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About hammdo

  • Birthday April 13

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  • Location
     Carrollton Texas
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    Too many to list ;o)
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  • Model
     ‘66 M20C
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  1. 6 months vs ~3 weeks — I had most of the parts, thankfully. So much is new/replaced or recently overhauled- I’m very hopeful on her running well and breaking in quickly. While not a full overhaul, the repair is about as close as one can get… Prop and governor was IRAN’d/resealed by Byams too a couple of years back.… Mag overhauled, SureFly, exhaust overhauled by Dawley before he retired. Fingers crossed. -Don
  2. And have lots of Monopoly Money ;o) -Don
  3. There’s gonna be a hanging Monday Morning…
  4. Yep, posting etc was not working… -Don
  5. Had to order shorter pushrods. Seems new cam and the Millennium Cylinders may cause tighter tolerances. Seems the shop is getting closer! -Don
  6. @cliffy I do have those numbers— just making sure yours were defaults. Thanks! -Don
  7. @cliffy, would you care to share you’re setup settings? Thanks… -Don
  8. Develop a ‘Mooney’ Johnson bar arm ;o)
  9. Get the gear up before 80 mph or do the mooney dip. Down @ or below 120 mph. Mine works pretty well. Also a bent jbar can make it hard work or something caught in the bar area. Down block can also be egg shaped…
  10. Mine did, plus the 2 around them. The cam and lifters were ground and certified last IRAN. This time, new cam and DLC lifters, etc on this new IRAN… -Don
  11. Those -005s are like hen’s teeth to find… may have to call MSCs to see if they have them… -Don
  12. Heim ends should be all you need to replace. Make note of spacers and washers on the rod ends! top heim is F34-14, bottom is F34-14N in the parts book. Very likely right and left had threads.. item 29 and 32 in pics -Don
  13. No corrosion found. We checked the cam and lifters last year and nothing on them. My guess is these 4 just failed recently. I fly pretty much weekly, change the oils ~4 times a year so it’s not from that. -Don
  14. Here is a pic of the different types - original, DLC (Diamond Like Carbon), Rollers: -Don
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