fox Field
  2. I'll be honest I didn't read all 3 pages of this post, I'm pretty sure that ForeFlight will show you enroute NOTAMS if you put the route in the "flights" page and go through the briefing its one of the final pages and honestly a bear to read through them all for long trips like this but runway notams is a subsection of the NOTAMS section at the end of the briefing. Thats where you would find info like this
  3. I flew to a small uncontrolled field and had parked when I realized the FBO was closed and I needed to go over to self serve to get fuel. No problem I crank the plan back up and start taxing over to the pumps, I get there and go to grab my wallet out of my bag and realize I placed my bag on the walk way of the wing before cranking the plane back up and not the full contents of my flight back were scattered across the ramp blowing in the wind. so I'm chasing check lists around and my dog is thinking its a game running around trying to chase me.
  4. I always did it in IFR training in August in the south, CFII and I sitting there sweating buckets and I'm like "crap, you are not going to laugh at this" I put a clip on the key ring and clip them to my flight bag now so the furthest they are is the back seat
  5. Check Bruce’s covers I mean 7-10k feet the oil analysis is the important part so good there my cfii for my IFR had some Mooney time but when you’re learning IFR the cfii is not teaching you to fly the plane really, they are teaching you to trust the plane and interpreting the instruments, don’t worry so much about a cfii that also flys Mooney i would search for really good transition training unless you’re comfortable in you plane right now
  6. I did this last year with my New to me J. BEST thing I have ever done. Get good transition training from a CFI who has hundreds of hours in Mooney (ideally J's ) - talk to your insurance to figure out the minimum here If you don't have your IFR go get it in your plane (I did IFR6 down in Charleston SC and loved it and more than willing to chat about it more in depth just PM me) Set aside a maint budget, things break and things get old Send oil off to Blackstone for analysis and keep track of your engine Fly often and take long trips, I think the sweet spot for the J is 7-10k on trips of 250-500nm, will it do longer, yes but thats where I find its happy and more importantly my and my wife are happy go ahead and order a case of oil, and a few oil filters, you can order oil sample kits in bulk from black stone so you have one on hand get a set of travel covers (including tail) if you're going to take trips where you cant be inside
  7. yes the EFIS was included in the estimate I understand the GPS antenna (2020) cannot drive the 355 and will need a separate antenna. Why not go with the backup battery? I can see the why install it from a "why need" standpoint, meaning if the alternator died I still have the plane battery to get on the ground with and would not be in a situation where I needed the separate backup battery, am i missing anything there ? The CDI I think I would put right below the current location of the 900 and is for dysplay of the old non-waas GPS (430) for the ILS/VOR capability (I don't like single point of failure) The 900 is an instrument that I like and am comfortable with and shaves some $$ from not needing the Dynon engine monitoring system Now for your important question; I don't know. I'm a fan of gunmetal grey and a carbon fiber look
  8. Got a quote from a local shop for a single 10" Dynon bases system with IFR connectivity, GNS 355 (for the WAAS and comm) and a new panel made for about 30AMU I would keep the 430non-WAAS as the back up gps/comm and it would be the only nav radio then as I pull the 155 out. I would be rolling the dice on the AP being approved (but would need some time for the budget to recover for that upgrade too) keep the main CDI and airspeed indicator (redundancy) and the EDM 900 (I like it and then engine information is always displayed and gives me more room on the Dynon display) Thoughts? I know there will be some that say I should go the big G route for the AP and some saying just put in the 650 but unless you want to also donate to the upgrade fund I have to stay in the budget and this route seems to keep me there and provide the largest step in the direction I'd like to move in (ultimate goal is fully coupled AP and glass, not sure if it will happen in this plane, so resale value is also taken into account somewhat)
  9. yes that is the base question and if going the dynon route would be better than the g5 and gfc route, Its a difficults decision tree for me
  10. Can you point me to a gps nav comm system that is 4K waas? Anything in that price is likely just gps, which is fine but limits my options for cleaning up the panel any also the dynon system didn’t have a Mooney approved ap yet so to get it all I’d have to go garmin all the way and then I’m looking closer to 50k I think for full glass waas gps and gfc500 not 30-35k
  11. This is a great perspective and the General way I approach this waas bs non waas decision, I have my IFR ticket and fly about 120 hrs a year in my plane, most is xc about 400-500 nm i have had my ticket for several months now and shot a fair number of approaches but most of those are with a Saftey pilot who is also IFR and we are maintaining currency and proficiency not sure It’s in my personal minimums to lpv minimums right now. But also know this is not my forever plane and non waas is dying fast and if not already will soon be a detractor ifr is still a must if not approches fthen for enroute
  12. I completely understand this am agree on all points, my questions with the dynon system were if it was a need for the system to operate or a want for better capabilities I could do a waas gps and the dynon system or the G5’s and gfc 500 ap so one way gets me a waas gps and glass panel with synthetic vision and the other gets me a AP coupled to non waas gps for long xc IFR flying
  13. its a 430Non-WAAS, thanks I'll check it out some more, didn't see this in the initial skim
  14. I have, most of the FBOs are also the ones selling hangars and have long wait lists.
  15. Hello All, I move to Colorado Springs in April and have nearly exhausted all the typical efforts looking for a hangar and am now trying the grass roots method of seeing if anyone here might own/be in a hangar now that would be leaving around the april timeframe and I could move in. Ideally to rent long term, I don't really want to buy one right now and the main office out there selling them only rents month to month at 1K/month and that is a bit untenable for me.
  16. This is exactly what I thought but then kept reading here that it needed a WAAS GPS to be IFR and was thinking that sounded wrong. It would work perfectly fine with my current non-waas gps and would not deminish the current capability or expand it (other than having a nice dysplay and not round guages anymore) and would only add synthetic vision I think (thats internal to the HDX)
  17. my WAAS/NON-WAAS line of questions is more so, to be IFR certified with teh Dynon system, do I NEED a WAAS GPS or will my current non-WAAS 430 sufice? i understand not putting in a non-waas unit and i understand the reasons to upgrade the gps but that is not my question here, I am trying to figure out if this will be a 18k worth of parts or 26k worth of parts project and what to prep the CFO in the house for
  18. I know I know, with the reduced price of the dynon system I could likely stay in my budget and put a 440 or maybe 650 in (650 would likely bust budget by a little) so I could likely do a WAAS GPS and the dynon system but would not have an AP for a year or more (to get certified and to financially save to it again) or the G5s and GFC500 decisions decisions, those long XC flights would be nicer with an AP esspecially in IMC but with the advancements in the dynon system the "Highway in the sky" and synthetic vision seems like it would also help a lot hand flying in imc side not I do 0 night flying IFR or VFR
  19. thanks for the pictures here, I'm leaning more to the dynon, I like dedicated buttons and the tilted bottom bevel and large knobs vs the thinner concentric knobs my main question now is the required equipment for ifr certification, I have a non-WAAS GPS now and wondering if I NEED to upgrade that or not (its a 430Non-WAAS so it is IFR GPS)
  20. so they have to use a WAAS gps they can't use an ifr gps to be ifr certified? I can't seem to find this information on their page, I'm IFR currently and can't see giving that up to be VFR only
  21. but what are you carrying, if its crap then maybe skinny it down. otherwise how you organize will depend a lot on what you carry. I usually carry my wife and dog so the dog shares the back seat with my flight back, floor behind co-pilot is a small fire extinguisher, some snacks and bottle of water/relief bottle everything plane needed wise for long trips (oil, screw driver, rags, cleaner...) is all in a small container in the baggage area
  22. So what are people's thoughts on why to not go the Dynon route? they seem like a pretty good glass option.
  23. what do you keep in the back seat?
  24. thanks for the information, can you or anyone explain the need for WAAS gps not just a IFR gps like a 430 nonWAAS (currently what I have) can you explain the negotiated cutoff a bit, I'm newer to ownership (1yr) and this will be my first major work. Is this saying about 3/4 the way through the install you negotiate with the shop saying that you only pay for so much and if they go over that then they eat the cost ?
  25. I've looked at the Dynon system and the only hang up is the AP for me, they have been working it for a few years now and havn't gotten there just yet. I love the thought of going that route and the cost of the dynon system for the product you're getting. I already have an EDM 900 can their system just tie into those sensors or will I need to pull that and sell it separately? So why do you need a 430W for full IFR capability? what can you not do with the Dynon with nonWAAS GPS? I like my IFR capability (would like to go WAAS in the future maybe just not now) So was youre full in cost in the 24k range (if you don't mind saying) I like my edm 900 so what are your thoughts on going with the 7" screen and keeping the edm ? I also don't have any experience with dynon systems
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