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About markgrue

  • Birthday 11/05/1958

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    Benton IL
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  1. It is actually supposed to do both. Whatever works for you.
  2. This is how it is supposed to be. That seal rides on top of the end Tank fins. It allows air to flow over the end tanks.
  3. First thing that comes to mind is the rtv on the oil cooler. The air is supposed to circulate around the ends of the oil cooler through the fins there. I personally prefer the 15-50 oil as it is a semi synthetic oil and I feel it lubricates better than the straight weight oils. Just my opinion and it is worth just what you paid for it. Mark
  4. Where c are you located? Dm me Mark
  5. Non ad hubs are scarce. Probably have to buy new. Going with the hartzell again and you can reuse the blades. Upgrading the hub and you will probably have over 10k in it. Get it resealed and eddy current checked and probably around 2k if the insides are good.
  6. In the military we called it maintenance induced maintenance. We broke more things while inspecting them than we discovered already broke.
  7. I had this happen as well. Fortunately it is easy hand prop to get home so I could fix it in my hangar. Mark
  8. Avidyne 440 is my choice for full function gps nav com. I am a firm believer in keeping ground based nav capabilities.
  9. Really need a picture of the piece to which you refer. Mark
  10. Not owner assist. I generally don't like owner assist unless I know them. I usually spend more time answering questions than inspecting. I use the Mooney checklist. If the owner wants to accomplish things like changing oil and washing the engine before hand that will save him some money. My rate covers looking at the aircraft and doing the paperwork. Oil changes and wheel bearings are extra and billed by the hour. If the owner wants to do them then they save that cost. If they do all of the panel opening before I get there I will knockoff for that time. I always close. I have gotten bit by an owner who closed up a screwdriver in the belly panel so that is not going to happen again. I know it seems petty but once bitten twice shy as the saying goes... Mark
  11. What upgrade are you interested in?
  12. I generally charge 2500. 2000 if I have done it before. Mark
  13. Usually their face when they face plant on the wing. The only thing holding them up is a spring and they will go down when stepped on. Mark
  14. I have the 2500 setup in my Baron. I am very happy with it and would do it again. Only change would be another Aspen on the right side. Probably would not have room for that in my Mooney. Mark
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