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Everything posted by r0ckst4r

  1. I guess I should rephrase my question. I'm looking to make a message I can see from the air. Anyone have any experience or tips?
  2. Lol yes. I saw that too. A prankster on Syndney's approach
  3. Yes although simple text will do. Quite a masterpiece there.
  4. I had to look up that airline to get the joke. Maybe a bird's eye view message is a better way to put it.
  5. Kind of a random question but has anyone either made one or know anyone or any company that does a thing like this? Like chalk on a farm or field with a message you can see from the air? Has anyone here done such a thing?
  6. Yes the washers are all good and all there. Thanks again.
  7. @M20Doc thanks a million. New screws and back ups are on the way
  8. This has been harder for me to find than anticipated. I am looking for the part number for the 4 screws that go on the inside of the engine cooling air intake that fasten the top part of the cowl down. They are 10-32 thread screws and are not spring loaded like the majority of the other screws. I took them to the hardware store but they do not have a screw that matches because the head of the screws at the store are not as shallow and they do not fit nice and flush in the dished washer. I want to order this online but I think I need the exact part number so I don't end up with a screw that's "close" but doesn't fit flush.
  9. This has definitely been discussed, follow the link. The tl;dr is keep it in the green arc and within the manufacturer recommendation.
  10. Lots of good information here. Unfortunately, like some others here, I do not have the time to do this myself as my schedule is quite busy. I suppose I would either have to retire or have my hangar attached to my house so whichever comes first. It seems there is quite a lot of variation between places listed as a MSC so that you really have to rely on either personal experience or the good reputation of some of the places discussed here. I suppose at the end of the day I will be heading back to AGL. On a side note, for all the of the other shops listed as official Mooney Service Centers, what is the criteria for this? Is there some sort of ongoing certification or is it just a pay a fee to maintain it sort of thing?
  11. My O lives at KSMS. I don't think there are many Mooneys here. I had high hopes for Precision Air at KMNI and I could try it but it would be a gamble. I'm sort of close to AGL at KMRN which is very reputable but it's much farther
  12. Was looking for a few opinions on where you chose to get your annuals done. A reputable Mooney service center is available but is a little far for me. There is one closer but I have not had any experience there and it does not appear anyone else here has either. The FBO at my home base has done some repairs for me which went well. I suppose my question is do many of you get your annual done close by or do you travel out of your way to a MSC?
  13. Any worries of worse aerodynamics and lower cruise speeds with outside mounted cameras?
  14. Yes I had an annual done there before but it's a little hard to get to for me.
  15. Bump just in case but I guess no experiences here?
  16. I am thinking of getting a camera or two to start recording some flights. Just wanted to see what experience people had, what camera you used and where you mounted them in the plane.
  17. Love the igniter/TKS panel idea lol. Like a flying phoenix!
  18. Online it says the service manager is Freddie Hilton
  19. I happen to see that there is a Mooney Service Center at KMNI in Manning, SC. This is pretty close to me and was wondering if anyone had any experience there or had an annual done there. The FBO is Precision Air.
  20. I don't know about you guys but what I get from all this is as long as my CHT is below 360 I'm leaning to peak EGT and getting as many knots as I can for my fuel.
  21. I think WHAT happens has been already eloquently discussed earlier in the thread and the question posed (I'm assuming) is why 250 was chosen as the magic number. The only answer I have seen thus far is what was just posted and that is because it is the lower limit on the green arc on our CHT gauge
  22. @PT20Janother great article @carusoam Yes, I think I didn't articulate myself well. At first like most newer pilots I was sticking to the POH but now based on what I've been reading for a while now I've gone to running much closer to peak EGTs and keeping the CHTs closer to the 360-400 operating range. I'm just glad I'm not alone (and not crazy)
  23. Speaking specifically on the IO550g, Continental recommends CHT between 360-400 in cruise. The reasons for keeping the CHT in that range were discussed earlier in the thread however it seems that by consensus that keeping it colder than that range is not a problem unless it is quite a bit lower.
  24. Reviving this post from the dead but good information here. Based on all this information I have been recently adjusting my leaning technique and fine tuning it by CHTs. I always fly LOP but I have started to not fly at -50 LOP and have been flying closer to peak EGT. My hottest CHT, which is almost always #5. Usually ends up around 350 or 360 which seems to be in range. I’m assuming that the basis of the -50 peak recommendation was to produce adequate cylinder head temps in the absence of my fancy JPI engine monitor, but if I can directly monitor my cylinder head temps shouldn’t this supersede that recommendation? Just want to confirm if my thinking is sound.
  25. I also went the bullet LED route and it was easy and works great. I was missing the stupid metal clip that held my old lights in and they were literally RTV'd in place. So I was glad to get rid of that crap and the new lights mounted easily by design. And as for the brightness, I think you are on to something with having overly bright recog lights that can obscure the nav lights. It has been mentioned, either earlier in this thread, or in other threads, if you want bright lights so people can see you there is nothing better than LED landing and taxi lights that you can leave on. If you have that, these recognition lights are essentially obsolete and are just cosmetic at this point. So it goes to follow that just matching the brightness of the factory light should be the goal. BTW. I do love the idea of having the lights red/green to match the nav lights but I think my hangar elves have pushed the boundaries far enough lol. Something like that would most certainly draw some unwanted attention at next annual.
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