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About ilikethewoods

  • Birthday 01/24/1980

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    Bagged out trucks, helicopter-Huey! Mooney’s

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  1. I know you're asking about a cluster. DM me if you're looking for a brand new CHT probe, installed then pulled for installation of EDM. If ya can afford an engine monitor, do it. If ya can't hit me up and I'll sell you the probe for what I paid for it. Stay up.
  2. Not trying to jack this thread for my story. I have the OG RPM gauge and...*should've listened to everyone saying use a digital RPM first to verify the OG gauge is reading correctly*. Well I went ahead and adjusted my prop-gov (the little stop screw at the Prop Governor). Did high power runs down the runway, flew, adjusted it so it sat right at 2700 inflight. Fast forward, had an instructor fly with me not to long ago and ask: how come we're not climbing, isn't this a Mooney. I charged that one to the game and thought in my mind: at least I own an airplane...! Installed a JPI 830, with the RPM harness. Guess what, my OG gauge is about (cant remember exactly) off. So at 2700, I'm really below that RPM. Now back to adjusting, high taxing, more flying for a problem that could've been resolved with a simple effort on my part. That's my story.
  3. Massive thanks for this post. Very interested in this auto-pilot. Seems like *Disclaimer* my opinion for what works best for my budget. I do like that the unit is self contained and it doesn't need an outside source for a DG. Be interesting to see how she talks to the 430 etc. Wondering about the installations manuals, been wanting to read up a bit and see if anything crazy like fittings, extra harness or some crazy plug you need to make it work. Again, thanks for the post.
  4. eBay. Have ton of Mooney parts on there, and ya can make best offer on most. Keep in mind, there’s zero traceability on most of the parts, so your mechanic might feel a type of way putting non 8130’s or Yellow tagged parts on your ship. Stay up.
  5. Just throwing my little 2cents in. When switching fuel tanks, ya can 100% feel the detents in the selector valve. Mine was leaking, sent it to LAZAR. He rebuilt it for a reasonable price. He even extracted a screw that was broken off in the valve. Worth getting a quote. Stay up.
  6. I'm working on my swap now. I'm reading the IPC on the J. Slowly buying parts that Mooney engineers did the hard work. There's tons of information on MS about the swap. Tons of positive information, but also tons of negative as well. Many people saying: go buy a J. Some saying: Presti swap. Some saying: stay stock. I think: efff em! It's you're airplane. I prefer the J cowling, with the windshield it looks super slick. Try and use IPC, it really has a ton of information.
  7. Thats interesting point about the prop on the E's & F's. Thanks.
  8. Word, just hit a buddy regarding this question as well. Now I gotta get a M20j spinner but everyone wants $900. Aviation is a joke. Parts been sitting on dudes shelves for years, haven't seen the light of an airplane since it was removed, but yo ass wants top dollar...! HAHA. No wonder why people go the experimental route.
  9. So you have to run a top-prop..? You cant just change the bulkhead to run a M20J spinner? How the hell does the cowling know what prop you have on, it's the spinner that matches the cowling.
  10. How much was the bill from Divco for the case O/H? Thanks and goodluck..
  11. Late to the party but, my M20f was doing this and I bought a new battery (mistake)! Then I started to do some actual trouble shooting and I found: the cannon plug that the master switch is connected to main feeder harness, had tons of corrosion. I mean tons! Cleaned, connected and it worked perfectly. It’s from 1976....
  12. Nice looking aircraft!!
  13. Mine usually doesn't sit outside but I'm not sure about the previous owner.
  14. Thanks! I’m going today to knock out some more items on the bird. I’ll definitely check it today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I just found that article today. I'm going to start using Google more, instead of wasting members time. Thanks for link, and help. Stay up..
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