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Everything posted by ReconJon

  1. Im at Olympia airport and have a nicely upgraded 1966 M20E. PM is coming your way. Ill be more than happy to get you hooked on Mooney.
  2. I have an M20E and would be more than happy to give you a ride out of OLM. Corona virus can eat a ....
  3. Stay FAR Far away from Craig SCAMhorn @ Command. Unless you want some 15 year old kids working on your plane and parts being pulled off your mooney and thrown onto other ones to get out the door. Oh and automatically assume atleast $1000 on your bill is total BS because they have pulled it off immediately once confronted on some weird hours numbers being on there on multiple occasions waiting on someone to not question it and fire off the money.
  4. Do a solid run up. They tend to spit and backfire for a bit. Dont want that on takeoff.
  5. Interested, sending a PM. Correction a text.
  6. Well I really appreciate all the responses guys, I will be doing the 900. Gonna go grab some more 100’s to light on fire and throw off the dock...wait thats the boat...into the hangar I mean.
  7. So had my oil temp gauge doing some crazy stuff yesterday while doing run-up and caused me to abort a take-off. Long story short I am sick of messing with these old gauges. I am wondering whether I should grab the 830 as I am not really hurting on panel space or is springing for the 900 really worth it. I would like to hear from 830 owners as to if they would recommend one or skip past it and the extra cash is worth the 900. Additionally, if anyone has a used one for sale....
  8. That did it, your awesome man. If your ever in the Olympia area Ill buy you a beer.
  9. Those didn't work. They are corrupted files.
  10. Chrixxer it is saying no longer available can you repost possibly or send it to me?
  11. Kfc 225 still avail?
  12. Looking for other mooney owners at KOLM. After this thing blows over to hit a hamburger run with this summer. I have my 1966 M20E parked down there right now and cant wait to get back to fly her.
  13. Any still available? Been away from the web for a bit.
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