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About jghyde

  • Birthday 03/14/1964

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    San Angelo, TX KSJT
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  1. The volume of metal was at the limit of the SB, according to AP.
  2. The engine has 2480 hours TSMOH and was installed in the Mooney on 1/31/1964. IA wasn't enthusiastic about signing it off.
  3. I had this problem. Changed out everything from the key (switch) to the starter. Turned out, it was a 3-yr old weak battery. I'd say the chances are 75% that's what it is!
  4. I own a 1964 M20D that was converted to an M20C in the year it was born. Since I purchased it, I have put in a Garmin panel, overhauled the prop, installed a Powerflow exhaust... Yeah, I've put some coin into modernizing it! It came with every speed mod except the one-piece belly. I bought the Mooney five years ago with about 1,600 hours on an overhauled O360 A1D engine that had a recent top overhaul. The engine ran great with 70+ compressions on all four cylinders even up and until my annual in April 2024. A couple of months prior to the April annual, my IA and I decided it was time to get a new engine. The twice-overhauled engine currently installed is the original engine, with a installation date of 1/31/1964. By April 2024, the engine had 2,450 SMOH hours on it. Because of the age of the motor, instead of overhauling it, I decided to purchase a factory remanufactured engine and placed an $8,500 deposit on a Lycoming factory reman. When I ordered the engine in February 2024, I was okay with the 16-19 month lead time as the old engine was purring good, even at 2,450 hours. I'd muscle through. Then, during the annual inspection's oil change, we discovered the 'ol 60-year-old engine was making metal— enough metal to give me pause about continuing to operate it. Of course, the IA wasn't going to sign it off either. Meanwhile, Lycoming gave me a delivery date for the factory reman on November 2025! The old engine is required for trade-in to get the lower price on the reman. I'm obviously grounded for a long while—19 months. 17 more months to go! Does anyone have any ideas about how I can get flying again without having to spend to ton of $$$ on a second engine, assuming if I can even find one?
  5. I also have a '63 C Model. Not sure you said earlier, but what was the all-in cost for your new PF exhaust? I am considering this upgrade.


    1. jghyde


      $4700 + $1300 install. I got a deal on the PF itself at OSH.

  6. I had the opportunity to ride along and fly the Mooney M20T Predator over the weekend at the Mooney Caravan Texas Formation clinic. Here's the report.
  7. The air box wasn't broken a year ago and the plane was a 143 KTAS airplane back then, too. But, to be true, there were 4 things accomplished on the trip: Air Box replacement Power Flow installation Challenger Air Filter installation Prop balance. Power Flow did the PF install + prop balance for 1.3k amus. The air box was another couple hours shop time.
  8. Power Flow in an M-20C O360 Flew a 4-hop back to Texas from Daytona after Power Flow was installed. Initial impression: Arrived to get the PF installed and the air box was horked. However, for years, my plane was a 143 KTAS airplane. Fixed the air box and installed PF along with a new Challenger air filter in Daytona. My Mooney has 201 windshield, wing root fairings, tail root fairing, enclosure on front cowl, a gap seals. General impression after 4-hop home: Climb rate is 2x greater in FPM up to about 5,000 feet then it tapers off considerably Got airspeed from a GTN 650xi - 151-152 KTAS at 4000-6500 MSL WOT (25/26 ish), improved from 143 KTAS before PF. That's an 8 to 9 KTAS improvement. CHTs are about 20 degrees higher Got prop balance too. Very smooth performance Plane rumbles now. Sounds bad ass!
  9. Pm me. I have one in texas Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The Power Flow installation went well. Also installed one of those fancy Challenger Air Filters. Hope it doesn't rain on the way home!
  11. Temporary fix until i get back to Texas. Don't shoot!
  12. Not yet. I also put on a Power Flow and that took a little longer. However, the Air Box was a blocker to even beginning the PF. I’ll fly out at 0800 Saturday. Air Box woes extended my stay 2 days!
  13. Explain grounding problem "inside" the starter?
  14. Carusosm— your best pontification yet! I wonder if old C models should start using the circular air box for the O360 on the RV-8 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I honestly don’t know what model Mooney that accordion came from. It was found in storage at Ranger Aviation in San Angelo. They used to be an MSC I think. The guy told me he thought it was for a newer Mooney like a J model. But Js are fuel injected. The final verdict is the accordion was the exact part. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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