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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. Wonder what the full story is here. https://www.yahoo.com/news/santa-fe-family-struggles-insurance-040500421.html
  2. Servicing means filling the tank.
  3. I've solved a lot of comm issues by cleaning the ground wire off the battery. Both ends.
  4. I recently read a analysis from a RGA (a re-insurance that said in GA, gliders have the highest claim rate for hull loss, but that the amounts are low, because gliders don't cost much and because of low speeds, rarely bodily injury https://www.rgare.com/knowledge-center/article/general-aviation-experience-in-the-united-states
  5. There is worry in economic publications that the US is rapidly becoming uninsurable in a number of lines of insurance.
  6. It seems strange they would be maker it harder. Dr. Northrup has always been a "KISS principle" kind of doctor before she was at the FAA and even while with the FAA in the Southeast region.
  7. Words of wisdom on colonoscopies. If the doc needs hearing aids, get up and walk away. Just walk away. https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-doc-not-wearing-hearing-193408086.html
  8. If I was doing a field overhaul of an IO-540 only one place to go. Gann Aviation
  9. I have no doubt. He was a gem but this new girl I am sure has a lot of editorial experience with the community college newspaper.
  10. If you want to scare yourself, have someone stall the airplane while you look at the horizontal stab. You'll wonder who it stayed attached.
  11. Then you have AVWeb where they have a 20 something GenZ writing the articles like they are for Axios and in her bio she says she has a private pilots license and likes to fly her parent's Ttx in Colorado. I'm guessing the teddy bears are still on the bed too.
  12. I think the editorial content of AC has declined. If anyone knows why I suddenly started receiving Vogue and Bazaar for no discernible reason, I would like to know that too.
  13. It always has been available. There is no requirement to take hull unless you have a loan on your airplane and your loan covenants requires it.
  14. When I was young, and needed the hours I had no problem flying KOAK to PHNL wearing a gumbie around my waist, more fuel than was comfortable with, a wobble pump in clear tubing and LORAN A unit sitting on top of the tank to my right (which I never used). I guess if the effort really floats your raft, go for it. Me, I was over it once I had bleed air and an APU. It is just another flight at a higher risk level.
  15. https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/flotool/tools---equipment/oil---lube-tools/funnels/9227a0a2bf37/hopkins-flotool-blue-plastic-funnel/hop5/10701/v/a/5340/automotive-truck-2002-ford-f-250-super-duty?q=funnel&pos=2
  16. I only pour the oil in with a long neck funnel that way it isolates the breather tube.
  17. My view is a Part 23 single engine airplane, as well as most light twins is, they are a toy. Buy the toy that makes you happy because they all break in one way or another. Unless you got a newer Lycoming you got cam issues, and the fuel injection is not so great either. If you got a Continental you got to baby the cylinders. As to speeds, unless it is a real dog, 10-15 knots here or there makes zero difference in most enroute times block to block. As Rosana Dana said, "It's always something" buy what you like and enjoy.
  18. If the X disappears after servicing the tank, it is likely the outboard float stuck against the rib when the level gets low. Mine does it sometimes too.
  19. Excellent advice. I have been having charging issues with my 2005 M20R GX. Especially battery #2. I ultimately removed all the battery cables (the ground cable on #2 is a real PIA to get). The cables and terminals looked good, but I cleaned them anyway with contact cleaner and scotchbrite pad as well as the ground points. Put it all back together and NO MORE PROBLEMS! In fact it has never charged as good as it does now.
  20. George's response on the BT thread is very enlightening.
  21. It will be better if you are willing to pay the overhead airports and FBO's have to pay to maintain two dispensing systems. You think Avgas is expensive now, wait until you have that kind of capital investment. I don't think you have really thought this out. New tanks, new dispensing equipment, double the number of trucks. Oh yeah it would be in the billions. Even worse, you would be amortizing that equipment investment over half the gallons, because while the total demand has not changed, you have double the equipment. Lycoming can wail all they want, but they told the FAA when they got a TCDS what they expect in exacting terms of fuel and the FAA took them at their word. When a fuel came along that was not on the TCDS but met all of Lycoming's expectations it informed the FAA during certification of their engine, the FAA said yes. Unless Lycoming wants to go back and amend their TCDS to specifically say "this fuel, with this formulation will not be used" then the STC stands. Further in doing so, Lycoming will have to explain why so that the FAA can exclude other STC applicants and amend their process which is a very, very tall order because it will basically upend the certification of all their engines, and they know it.
  22. There is a good article in this month's Aviation Consumer about G100UL and what the STC means. Basically it says that per the General Counsel's "Busch Letter' an STC is the final word on the suitability of a product to be used and that Lycoming's "might not warranty" is BS because the FAA has said the fuel meets the requirement of the Certificate Holder's specifications on the engine, even if the type certificate holder does not specify or agree. They went on to note that airframe manufactures tried the same weasel words with VG mounted on the wing and that did not work either because as long as the airframe (or engine) was used within the parameters of the TCDS the STC would have no effect upon its viability, parameters or service life.
  23. Really? Who wants to invest in two dispensing systems? You want to put up the money? You guys are like the 5 stages of grief. Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Right now you are bargaining with financially impractical solutions. The only way this gets solved is to put the fuel in the field and see what happens.
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