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Richard Knapp

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About Richard Knapp

  • Birthday March 5

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbus, GA
  • Interests
    Flying, preaching, solar and energy technology, and others.
  • Reg #
  • Model
    M20K 305

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  1. Could you tell me who you got the better rocker switch covers from? And when you ordered from Shapeways, did you have to send them one of your switch covers, or did they know what you needed?
  2. So I presume this airplane sold a long time ago, right? Thanks for answering. Richard Knapp 423-387-1708
  3. What weight was the Phillips, and what brand 100W did you try? Thanks!
  4. Hi @aviatoreb, two or three questions from your post. How fast and at what altitude do you go at 72% LOP and 16 gph? Where did you get your surefly ignition put in (your mechanic or did you need to travel somewhere else)? And if you don't mind, what did the whole operation cost you. Sounds like something I need.
  5. On Tuesday, I stayed at full power (Mixture, prop and throttle) up to 14,000 and then to 16,000, with no overheating. Ended up between 130 and 135 knots to keep temps at or below 380. Still climbed at 1000 fpm or more. I was quite pleased. Thanks to all for your help and advice! :-|)
  6. Thanks for sharing! So, @PJClark, what speed did you climb at-to 14,000 and then 16,000? And what MP and RPM was the 197 kts at?
  7. @louisut what @aviatoreb has posted is what I have. Could you possibly show us the page from your Rocket AFM, please?? I'd be grateful. :-)
  8. @louisut that is new information to me. I guess there's some stuff on my Rocket I've not read yet. I'll try it out!
  9. PJClark, yes, I got a lot of help. I’m checking out Gee-Bee. I hope when I’ve got a few other things done to try Surefly ignition. For now I can climb fine with full throttle/full RMP. Thanks everyone for your help.
  10. @PJClark, Could you tell me how many FPM you climb at 130 KIAS and 35/2500, please?
  11. I have recently bought a Rocket and would like some advice on climbing to altitude. I start off at full everything, and then after 1000 feet or two drop back to a manifold pressure of 35 and 2500 RPM. Even though I leave the mixture full rich and cowl flaps open, of course, I still find my hotest cylinder creeping above 380 and near 400 at a speed of 120 kts. Sometimes, perhaps I’ve gone a little slower than 120 kts. I end up having to speed up to 130 kts to get the temperatures to drop a bit, and my climbing rate plummets to about 600 ft./min. I am wondering what other people do. I am not sure that reducing from full throttle and full RPM actually runs any cooler, but it’s what I was taught. Thanks!
  12. I've recently bought a Mooney Rocket. I've got 25 hours on it since its annual. Oil is used but not very dark. I'll have to add its first quart soon. How often do you guys with turbocharged engines change your oil? Thanks!!
  13. Does anyone know of a CFI with Mooney experience in the Columbus, GA area?

    I am finally buying a Mooney (M20K 252) later this month, if all goes well.  I have no Mooney time, and need 10 hours in the plane with an instructor.  I can do it in New Jersey, but will need to spend several days in a hotel, rent a car, fly up commercially, etc.  The seller has offered to fly it down here for me, which would be ever so much easier and probably much less expensive (no missed work).


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