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    Love to fly fast ---> Mooney
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    M20V, M20K

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  1. The sale was not my merit. I don't know the new owner, but apparently a US dealer bought the machine and is transferring it at the moment (currently in BIRK Reykjavík). Nevertheless, I look back on wonderful hours with the Acclaim Ultra. The ferry flight from Kerrvile to Switzerland will accompany me for the rest of my life and will remain in good memory. Jan
  2. The N242KT is sold and now on the way to the roots --> USA. Regards Jan, with a laughing and a crying eye
  3. Was this the SB? M20_340 (mooney.com)
  4. I also fly a GB :-) It is possible to fly this version without any problems if you are careful enough to handle it. The engine even reached more hours than the TBO specified. It has now been rebuilt, again in the original GB condition.
  5. I also prefer these speeds. At these speeds you have the best ratio between stall speed and bank angle, in any configuration. So it can also handle a bank angle of 45°, if necessary. (best regards from Switzerland, we have tight patterns here ) Jan
  6. In the appendix the report as PDF Jan Mooney.pdf
  7. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/229193 Bad day :-( Jan
  8. Hello from Switzerland :-) The Patrouille Suisse don't perform a show over 15min (fake news ) , it was only one over flight in formation. Cheers from the Mooney-Swiss-Mountain-Flyer, Jan
  9. Hey -a- (whats your Name?) I am Jan from Switzerland, 35 years old, I am a "new-Mooney" Fan. I made the ferry flight from the N242KT M20V last year from Kerrville to Switzerland over the North Atlantic. Nearby I fly a M20K-231 in Europe, TB20, DR40, DA20... Fore more infos about me, dont hesistate to contatc me. Jan
  10. I had a Stand in the static display. I was able to show the new Acclaim Ultra to a lot of Visitors. Thanks to all who visited me
  11. Hey togheter I was there with the new Acclaim Ultra (but no official as Mooney). Best regards Jan
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