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Everything posted by ExpressJetter

  1. Jerry told me on the first call it was a non-refundable 10% deposit. Nothing about refunding anything. What he is describing to you above is "if the plane exists I keep your $. If it doesnt exist, you can get it back" (of course that is a little dumbed down) As an experienced seller, and "mechanic" he should know that by hiding information he is essentially committing fraud which (at least in my state) is 3 times damages. So there really should not be any "descriptive discrepancies"...... but their are The guy is shady.
  2. Oh and also about repairs done by smoky mountain aeroplanes in TN?
  3. Hey guys. I'm looking for information about a guy in TN names Kennith Phillips. I don't know anything about the guy, but really wondering if he is a good resource for a prebuy on a Mooney in TN, or if anyone knows of him. He did a prebuy on this plane I'm looking at and might use him again if hes good. Thanks Mike
  4. Do you mind saying how much this work is costing? I'm trying to figure out of the route u did is they way I want to go with my future purchase?
  5. This is nothing new. They've been doing heavily this since the passenger bill of rights came out
  6. Hes in PA but never asked him if he was that mobile.
  7. Idk if a mr. Clean magic eraser would work or change the panel cover. But try it in a corner first
  8. Gotcha. The "Lately I've been considering buying one of these planes and leaving it in the hangar while I finish in the 172 rental. " made me think it'll sit for 6 months before you fly it
  9. Idk if he would go that far, but @orionflt might be able to help you but again idk. I talked to him about a purchase and he seems like a wealth of info
  10. If you're gonna leave it in a hangar while u fly something else, what is the rush to buy? What state are you in?
  11. Because you have an endorsement in your logbook to fly solo. You're not solo when your with an instructor........... and I think ur instructor used this loophole below in ur logging. You were "acting" as PIC but the instructor was the legal PIC Under U.S. FAA FAR 14 CFR 61.51,[6] logging flight time as a PIC is different and distinct from acting as the legal PIC for a flight. In general, the PIC of a given flight may always log his or her flying time as such, while other crew members may or may not be authorized to log their time on that flight as PIC time, depending on the specific circumstances and the controlling jurisdiction.
  12. If you don't have the endorsement, you cant PIC. And those require endorsements.
  13. For people that have followed this and want a good laugh.
  14. I've always heard this as a CFI. It is whoever is PIC is at fault, but CFIs can also be at fault due to training level. But that's only hearsay that I've heard. Never seen the actual outcomes of accidents and blame
  15. Registration changed may 2019
  16. As far as the GS discussion, I'd want my GS in Knots. Helps with easy calculations on the sectional/ time/distance/fuel calculations. Everything in the world of flying is in Nautical miles when charted. When flying the plane for speeds, use MPH since POH has those in mph. In short I like the GS in Knots and indicated and true in MPH
  17. almost did this
  18. I thought I was nice about it
  19. This is icing on the cake
  20. I am im agreement with you. There is still more to the story tho. He was trying to discourage me from taking it to the place we both finally agreed upon. Saying the place is too expensive. The deal was I pay for the annual, and they had the option to repair or back out ( no refund) they also wanted a 5k deposit incase I stiffed the mechanic they chose (talked them down to 2.5k) Seller is apparently a millionaire (according to his buddy) making 5k a day, but doesnt want to get an annual and insurance..... just way too many things that just don't make sence. Plus I would be owning this plane for 5 years until I would move up top an f or j. So selling might be difficult too with all these things.
  21. I feel their side was deceptive. The guy I've been talking to isnt a broker, but a life long friend of the owner and has flown the plane on and off fir the owner. I find it hard to believe he didn't know about the 2003 grear up and the history of who owned it. That along with the owners demands on where to get the annual makes me not want to pursue this one.
  22. Deal seemed too good to be true, but like you said, gotta find out why before u just run without knowing why.
  23. So I talked to @orionflt on the phone and he was SUPER SUPER SUPER helpful. Turns out the plane had 3 gear ups/major accidents total, one under this owner, and they only ever acknowledged the one I found via the NTSB in 1966. Not only that, a mechanic who is now in jail (for MX fraud) owned the plane just prior to this owner. Again, they never disclosed that this mechanic owned it, only that he worked on it once or twice. Tail # N6846U if anyone is interested.
  24. I wanted the annual done at airmods, but the seller doesnt want it to go that far and across state lines. We agreed on Henry Webber in Lancaster PA ( another MSC). Anyone got any info on them?
  25. It is eastern PA. Where is he out of?
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