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About hammdo

  • Birthday April 13

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     Carrollton Texas
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     ‘66 M20C
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  1. Yep, GDL 82 is bricked, nothing is recognizable. Gonna bypass the unit so at least the transponder can be tested. Really curious why it bricked… shop is checking with Garmin, shop hasn't seen this before… -Don
  2. Antenna was hooked up. Ran the GDL 8X program on my PC, all settings lost in the GDL 82. Checked with the shop before doing anything. We’re going to see if a factory reset will get it ready to reconfigure but, that appears to be why I lost ADS-B and transponder transmissions. -Don
  3. Nice! I need 2 of them! Called JD and left a message… -Don
  4. Yep, gonna pull the one piece and check it… Appreciate the idea to check… -Don
  5. Alternator fixed! Did another break in flight today - getting closer. It appears the transponder is not squawking (ATC said noting is showing up). I’m guessing the antenna cable popped off or the connector is having issues. Talked to the shop and I’ll be bringing it in for diagnostics. -Don
  6. Another break in flight today - almost 2 hours - lost the alternator due to broken connector so cut it short. Found the broken connector and will fix it tomorrow. Gotta figure this will happen since all the removal/installing of the older connectors. Takeoff, cylinders 1 and 4 were hottest but once I got moving they tamed down well. Had to add a quart of mineral oil and will be monitoring that. Planning on flight tomorrow after fixing the broken connector. -Don
  7. It was fast, having most of the new parts already helped too. Most accessories were either overhauled/IRAN already, did the new mechanical fuel pump (bleed-off is real slow now) while the engine was off. With all the new stuff, she should be in great shape. I’m still scheduled for AutoPilot in April - that will pretty much finish off the avionics. I have 3 other things I want to do, the controls in the aft section of the tail, prop balance, and fuel tanks - once the AutoPilot is done. I’ll put some hours on the engine for a while before launching out or doing anything else… -Don
  8. Shes back and broke in! Ran strong, had to fix EGT on #4, gear warning needs adjustment but that was it. Flew her back to Mesquite after 3 hours of breakin run. 2 more hours and I’ll change the oil. 2600 RPM, touch of carb heat, cowl flaps closed…
  9. Where the huck bolts are looks like corrosion… -Don
  10. Like my Camaro on e85 - I need 30% more fuel to run - on cold days I have it set for even more to kick it off. I would find it hard to use without some form of computer/ecm. Cooler running and more power - its even hooked on ‘meth’anol ;o) -Don
  11. The dye works great… clean then fly in pattern once… https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002M4G24U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8 -Don
  12. She’s alive! Shop was able to prime and then start her up today! Shop noted right mag needs timing adjustment but all else came out great. Now, waiting for a good weather day to break her in… -Don
  13. https://lasar.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=418263be1d9c7a7f755f64da3&id=a9c67e4e18&e=0a44abd565 got this email an hour ago…
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